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Mild Dish Detergent and 2” Brush Required FIGURE 2. Remove Cap and Nozzle Adapter and Clean with Hot Water and Mild Dish Detergent using the Brush. Replacement Parts Replacement parts are available for sale by calling Bevcore at (866) 275-6392 or by ordering online at evco Replacement Part Numbers: • Complete tank assembly with lid: 720401107 • Replacement lid only: 720202010 Release Date: July 18, 2006 © 2006, IMI Cornelius Inc. - 1 - Revision: B Publication Number: 729011175IN

Simple, reliable, accurate…it allows you to monitor indoor humidity conditions on a convenient digital display. Plan your work day, play day, every day. Now that’s smart! Table of Contents Powering the WeatherGuide™................................................................2 How to Display the WeatherGuide™....................................................2 How to Read the WeatherGuide™ Indoor Humidity Readings ..............................................................2 Low Battery ..

It also makes the lawnmower quieter. You don't need to rake or empty a collector. You cut the grass about 30 % faster compared to collecting. Equipped with the STIGA SV 40 engine that has a genuine float carburettor, which makes it extremely easy to start. And a balanced crankshaft that gives lower vibrations and a longer life. The lawnmower has a collapsible Ergo-handle with steel levers. Cutting width is 48 cm. February 16, 2007 11-5234-22 ✓TIGg Multiclip 50 Euro (11-5234-22) ENGINE Br

DE Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Fur die Sicherheit und Gesundheit Ihres Kindes ist die Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen erforderlich, wenn Ihr Kind den Loffel verwendet. • Vor Erstverwendung und nach jedem weiteren Gebrauch ist der Loffel zu reinigen und zu und sterilisieren. • Uberprufen Sie den Loffel vor jedem Gebrauch. Wenn Sie Beschadigungen oder Risse feststellen, verwenden Sie den Loffel nicht mehr. Warnung : • Hindern Sie Ihr Kind wahrend des Futterns am Laufen oder Gehen. Achtung : • Der Loff

80 0. 5 4. AVENT w w .com/AVEN T U SA : Philips Consumer Lifes tyle, a division of Philips Elec tronics Nor th Amer ica Cor por ation, P.O. B ox 10313, Stamford, C T 0 690 4 Canada: Philips Elec tronics Ltd, 281 Hillmount Road, Mar k ha m , O N L6C2S3 EN: Tr ademar k s owned by the P hilips Gr oup. © 2014 Konink lijke P hililps N.V. All Rights Reser ved . ES: L a s marca s son propiedad del P hilips Gr oup. © 2014 Konink lijke P hilips N.V. Todos los Der echos Reser vados. F R : Les ma