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Istruzioni per l'uso Black & Decker, Modello TS53

Produttore : Black & Decker
File Size : 3.46 mb
File Nome : ts53_mea.pdf
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(jSújjJüLuJI J-л 4-ll»*J| JJ& • . (JjXíjj^Ü »i t*>j l çLLaJiJI 11л< * . f-llaiJI ¿M-C.J Lili.tfu.gJI j» JlscUjjjI • ^jJeJI í^julu^. ^j'~,¿ л VîN CLc3j l À1“ VJ JL3 . 3^_aL>. lIjLíuJjjJ-iuJ I ^jjC" . ■< i 1_u^_ûj JjjLâJ T—Y Jjlj * « ójxIæJIj ♦j-eVl !i| Sj^fuseJI !^уллл >jLsb]l ^1л mH ^ » д| * ♦ jî jtUJI V i jj jl»j • 5 ¿^jLlöVI j1/j cjLo^-LdLâ-4 ¿azi (jIojJijj î- í4jLIaj clsl • Ф^^-i-î JjIjj-u 4jLs jT (juijLSJI jî lîILuJI ¿jL^aJI V 44_ajLj^SÜI tliLoJuuaJI ¿yQ • . 4alôj Ç_y/L»jë 4*1л^ ^»1 jLgeTu-ub jl^yll ¿^y^.jLscJI JSL14II ^jloa\^ t rtfcn * ¿)jj-i jI^äJI l£]j^j V .JLálaVl ¿уз L_j^_aJl_j ^1 JlâL-uI J-Lc. | Jl>- 4 д c-u^ 4j^|j-qJ1 ^_lLu * . 4^ol jJtIL_ul iiLuî 4j1^j dlii jî ^LOJfcJ 4_el JläIu-üI çkJlC. 4JLx £ЫЫ! J\Àîr д ¿yo ci.LL.aJl £^j1j jL^âJ! <3lc.! * ¿yo ¡ÜjLstx Jlí£. ^L^LII ciiLuJl ii'fri ul V ♦ jL^âII 4jL-L£3 ¿1 jî 4djfon jî jLpJl j^L¿a3 it Ji I^c.î 4jI_) 4ZL>Ll^| Jiftj t LûJIj ^j-tuLûJI jî cíÍL_aJl I ^ * 4-uljy^ (JLLaS-î 4jÎ ^-lLuojj <\is\-r à\ JuÇuua 4_o JL>. j^j-л l-j^jsV jL^âJ! JlC-Î . ^JlSLtlùVl ¿ya tJ$LùL ^Lj .jJolifc* 4jÎ c^lxâÔJ 4_La_uiaJ jî 4j£Lijl£Lbe jî Ijl^J 4aJu-a*JI 4^-arll (J_l3 ¿ye L^juu jî L^j jj£l CjIjlj t n t jî oLbtLe 4jÎ ^v| jJtIL_ul ¿)j * ♦ 4j <^>-V ЛИ1 4jLùôV1 j! 4_uLjj-^ ¿LoJllo ¿jjJlâj caj.i*uj Jl3 jL^äII »4-I>.Lí-ü »V jî^iujl^LH ¿¿UjLLxll 4^U>. lS.ltд c^l.L.ill di^lu V • . ^âjLûaJI ^»JuselUdul t4-LvL«.uJI 1л i »Vl C-.ûJ1 ^ jî ô>ûJ1 ¿j-л VjJj îjLlxJI Jlà I д (j^o 4l is\a\ ОJuTuJ jî lLLLuJ 1 ¿уз jL^äII Vj »lLULuJI ^1JläZLu<1 |Лги_иЗ V * « 4j_uaüJ ^jS^j 4_xäj_u1^ LiLubol tc£ÍJ J LseJL^j 1 JLu>. LÜfcpjQ 4-Lll¿3^üJI ci.LL-0 ¿)Í qA Jl^Ij tjl^7~4 4-uLjj-^ 4lx1 JljcTluiI JLtf * .^1 Jläj-lu^U ♦ ь1л2^ ^^-LqJl j»l JLSfcT<.<-u^U <пд 3^?~11 * Jüï JjllÜl jî « jLaTLt^gJl 4^ojLJeJl j&j-a (^ylj 4JLmjî ^Jj tciJLitâ ij jl^*srll ^JjLseJ V • ♦ 4j>.^Lt-öV übl—^jVl aÙ 2üJjJL».t I BLACK & DECKER *><» aJu^i . »lyuJI ¿y* IjLâc.1 ^LUJI I Ji^l Sjl».|j iiui 4jjua ^LeLoi ULftjia Black & Decker A&jJjt ñ“ i » i(jLe-ua)l 3ÿà pLiî (_gtj ^11*11 4jLlöJ 3JL>. ¡j£j . ^iLualll ^3 «LL».! jJl _ll j-gJI jt ^oLualJI i_1^í£. ¿)L»-úaJ1 (_rLaj»j . иЦьл «üLv п.»