Istruzioni per l'uso Kodak, Modello Z650
Produttore : Kodak File Size : 2.94 mb File Nome :
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Facilità d'uso
A A/V out, 28 about picture, video, 34 about this camera, 33 AC adapter, 61 accessories, 15 AC adapter, 61 battery, 60 buying, 51 camera dock, 61 printer dock, 16, 61 SD/MMC card, 4 AF control, 30 album set, 30 albums tagging pictures for, 39 aperture priority, 37 auto, 22 flash, 9 focus framing marks, 7 B backlight, 23 batteries expected life, 60 extending life, 60 loading, 2 safety, 59 types, 60 beach, 23 burst, using, 26 button burst, 26 close-up/landscape, i, 25 delete, ii EVF/LCD, ii flash, 9 info, ii menu, ii power/favorites, i review, ii, 11 self-timer/burst, i share, ii zoom, ii, 8 C cable audio/video, 28 USB, 15 camera dock, 61 camera sounds, 32 Canadian compliance, 64 caring for your camera, 61 children, 23 clock, setting, 3 close-up scenes, 25 close-up/landscape button, i color mode, 30 computer connecting camera, 14 transfer to, 14 copy pictures card to memory, 35 memory to card, 35 to computer via USB cable, 14 cropping pictures, 34 CRV3 battery, loading, 2 customer support, 52 customizing camera settings, 31 D date & time, 32 date setting, 3 date stamp, 33 DC-in, i delete button, ii deleting from internal memory, 13 from SD/MMC card, 13 protecting pictures, videos, 13 digital zoom, using, 8 displaying slide show, 26 disposal, recycling, 61 distant scenes, 25 dock camera, 61 connector, ii printer, 16, 61 downloading pictures, 14 E emailing pictures, videos, 42 EVF (electronic viewfinder), ii EVF/LCD button, ii expected battery life, 60 exposure compensation, 37 metering, 29 external video device viewing pictures, videos, 28 F favorites removing, 44 settings, 44 switch, i tagging, 43 FCC compliance, 64 fireworks, 23 firmware, upgrading, 61 flash, i settings, 9 flower, 23 focus framing marks, 7 zone, 29 format, 33 G grip, i guidelines, battery, 60 H help web links, 51 histogram, 36 I icons, mode dial, 22 image storage, 31 info button, ii about pictures, videos, 34 installing batteries, 2 SD/MMC card, 4 software, 14 internal memory storage capacity, 57 J joystick, ii K Kodak EasyShare software installing, 14 upgrading, 61 Kodak Web sites, 51 L landscape, 24, 25 language, 33 LCD, ii reviewing pictures, 11 reviewing videos, 11 lens, i cap, 1 cleaning lens, 61 liveview, 31 loading batteries, 2 SD/MMC card, 4 software, 14 M Macintosh, installing software on, 14 maintenance, camera, 61 manner, 24 manual, 37 memory inserting card, 4 storage capacities, 57 menu button, ii microphone, i mode dial, 22 modes aperture priority, 37 auto, 22 backlight, 23 beach, 23 children, 23 fireworks, 23 flower, 23 landscape, 24 manner, 24 manual, 37 night landscape, 24 night portrait, 24 party, 23 portrait, 23 program, 37 SCN, 22 self-portrait, 24 shutter priority, 37 snow, 23 text, 24 N neck strap post, i night landscape, 24 O online prints, ordering, 18 open flash switch, i optical zoom, 8 orientation sensor, 33 P party, 23 PASM mode screen options, 37 PictBridge printer, 16 picture quality, 28 pictures checking settings, 11 copying, 35 cropping, 34 deleting, 13 emailing tagged, 42 printing, 18 printing tagged, 41 protecting, 13 reviewing, 11 storage capacity, 57 tagging, 39 taking, modes, 22 transfer via USB cable, 14 portrait, 23 power camera, 3 switch, i printer dock, 16, 61 printing from a card, 18 from computer, 18 optimizing printer, 51 order online, 18 PictBridge, 16 tagged pictures, 18 with EasyShare printer dock, 16 program, 37 protecting pictures, videos, 13 R recycling, disposal, 61 red eye, flash, 9 regulatory information, 64 removing favorites, 44 repair, 51 review, ii review button, 11 reviewing pictures deleting, 13 LCD, 11 protecting, 13 slide show, 26 reviewing videos deleting, 13 LCD, 11 protecting, 13 slide show, 26 running slide show, 26 S safety, batteries, 59 SCN, 22 SD/MMC card inserting, 4 printing from, 18 slot, ii storage capacities, 57 self-portrait, 24 self-timer with pictures, 21 self-timer/burst button, i service and support telephone numbers, 52 setting AF control, 30 album, 30 camera sounds, 32 color mode, 30 date & time, 32 date and time, 3 date stamp, 33 exposure metering, 29 flash, 9 focus zone, 29 image storage, 31 language, 33 liveview, 31 orientation sensor, 33 picture quality, 28 picture taking mode, 22 self-timer, 21 sharpness, 30 video date display, 32, 33 video length, 31 video out, 33 white balance, 29 setup mode, using, 31 share button, ii sharpness, 30 shutter priority, 37 problems, 47 self-timer delay, 21 speed, 37 slide show continuous loop, 27 problems, 48 running, 26 snow, 23 software installing, 14 upgrading, 61 speaker, i specifications, camera, 53 storage capacity, 57 support, technical, 52 T tagging favorites, 43 for albums, 39 for email, 42 for print, 41 telephone support, 52 television, slide show, 28 text, 24 time, setting, 3 timer, shutter delay, 21 tips battery guidelines, 60 care & maintenance, 61 tripod socket, ii turning camera on and off, 3 U upgrading software, firmware, 61 URLs, Kodak Web sites, 51 USB (universal serial bus) transferring pictures, 14 USB, A/V out, ii V VCCI compliance, 65 video checking settings, 11 copying, 35 date display, 32, 33 deleting, 13 emailing tagged, 42 length, 31 out, 33 protecting, 13 reviewing, 11 size, 29 storage capacities, 57 transfer to computer, 14 viewing, 11 viewfinder, ii viewing picture after taking, 11 viewing picture, video information, 34 W warranty, 62 white balance, 29 Windows computers installing software, 14 Z zoom button, ii digital, 8 optical, 8 ...
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