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Other instruction manuals to be provided separately This instruction manual describes the operation under the standard specifications and also operations for the optional specifications of (1) alarm output/remote contacts and (2) printing format. For the communications interface unit and the optional specification of mathematical function/totalization, exclusive manuals are provided separately. Also for other optional specifications, of which description of operation is necessary, the relevant instruction manuals are provided respectively. Please read these together with this instruction manual if necessary. Requests 1. To agents or distributors Make sure to pass this instruction manual to final customers. 2. To our valuable customers Keep this instruction manual until disposing of your recorder. Notices 1. All or any part of this manual may not be duplicated or reproduced in any form, without first obtaining the permission of CHINO. 2. The details of this manual may be subject to change without notice. 3. The contents in this instruction manual have been carefully checked. However, if any question should still arise or if any error, omission or other deficiency be found, please inform your local CHINO sales agent of the details. 4. CHINO will not be responsible for any troubles resulting from the operations of your recorder. -1 Contents (1) Read the Following Instructions Without Fail Preface: Request, Guarantee and Notice········1 FOR SAFE USE ················································4 WARNINGS·························································5 MAJOR FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS·····6 Introduction 1. GENERAL ························································7 1.1 Confirmation of Model No. ······························7 1.2 Accessories and Consumables······················8 Preparation 2. INSTALLATION ············································9 2.1 Location and External Dimensions·················9 2.2 Installation to a Panel ···························· 10 3. CONFIGULATION····································11 3.1 Front ······················································11 3.2 Display··························································· 12 4. CONNECTIONS······································· 13 4.1 Terminal Board Arrangement······················· 13 4.2 Cautions on Connections ····················· 14 4.3 Power Terminals ··································· 15 4.4 Measuring Input Terminals ··················· 16 4.5 Alarm Output Terminals ························ 17 4.6 Remote Contacts Terminals ················· 18 4.7 Communications terminals ·························· 19 5. INSTALLATION ········································· 21 5.1 Chart Paper Loading (RD200)····················· 21 5.2 Chart Paper Loading (RD2800) ·················· 23 5.3 Recording Pen Loading ······························· 25 Basic Operation 6. BASIC OPERATION······························ 27 6.1 Power Supply and Operation······················· 27 6.2 Printing ON/OFF and chart end detection··· 28 6.3 Fast Feeding of Chart Paper························ 29 6.4 Switching Operation Screen (RD200)········· 30 6.5 Switching Operation Screen (RD2800)······· 31 Programming 7. PROGRAMMING····································· 32 7.1 Keys and Characters···································· 32 7.2 Key Functions ··············································· 33 7.3 List ofProgramming Items ··························· 34 7.4 Programming Procedures···························· 37 7.5 Programming Errors and Remedial Measures ··· 38 8. BASIC PROGRAMMING··················· 39 8.1 Programming Parameters Before Operation······ 39 8.2 Range/Printing Range·································· 40 8.3 .C / .F computation Selection ···················· 43 8.4 Chart Speed Programming·························· 44 Operations and Functions 9. PRINTINGS·················································· 45 9.1 Printing Types and the Details ····················· 45 9.2 Digital Data Printing ······································ 47 9.3 List Printing···················································· 48 9.4 Message Printing·········································· 50 9.5 Printing Format selection······························ 51 9.6 Time Axis Sync. (POC)································· 52 10. OPERATIONS········································· 53 10.1 Fixed-Time Printing and Intervals ·············· 53 10.2 Operations at Abnormal Inputs·················· 54 10.3 Alarm Display and Printing·······...
Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :DVD-Player - RD2800 (2.27 mb)