! (Black & Decker Lsàj) jî4^>.}1иэЬ . I.tl-a-«» L¿J ^Ljl3( jí (¿laLseJI JL^jlLjíVI íJL^aVI uVt ç-^j-u {jC. 4¿*jLiJt ¿Jit-tf.Vl V ajL*Lüo| jLlI>-I Black & Decker ¿jlá ^■ -t ци JjjlJI çtyuJl uLlc . 3 a! t-> .11» ç.\>AA\ JL-ajJ ^j! |«J ^jjLj iXalut^JI ^.LÜJ ^b^.Vl V11 J3^>-J (j-e jítill £—A (jLíM-iaJl J^'T'1 "" isL^j SLel «дИ СдЦЦа^а 4JI3* IaAjIjjV ь!э1а~>ЛИ . ifllni 4jj^-! Íc.^JlaJI 4JLtujJ líliSLaJ jf 1j1äaJ1 «ÜLxöJI j-Sj-A ^_yj| ilLmÁb JLuajjj (jLaíáJI 4^UaJ j_a iJIajwJt gJjLa.ll Ik>- j|j-a «LáLusj £_л (£$лд (jjJuiudS 1 Joq. 4 ájU"n LlK &L«J1 ¿ya ^j-LaJI ¿J/úJ ¿ya JlStj jí Jopailj JL^äJI (jLtojj 4JL>- ¿j^J .udj|jÍ£. 4jbí ¿ya J^Ijj 4jLluaJ1 4 К miд11 L^já ( rt atrt-v^La ¿£j\ ^Ij 4jjLlö| ^jLüJ oLcl^üil < njUl y . Ja2á2LJJJL*í( ¿jVL*jlu«MJ |uu BLACK & DECKER HOME APPLIANCE 1 YEAR WARRANTY Black & Decker provides a 1 Year Warranty for this product from the date of purchase against defects due to defective materials or workmanship. Motor/element burn-outs due to voltage fluctuations are not covered under warranty. If the product should become defective within the warranty period, Black & Decker will repair or (at Black & Decker’s discretion) replace it free of charge. The warranty provisions do not cover failure due to accident, misuse, abuse, negligence or non observation of local regulations on the part of the user. Equally, the warranty provisions do not apply where the appliance has been serviced by a person not authorized by Black & Decker or serviced with non-approved parts and this has contributed to the fault of the product. Superseded models without a replacement equivalent will either be repaired or (at Black & Decker’s discretion) replaced with another product of similar retail value. UPON PURCHASE Fill in the Warranty Registration Card with the original Authorized Dealer’s stamp (indicating date of purchase) and attach your purchase receipt to it. Retain in case of claims in the future. MAKING A CLAIM Take your defective product together with the Warranty Registration Card & purchase receipt to your local service Centre. You can eit...

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