Facilità d'uso
All iabor shall be performed during rcgular working hours. Overtime prcmium charges will be at Buyer's expcnse. Proofofpurchase must be supplied to Seller to validate warranryThiswarranryis valid only if cquiprnenr is properly installed,started-up and inspectedby the dealer or authorized Victory Service agcnt. llen'roval or alteration of the serial/data platelrom any equipment shall be deemed to releaseSeller from all warranry obligations or any other obligations, expresscd or implied. -lhis warranry does not cover'Ihermostat or Defrost Timer calibration and/or adjustment, freight darnage, normal maintenancc irerns outlined in Owner's Manual, adjustment of door rnechanismsor repLacementof light 'lhe br,rlbs,fuses or batterics. warranry doesnot covcr installation, start-up, normal maintenance, food loss, or other consequent damage. Any repairsor replecenrentof defecrive perrs shall bc performed by Sellers authorized service personnel. Scller shall nor be responsible lor any costs incurred ifthe work is perlormed by other than Seller's authorizcd service The compressor motor on self-contained models has an extended Lhree-year warranry over rhe fwo-ycar manufacturer'sguarantee. The extended three-year compressorwarranry is included in rhe price of rhe 'W'arranty equipment. Extended Compressor is vaiued at $80.00 and is included in the net purchase price. personncl. Rcirnbrrrscmenr cl.rims for parr(s)or labor scrvicecostsmu)t bc nradc in uriting. Modcl, cabi:ret scrialnr,rmbersand instailation location must be shown on the clJim. A rcceiptedbill From the scrvicing agency must accompany the claim, together with full dctails of the service problems, diagnosis and work performed. Victory reserves solediscretionwhether further documentatior.ron a claim is co be sLrbmitted. Seller shall not be liable for conscquential damages of arry kind which occur dtrring thc course of insrrllation of equipment, or which rcsult from the r:seor misuse by l)uyer, its employees or othcrs o[ the eqr-ripment supplied hereunder,and Buyer'ssole and exciusive remedy against (^lt-. f^. -^,, L....,..L ^f ,L- f .)clicrror ail) l)luirLI ul tilc loregoll]gwarrantyor othcrwisc sh.rll be i'orrhc re1,.risor rcpl,ricmcnt rtf thc cquipmcnt or plrts thcreoFaflicrc.l by surh brtlch. 'Ihe loregoing warranty shall be valid and binding r-rpon Scller if and orr); if BLrycr lolds,opcrlt.'s rrrd rnrrintairrs the equiprncnt supplied hereundcr in accordance with the instnrction manull providcd to Buycr.Scller docs not gu.rrantecth( proccss of rnarrt:fuc turc by Buycror thc quality ofproduct to be procluccd by thc equipment suppiicd hereundcr and Scllcrshallnot bc liable For any prospectiveor lost product or pro6ts ofBuyer. THE FOREGOING WAIIRAN-|Y IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF AI-L OTHER L,XPRESS ANI) I MPI-l 11D\VARIIAN'f I ES \7HA f SOI'lVr'.R. SPIICIFICALLY THE,RE ARE NO I MPLI I1L) \TARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILI'fY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAI]. PUl{POSts. 'lhe foregoing shall be Seller's sole and exclusive obligation and Buyer'ssoleand cxclusivc rcmedy for any acrion. whethcr in breach oftonrracr or negligcncc...
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