Facilità d'uso
Deluxe Lighted Console (model 53824 on_y) Light feature: Press the Light button, If the opener light is off. it w_l turn on _fthe opener _ight is on, (even in the 4ol,/2 minute automat c cycle} it will turn off. But it you use the Ught button to turn the !ight or'} and then activate the opener, the light will turn off after 4_l/2 minutes_ The Light button will not coet_ol the opener light when the door is in motion, Weak or broken springs could allow an open door to fail (either rapidly or unexpectedly), resulting in serious injury, death or property damage, _f possible, use the emergency re_ease rope and handle only when the door _s fully ciosed, To open the door The doo_ shouid be fully dosed if possiMe_ Puli down on the red emergency reIease handle and lift the door manually To Bme_ger_ re_nnect the d@r to Re_ HarcJ_ the opener, press 1_he Wal! Control push bar Manual d_sconnect or button. The toeko_ feature prevents the troliey from reconnecting aatomat;caIty_ Pull the down and back (toward the opener} The door can then be raised and lowered manually as often as necessary, To Re}ease H _'_Se disengage the _ockout feature, pull the emergency handle Lockout position troiley will reconnect on the next UP or DOWN Wall Contro_ Lock feature: The Lock feature is designed to prevent operation d the door from portable remote controls. However, the door w_I open and close from the Detuxe Wa_t Control push bar the Key Switch and the Multi*Function Key[ess Entry. To activate: Press and ho_d_e Lock button for 2 seconds The push bar _[ght will flash as _ongas the Lock feature is on. To turn o#: Pre_s and hoid the Lock bu_on again for 2 seconds,The push bar _ight w_Hstop flashing. No_a_ operation witl resume The Lock feature wi!l also turn off whenever the SRT bu_on on the opener end pand is activated. 32 Receiver and Remote Control Programming To comply wt_ F'CC Pates adiustmenl or modifications of _his receiver _n(_/or _rar_smi_er ere prohibited e.cepl k)_' changing the code $et_ ng or _eplacieg _he bsttery_ THERE ARE NO OTHER USER SERVICEABLE PARTS, Models with 3-function remote controls: The remote contro!(s) has been factory set to operate with the large push button. However, you can use either of the two smart bu_ons, if you prefen And, the 34unction remote @ntroi(s) _n a_ activate additional garage door openers andtor _ight controls, Below are instru_ions for programming your opener to match the other buttons on your remote controls and any additional remote controls you may }urchase_ See availaMe accessories on page 38. Models with a single4unction remote control: The garage door wilt operate when you press the remote control push button. Refer to the information betow if you _;,ant to add a 3 funclion remote cmntrol or erase ysur programmed code. 53000SRT Series Garage Door Openers (With "SRT" Bu_on) Your "SRT ° garage door opener will operate with as many as four "SRT" po_le remote controis and one Mufti_Function Key_ess Ent_ To Add A Remote Control 1 Se/e_ a remote contro_ push button to operate the receiver 2. Press and hold the selected remote control push button, Figure t. 3 Then press and release the "SR7_' button on the back panel of the opener, Figure 2 The opener light will flash once. Now the opener will operate when the remote control push bu_on is pressed. If you re_ease the remote control push butlon before the opener Hght flashes, the opener wHI To Change the Selected Push Button On the Same Remote Control if you decide to use a different remote control button than originally programmed into the opener, you need to erase aNthe Iearn_ c_es and reprogram each remote _ntrol used to operate the garage To Erase All Remote Control Codes , Press and ho[d the °SRT ° button on the opener panel until the indicator light turns off (about 6 seconds). All the codes the opener has learned will be erased. To repro]ram, repeat Steps 1,2 and 3 for each remote centre[ in use Code programming instructions are also located Children operating or p_aylng with a garage door opener can injure themse|ves or others. The garage door could cfose and cause serious injury or death. Do not allow children tO operate the wat| push button(s) or remote A moving garage doer could injure or kill someone under it_ Activate the opener only when you can see the door c|ear|y, it is free of obstructions, and is properly adjusted. Figure 1 S|ngle Function M|R_ 3-Fan.ion Remote Control Remote_Control _o# to _te O_er Standard 3.oFunction Remote Control Figure 2 Garage Door Opener (With "SmaW' Bu_on) 7 _ND _AN_L 33 operate from either the Waft Cent,rot or the remote control: from the remote control_ but not from the Wall Controh from the Wail Control, but net from the remote centre# _ee remote control disturbing in tiring quatt_,rs of homo: The garage door The door doesn't open completely: doesn't close Having a ProbJem? Probable Cause and Solution 1 Does the opener have electdc power? Plug a _ampinto the outlet. _tit doesn't light, check t...
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