Istruzioni per l'uso Lanier, Modello LASER 200
Produttore : Lanier File Size : 1.12 mb File Nome : lana7205-manual.pdf
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It is your responsibility, and yours alone -to build tiiskixorrctly, properly installallR/ ccmponentsand flying gear (engine, tank, radio, pushrods, etc. and to test the m odel and fly it only w ih experienced, competent help, using com m onsense and in accordance w ih all safety standards as set forth in the A cad^ y of M odel A eronautics Safety C ode. It is suggested that you join the AMA and becom e properly insured before atem pting to fly this m odel. If you are just staring R/C m odeling, consult your local hobby dealer or w rite to the A cadem y ofM odel A eronautics to find an experienced instructor in your area. W rite to: Acad^y of M odel Aeronautics, 5151 M em orial D r.M uncie, IN 47302 LIM ITED W ARRANTY Lanier R/C is proud of the care and attention that goes into the m anufacture of parts for its m odel kits. The com pany w arrants thatibr a period of 30 days, itw illreplace, at the buyers request, any partor m aterial shown to the company's satisfaction to have been defective in w orkm anship or m aterial at the tin e of purchase. N o other w arranty of any kind, expressed or im plied, is m ade w ih respect to the m erchandise sold by tie com pany. The buyer acknow ledges and understands that he is purchasing only a com ponent kit from Which the buyer w ill him self construct a finished flying m odel aiplane. The com pany is neiher the m anuJacturerof such a flying m odel aiplane, nora selerof it. The buyerhereby assum es the risk and all liability forpersonal orproperty dam age orinjury arising out of the buyers use of the com ponents or tie finished flying m odel aiplane, w heneverany such dam age or injury shall occur:. A ny action brought forth against tie com pany, based on tie breach of the contract of sale to the buyer, or on any aUged w arranty tiereunder, m ust be brought w ihin one year of the date of such sale, or there after be barred. This one-year lm iaation is imposed by agre^ ent of tie parties as perm itedby the laws of the state of Georgia. © 2002 LarderR/C LANIER — 173 rd Scale Laser 2 0 0 ARF - USTRUCTBNS BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS Beibiestarting to build this kit, we urge you to read through these instructions thoroughly. They contain som e im portant building sequences as w ell as instructions and w arnings concerning the assem b]y and use of the m odel BUILDING SUPPLIES NEEDED H obby knife w/#11 blade M edium Zap CA 30 M inute Z-poxy W ire cuttErs Plers DrUwith bis: 1/32", 1/L6", 1/3", 5/32", See the list at the end of the instruction book for a list of additional R /C equipm ent you w il need to com plete the 1/3rd Laser. LocatE (10) hinge points. j 2. Use the picture as a guide to find the 5) holes in each aileron and each side of the wing. Test fita hinge in each hole. 3. Puta smaHdrop of oilon each hinge, then use 30 m inute epoxy on each hinge and hole. Piess the ailerons in place, leaving a 1/32" gap atthe hinge line, then wipe off any excess epoxy off with alcohol and a paper tow el. 4. Atthe two locations on the wing, remove the covering from the hole to installyoud aileron servo. 5. M ark the location of the aileron ærvo plate rails on the inside of the plyw ood servo plate aprox. 3/8"). Rem ove the coverng from the hole for the servo arm. 6. Positibn your aileron servos and the hardw ood blocks on the platES and m ark the position. 7. Glue the blocks in place on the plates with 30 m inute epoxy. 8. W hen cured, replace the servo and drill 1/32" piotholes torthe servo screw s included with the © 2002 LanierR/C Page-2 LANIER — 1/3rd Scale Laser 2 0 0 ARF - INSTRUCTIONS radio. Center the servo by hooking ixup to the properchannel of your radio and centering the trim tabs. 9. Ustallyour ærvo horn go that it is protruding the hole of the plate and install the ærvo hom screw . 10. Use a piece of music wire orwooden dowel to help feed the servo w ires through the wing. Y ou w ill need to add extensions to the aileron servo w ires to reach into the fuselage. 11. Fasten the servo plate to the hardwood plate rails in the wing with (4) #4 x % screws (dubro #382) 12. Locate the Sullivan adron hardw are, 2)2 7/3" long 4-40 rods, (4) clevis, 2) couplers, 2) machined nuts,and 2) 8-32 long" screws. Trm and thurad the rods as needed. Installa devison the end of each rod. 13. Install a (4) arm servo wheel on the servo tern pommy, m aking sure it is parallel to the wing. L ocate the hard points in the a:ilerbns, and pierce the covering with a sharp hobby blade. Install the 2) a:ilerbn control hom screw s from the top of the w ing, dow n through the aileron. Secure the boltw ih the m achined nut, and thread lock. Install the 2) couplers on the control horn bolts until the threads just show from the tops. H ook the links to the aileron couplers and lay the rods across the servo arm . 14. Install the tw o clevis on the ends of the 4-10 rod. Align the aileron on the wing and hold in position with a sm allpiece of tape. Ad just the clevis to the proper leng...
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