Produttore : COBY electronic
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File Nome : 50tc-1sm.pdf
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Be sure the probe tip does not come in contact with any of the unit’s heater surfaces. Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) Sensor — The OAT is factory- --mounted in the Economizer 2 (FIOP or accessory). It is a nominal 10k ohm thermistor attached to an eyelet mounting ring. See Table 5 for temperature- --resistance characteristic. Economizer 2 — The PremierLink control is used with Economizer 2 (option or accessory) for outdoor air management. The damper position is controlled directly by the PremierLink control; Economizer 2 has no internal logic device. Outdoor air management functions can be enhanced with field- --installation of these accessory control devices: Enthalpy control (outdoor air or differential sensors) Space CO2 sensor Outdoor air CO2 sensor Refer to Table 6 for accessory part numbers 2 3 4 5 61 SW1 SEN BRN (GND) BLU (SPT) RED(+) WHT(GND) BLK(-) CCN COM SENSOR WIRING C08201 Fig. 36 - --T- --55 Space Temperature Sensor Wiring TB1 PL SEN SEN 1 3 J6-7 J6-6 C08212 Fig. 37 - --PremierLink T55 Sensor Sensor TEMP (F) ---40 ---31 TEMP(C) ---40---35---25---20---15---100510152530354050556065---30 ---22 ---13 ---4 5 14 ---5 23 32 41 50 59 20 68 77 86 95 104 45 113 122 131 140 149 70 158 RESISTANCE (Ohms) 335,651 242,195 176,683 130,243 96,974 72,895 55,298 42,315 32,651 25,395 19,903 15,714 12,494 10,000 8,056 6,530 5,325 4,367 3,601 2,985 2,487 2,082 1,752 50TC 25 Table 6 – PremierLink Sensor Usage OUTDOOR AIR APPLICATION ENTHALPY SENSOR Requires --HH57AC077 or equivalent Differential Enthalpy with Requires --- PremierLink (PremierLink Included -- ---HH57AC077 requires 4---20mA Not Used or equivalent Actuator) OUTDOORAIRTEMPERATURESENSORRETURNAIRTEMPERATURESENSORDifferentialDryBulbTemperaturewithPremierLink(PremierLinkrequires4---20mAActuator) Included--- CRTEMPSN001A00Required--- 33ZCT55SPTorequivalentSingleEnthalpywithPremierLink(PremierLinkIncluded--- requires4---20mANotUsedActuator) --- NOTES: CO2 Sensors (Optional): 33ZCSENCO2 - ---Room sensor (adjustable). Aspirator box is required for duct mounting of the sensor. 33ZCASPC02 - ---Aspirator box used for duct- ---mounted CO2 room sensor. 33ZCT55CO2 - ---Space temperature and CO2 room sensor with override. 33ZCT56C02 - ---Space temperature and CO2 room sensor with override and setpoint. RETURN AIR ENTHALPY SENSOR Requires --HH57AC078 or equivalent 50TC 26 Table 7 – Space Sensor Mode 123456789101112131415TB1 TERMINAL FIELD CONNECTION T55---SEN/T56---SEN RMTOCC T55---SEN/T56---SEN CMPSAFE T56---SET FSD LOOP- ---PWR SPS IAQ---SEN FILTER IAQ---COM/OAQ---COM/RH---COM CCN + (RED) OAQ---SEN/RH---SEN CCN Gnd (WHT) AUX OUT(Power Exhaust) 16 CCN - ---(BLK) LEGEND: T55 - ---Space Temperature Sensor T56 - ---Space Temperature Sensor CCN - ---Carrier Comfort Network (communication bus) CMPSAFE - ---Compressor Safety FILTER - ---Dirty Filter Switch FSD ---Fire Shutdown IAQ - ---Indoor Air Quality (CO2) OAQ - ---Outdoor Air Quality (CO2) RH - ---Relative Humidity SFS - ---Supply Fan Status Table 8 – Thermostat Mode FIELD CONNECTION RAT SEN G RAT SEN Y1 Y2 LOOP- ---PWR W1 IAQ---SEN W2 IAQ---COM/OAQ---COM/RH---COM CCN + (RED) OAQ---SEN/RH---SEN CCN Gnd (WHT) AUX OUT (Power Exhaust) 16 CCN - ---(BLK) TB1TERMINAL123456789101112131415 LEGEND: CCN - ---Carrier Comfort Network (communication bus) G ---Thermostat Fan IAQ - ---Indoor Air Quality (CO2) OAQ - ---Outdoor Air Quality (CO2) RAT - ---Return Air Temperature RH - ---Relative Humidity W1 - ---Thermostat Heat Stage 1 W2 - ---Thermostat Heat Stage 2 Y1 - ---Thermostat Cool Stage 1 Y2 - ---Thermostat Cool Stage 2 INPUT SIGNAL Analog (10k thermistor) Discrete, 24VAC Analog (10k thermistor) Discrete, 24VAC Analog (10k thermistor) Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 24VDC Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 4---20mA Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 4---20mA Digital,,5VDC Analog, 4---20mA Digital, 5VDC (Output)Discrete 24VAC Digital, 5VDC INPUT SIGNAL Analog (10k thermistor) Discrete, 24VAC Analog (10k thermistor) Discrete, 24VAC Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 24VDC Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 4---20mA Discrete, 24VAC Analog, 4---20mA Digital, 5VDC Analog, 4---20mA Digital, 5VDC (Output) Discrete 24VAC Digital, 5VDC 50TC 27 50TC50TC Connect T- --56 - --See Fig. 38 for T- --56 internal connections. Install a jumper between SEN and SET terminals as illustrated. Connect T- --56 terminals to TB1 terminals 1, 3 and 5 (see Fig. 39). 2 3 4 5 61 SW1 SEN SET CoolWarmBRN (GND) BLU (SPT) RED(+) WHT(GND) BLK(-) CCN COM SENSOR WIRING JUMPER TERMINALS AS SHOWN BLK (T56) C08202 Fig. 38 - --T- --56 Internal Connections TB1 PL SEN SEN TB1 PL 1 J6-7 3 J6-6 Jumper SET SET 5 J6-5 C08213 Fig. 39 - --PremierLink T56 Sensor Connect Thermostat — A 7- --wire thermostat connection requires a 24- --v power source and a common connection. Use the R and C terminals on the LCTB’s THERMOSTAT connection strip for these. Connect the thermostat’s Y1, Y2, W1, W2 and G terminals to PremierLink TB1 as shown in Fig. 40. If the 50TC unit is equipped with factory- --installed smoke detector(s), disconnect th...
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