Produttore : Vitek
File Size : 376.8 kb
File Nome : Vitek-VT-1122-Pdf-Rus.Pdf

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Тракторостроителей,24 (Дмитрий Вершинин) 21. Мурманск CPS-Мурманск ул. Софьи Перовской, 37 (8152) 45-50-31 22. Тамбов ООО Б ВС-2000 ул. Энгельса, д., 5 (магазин Юбилейный) (0752)75-17-18 23. Кострома ЗАО АКСОН-сервис ул. Сутырина, д., 5 (0942) 22-36-28 24. Тверь ТСН плюс пр-т 50-летия Октября, 36 (0822) 42-82-95 25. Курган ТП-сервис ул. Красина, 41 (35222)5- 51-85 26. Рыбинск САМСОН ул.Стоялая, 19 (0855)20-14-04 27. Калининград Вестер-Сер вис ул. Горького, 50 (0112)27-20-54 28- Оренбург КОМИНКОМ ул. Брестская, 7 (3532) 62-77-01 29. Сыктывкар СД-СЕРВИС ул. Морозова, 169 (8212)27-14-71 30. Н. Новгород Электроника (ЧП Кузнецов) ул. Алексеевская, 9 (8312) 19-41-08/10 31. Казань ТЕХНИКА ул. Вишневского, 14 (8432) 38-31-37/07 32. Таганрог КРИСТИ ул. Фрунзе, 45 (8634) 46-47-54 33. Ижевск Радиокомплект ул. 9-я Подлесская, 25 (3412)59-28-05 34. Барнаул Vitek - сервис ул. Попова, 68 (3852) 35-37-50 35-37-51 35. Новосибирск ООО "Техмастер” ул. Болыиевитская, 131 (3832) 12-54-00 36. Омск Космос Космический пр-т, 97А, к.4 (3919) 53-98-41 Получить информацию о других сервисных центрах Вы можете у продавца или по адресу в Интернет: 10 ENGLISH ■ INSTRUCTION FOR USE OF THIS APPLIANCE • Before using for the first time, boil the kettle twice with clear water to make sure that it is completely clean. Pour away all the boiled water and refill. • Kettle can be filled either through the spout or open the lid. Then fill water. • Water level can be estimated through the window gauges at both sides on body. • After filling your kettle with water, place the kettle to the power base unit, ensure the kettle completely sits on the connector. Plug in and switch on the wall socket. Switch on the kettle by pressing down the switch button. • Do not overfill the kettle over the Max. level. However the minimum amount of water should reach the Min. marking. • When the water boils, kettle will be automatically switch off. • To re-boil the water, switch on again by just pressing down the switch button once again. If the kettle has just switch off automatically, waiting for a minute before switching it. • If the kettle do not fill with enough water or it is empty; switch on the kettle will cause the safety cutout switch off the power automatically. If this happens, set the switch level to OFF position and wait for a few minutes for the appliance to cool down, then refill with enough water and switch on as normal. • Before removes the kettle from power stand, ensure that the kettle is switched off. • Power cord could be stand into the power base by just push the cord inside the base. ■ FILTER • Re-install the filter, slide it into the tag and press down, it will snap on the tag firmly. • If appliance installed with the filter always fill the appliance through the spout, as this will help to restrict any major impurities & lime scale. • To remove the filter; open the lid and empty the appliance. Push the filter outward the tab. Ensure the filter is properly fit into the spout location. 3 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE • Before cleaning the kettle, ensure it has been unplug. Do not immerse the appliance in water, detergent or put into the dishwasher. • Clean the outside surface of the appliance with a damp cloth only. Never use abrasive cleaner or thinner for the cleaning. ■ DESCALING • Periodic descale will maintain the best performance of the kettle. Descale intervals depend on the hardness of your local water supply. • Using either of descale product for kettle, which is available in most of the shop or 5% vinegar solution, can do scale removal. Heat the solution for a while; unplug the kettle and leave to stand for about half-hour. After that, pour away the acidic solution and rinse it thoroughly with clean water • Clean the filter with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly after removal from the kettle. • Wipe the kettle thoroughly with a damp cloth and ensure that all the electrical connection are completely dry out before using the kettle again. ■ SPECIFICATION Power requirement Max. power Max indication of water 230V ~ 50Hz 1500 W 1,2 L. SERVICE LIFE OF THE KETTLE NOT LESS THAN 3 YEARS РУССКИЙ УСЛОВИЯ ГАРАНТИЙНОГО ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ Уважаемый покупатель! Фирма VITEK выражает благодарность за Ваш выбор и гарантирует высокое качество и безупречное функционирование приобретенного Вами изделия при соблюдении правил его эксплуатации. Срок гарантии на все изделия - 12 месяцев со дня покупки. Данным гарантийным талоном VITEK подтверждает исправность данного изделия и берет на себя обязательство по бесплатному устранению всех неисправностей, возникших по вине производителя. Г...