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w w w .brill.de Accessories Internet Tractors Shredders Handy tools 24 V battery tools Lawn scarifiers Cylinder mowers Hattrick mowers Steelline brillencio evolution Ideas f o r the Garden Con ten ts B R I LL e v olution – the (R)e v olution fr om B R I L L P age 4 The B R I LL e v olution elec tric and petr ol mowers Mo wing la wns without sideef fec t s P age 8 The multi-func tion machine tha t can do e v er y t hing Re al po we r pack s – B R I LL Steelline P age 16 P etr ol mowers with r e ar -wheel driv e Ha ttrick – la wn care with fresh air cure P age 18 The multifunc tion machine tha t can do e v er y t hing K eeps y ou and y our la wn fit P age 20 B R I L hand cylinder mowers La wn scarifiers – no pr oblem P age 24 with tha tch and moss B R I LL aer a tors 5 x po we r which lasts P age 28 B R I LL power ba tter y r ange 24 vo lts Handy g a rden t ools P age 31 B R I LL Gar denboy B R I LL lawn edge trimmers B R I LL hedge trimmers Co mpost with c o mf or t P age 36 B R I LL shr edders Fun t o driv e in the g a rden P age 38 B R I LL lawn tr ac tors Cr osso ve r Fur ther inf orma tion P age 42 w w w Al the spar.ebsri lyl.de ou need P age 43 Af tersales par ts a t a glance Alr eady since the establishmen t of the c o mpan y in the y e ar 1873 the quality and ef ficiency of de v elopmen t and pr oduction ha ve been the primar y f ocus of B R I L L . We star ted under modest working c onditions in an on-site f oundr y in W upper t al-Barmen. T oda y we ha ve modern manuf ac turing plan ts as wel as a highly de v eloped logistics cen ter a t the co mpan y’ s site in W itten-Herbede . Fo r y e ars our pr oduc ts and ser v ices and their r eliability ha ve been documen ted and c onfirmed with v a rious saf ety test mark s and aw ar ds by independen t in terna tionally r e c ogniz e d institutions. B R I LL stands f o r quality and tr adition To guar an tee c onsisten t pr oduc tion quality , the c o mpan y has been cer tified under DI N ISO 9001 since 1997 . Tha t means tha t quality can be check ed in al stages of pr oduction . Tha t means pr ov en quality f o r y ou. evolutionbrillencioSteellineHattrick mowersCylinder mowers Lawn scarifiers24V battery toolsHandy toolsShreddersTractorsInternetAccessories Ideas for the Garden Contents BRILL evolution – the (R)evolution from BRILL Page 4 The BRILL evolution electric and petrol mowers Mowing lawns without side- effects Page 8 The multi-function machine that can do everything Real power packs – BRILL Steelline Page 16 Petrol mowers with rear-wheel drive Hattrick – lawn care with fresh air cure Page 18 The multifunction machine that can do everything Keeps you and your lawn fit Page 20 BRILL hand cylinder mowers Lawn scarifiers – no problem Page 24with thatch and moss BRILL aerators 5x power which lasts Page 28 BRILL power battery range 24 volts Handy garden tools Page 31 BRILL GardenboyBRILL lawn edge trimmersBRILL hedge trimmers Compost with comfort Page 36 BRILL shredders Fun to drive in the garden Page 38 BRILL lawn tractors Crossover Further information Page 42 All the spares you need Page 43 Aftersales parts at a glance Already since the establishment of the company in the year 1873 the quality and efficiency of development and produc- tion have been the primary focus of BRILL. We started undermodest working conditions in an on-site foundry inWuppertal-Barmen. Today we have modern manufacturingplants as well as a highly developed logistics center at thecompany’s site in Witten-Herbede. For years our products and services and their reliability havebeen documented and confirmed with various safety testmarks and awards by independent internationally recognizedinstitutions. BRILL stands for quality and tradition To guarantee consistent pro- duction quality, the companyhas been certified under DIN ISO 9001since 1997. That means that quality can be checked in all stages of pro- duction. That means provenquality for you. 54 EVOLUTION BRILL evolution BRILL Ideas for the Garden Superior technology, convenienthandling, dynamic design BRILL evolution sets new standards in lawn mower technology. Innovative technology and functionaldesign were the decisive factors in the development ofthe evolution series. The revolutionary space-savingconcept is optimally tailored to today’s requirements. When positioned upright, the evolution finds room in the smallest of spaces. The patented dual channel airsystem guarantees a perfect cut. The evolution petrol mower is equipped with a specialtank system, so that it can also be stored upright in afilled state. Particularly pleasing is the low weight ofthe petrol mowers. They only weigh slightly more thancomparable electrical appliances. In this way mowinglawns becomes fun! This is what it stands for! The DuoAir ManagementA dual channel air system witheffective cutting technologycollects grass and sucks the lawncuttings in an air flow, resultingin an ideal cutting performanceeven with the closest cuttinghe...
Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :falciatrici - Ideas 42 Series (8.51 mb)