da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
AV OUT OPEN SUBTITLE ANGLE English ZOOM VOL MAP DIR ...... ZOOM VOL MAP DIR ...... Remote Controller NAVI (NAVI mode) ROUTEM Displays Route Option menu. Joystick NAVI VOICE CANCEL MAP DIRVIEW ROUTEM .. MODE/TOP MENU FNC/MENU/PBC AUDIO RETURN ENTER O Performs the selected function. AV OUT OPEN SUBTITLE O .. Scrolls the map, or moves the cursor. ENTER NAVI........ VOICE CANCELROUTEM SUBTITLEAV OUT OPEN MAP DIR • • • TV OUTMENU IN ENTER ZOOM FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO RETURN DVD TV AUD POSITION .............. • • • • FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO ANGLE RETURN VIEW Switches between 2D and 3D map displays. OUTMENU IN ENTER ZOOM FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO RETURN DVD TV NAVI POSITION ............ • • • • VOICE ANGLE FM+ .. AUD ZOOM VOL Plays Voice guidance. ZOOM Zooms in or out the navigation map. ZOOM DISP ...... ENTER FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO ANGLE RETURN TV NAVI........ VOICE CANCELROUTEM SUBTITLEOPEN VIEW • • • O AUD • DVD • • TV V.SEL OUTMENU SRC IN ENTER POSITION .... MAP DIR AV OUT MENU Displays Main menu. V.SEL OUTMENU IN ENTER ZOOM DVD TV AUD DISP POSITION SRC ............ • • • Switches between the heading up navigation and north up navigation map displays. FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO RETURN NAVI .... VOICE CANCELROUTEM SUBTITLEAV OUT OPEN VIEW ANGLE .. CANCEL Displays previous screen. ENTER FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIO ANGLE RETURN TV NAVI........ VOICE CANCELROUTEM SUBTITLEAV OUT OPEN MAP DIRVIEW • • • POSITION Displays the current position. V.SEL OUTMENU ENTER ZOOM TV DISP POSITION SRC ............• IN DNX5120/DNX512EX/DDX512/DDX5032 DVD Language Codes Code Language Code Language Code Language aa Afar is Icelandic si Singhalese ab Abkhazian it Italian sk Slovak af Afrikaans ja Japanese sl Slovenian am Amharic jv Javanese sm Samoan ar Arabic ka Georgian sn Shona as Assamese kk Kazakh so Somali ay Aymara kl Greenlandic sq Albanian az Azerbaijani km Cambodian sr Serbian ba Bashkir kn Kannada ss Siswati be Byelorussian ko Korean st Sesotho bg Bulgarian ks Kashmiri su Sundanese bh Bihari ku Kurdish sv Swedish bi Bislama ky Kirghiz sw Swahili bn Bengali, Bangla la Latin ta Tamil bo Tibetan lb Luxembourgish te Telugu br Breton ln Lingala tg Tajik ca Catalan lo Laotian th Thai co Corsican lt Lithuanian ti Tigrinya cs Czech lv Latvian, Lettish tk Turkmen cy Welsh mg Malagasy tl Tagalog da Danish mi Maori tn Setswana de German mk Macedonian to Tongan dz Bhutani ml Malayalam tr Turkish el Greek mn Mongolian ts Tsonga en English mo Moldavian tt Tatar eo Esperanto mr Marathi tw Twi es Spanish ms Malay uk Ukrainian et Estonian mt Maltese ur Urdu eu Basque my Burmese uz Uzbek fa Persian na Nauru vi Vietnamese fi Finnish ne Nepali vo Volapuk fj Fiji nl Dutch wo Wolof fo Faroese no Norwegian xh Xhosa fr French oc Occitan yo Yoruba fy Frisian om (Afan) Oromo zh Chinese ga Irish or Oriya zu Zulu gd Scots Gaelic pa Punjabi gli Galician pl Polish gn Guarani ps Pashto, Pushto gu Gujarati pt Portuguese ha Hausa qu Quechua he Hebrew rm Rhaeto-Romance hi Hindi rn Kirundi hr Croatian ro Romanian hu Hungarian ru Russian hy Armenian rw Kinyarwanda ia Interlingua sa Sanskrit ie Interlingue sd Sindhi ik Inupiak sg Sangho id Indonesian sh Serbo-Croatian English Help? Troubleshooting Some functions of this unit may be disabled by What might seem to be a malfunction in your unit some settings made on this unit. may just be the result of slight misoperation or miswiring. Before calling service, first check the ! • Cannot set up the subwoofer. following table for possible problems. • Cannot set up subwoofer phase. • No output from the subwoofer. General • Cannot set up the low pass filter. ? The Touch Sensor Tone doesn’t sound. • Cannot set up the high pass filter. . The preout jack is being used. ^ Subwoofer is not set to On. .
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