PHILIPS LIMITED WARRANTY English ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY COVERAGE: This warranty does not apply (a) to damage caused by accident, PHILIPS warranty obligation is limited to the terms set forth abuse, misuse, misapplication, or non-Philips product, (b) to below. damage caused by service performed by anyone other than Philips or Philips Authorized Service Location, (c) to a product WHO IS COVERED: or a part that has been modified without the written permis- Philips warrants the product to the original purchaser or the sion of Philips, or (d) if any Philips serial number has been person receiving the product as a gift against defects in materi- removed or defaced, or (e) product, accessories or consum- als and workmanship as based on the date of original purchase ables sold “AS IS” without warranty of any kind by including (“Warranty Period”) from an Authorized Dealer. The original refurbished Philips product sold “AS IS” by some retailers. sales receipt showing the product name and the purchase date from an authorized retailer is considered such proof. This Limited Warranty does not cover: • Shipping charges to return defective product to Philips. WHAT IS COVERED: • Labor charges for installation or setup of the product, adjust- The Philips warranty covers new products if a defect arises and ment of customer controls on the product, and installation a valid claim is received by Philips within the Warranty Period. or repair of antenna systems outside of the product. At its option, Philips will either (1) repair the product at no • Product repair and/or part replacement because of improper charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or (2) installation, connections to improper voltage supply, abuse, exchange the product with a product that is new or which has neglect, misuse, accident, unauthorized repair or other cause been manufactured from new, or serviceable used parts and is not within the control of Philips. at least functionally equivalent or most comparable to the origi- • Damage or claims for products not being available for use, or nal product in Philips current inventory, or (3) refund the origi- for lost data or lost software. nal purchase price of the product. • Damage occurring to product during shipping. Philips warrants replacement products or parts provided under • A product that requires modification or adaptation to enable this warranty against defects in materials and workmanship it to operate in any country other than the country for from the date of the replacement or repair for ninety (90) days which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/or or for the remaining portion of the original product’s warranty, authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modifica- whichever provides longer coverage for you. When a product tions. or part is exchanged, any replacement item becomes your • A product used for commercial or institutional purposes property and the replaced item becomes Philips’ property. (including but not limited to rental purposes). When a refund is given, your product becomes Philips’ proper- • Product lost in shipment and no signature verification receipt ty. can be provided. Note: Any product sold and identified as refurbished or • Failure to operate per Owner’s Manual. renewed carries a ninety (90) day limited warranty. TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE IN THE U.S.A., PUERTO Replacement product can only be sent if all warranty RICO, OR U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS… requirements are met. Failure to follow all require- Contact Philips Customer Care Center at: ments can result in delay. 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477) WHAT IS NOT COVERED - EXCLUSIONS AND LIM- TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE IN CANADA… ITATIONS: 1-800-661-6162 (French Speaking) This Limited Warranty applies only to the new products manu- 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477) - (English or Spanish factured by or for Philips that can be identified by the trade- Speaking) mark, trade name, or logo affixed to it. This Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Philips hardware product or any REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS software, even if packaged or sold with the product. Non- WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE CON- Philips manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers may provide a SUMER. PHILIPS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDEN- separate warranty for their own products packaged with the TAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF bundled product. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PROD- UCT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICA- Philips is not liable for any damage to or loss of any programs, BLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILI- data, or other information stored on any media contained with- TY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS in the product, or any non-Philips product or part not covered PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION by this warranty. Recovery or reinstallation of programs, data OF THIS WARRANTY. or other information is not covered under this Limited Warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusions or limitation of inci- dental or consequential damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from state/province to state/province. Philips, P.O. Box 671539, Marietta, GA. 30006-0026 3121 233 48801 24 PG 001-024_MCM108DB_37-Eng 24 26/4/07, 17:07