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Categoria : Riscaldamento a gas

Thread)3-1/4” Type “J” Thermocouple Ungrounded Junction Chromalox® DIVISION 4 SECTION GCHIS-CSALESREFERENCEDATESERVICE REFERENCEInstallation InstructionsandRENEWAL PARTS IDENTIFICATIONPE433-3161-562803-001NOVEMBER, 1998(Supersedes PE433-2) GCHIS-C Circulation Heater For Gas Heating Model Dimensions (In.) E1 E2 kW Volts CKT PH A B C GCHIS-CO5 GCHIS-CO5E2 0.5 120 1 1 14 8 4 GCHIS-CO5 GCHIS-CO5E2 0.5 240 1 1 14 8 4 GCHIS-C10 GCHIS-C10E2 1.0 120 1 1 20 14 10 GCHIS-C10 GCHIS-C10E2 1.0 240 1 1 20 14 1

Scaricare : 4   File Size : 89 kb   Produttore : Chromalox  
Categoria : Riscaldamento a gas

Dimensions (in.) A B C GCHMT-30105 120 1 1 15 20-1/2 9-3/8 — GCHMT-3105 240 or 480 1 or 3 23 GCHMT-30305 240 or 480 1 or 3 3 15 30-5/8 22-1/2 16-1/2GCHMT-3305 23 GCHMT-30505 240 or 480 1 or 3 5 15 56-3/8 45-1/4 39-1/4 GCHMT-3505 23 30-5/8 22-1/2 16-1/2 GCHMT-30755 240 or 480 1 or 3 7.5 15 67-1/8 56 50 GCHMT-3075 23 56-3/8 45-1/4 39-1/4 GCHMT-30905 240 or 480 1 or 3 9 15 78-1/8 67 61 GCHMT-3905 23 56-7/8 45-1/4 39-1/4 WARNING: Safe operating conditions depend on operating pressure, mass velocity

Scaricare : 3   File Size : 165 kb   Produttore : Chromalox  
Categoria : Riscaldamento a gas

Avoid operation of heater near combustible fluids or in combustible vapor or gas laden atmosphere. 5. Provide adequate space at terminal end to permit withdrawal of the heater from chamber should servicing be required. 6. If two or more heaters are needed to provide the needed heating capacity, arrange them for series gas or vapor flow. EXPLOSION HAZARD. When heating in closed vessels, controls and back-up controls must be used to regulate build-up of temperature and/or pressure. 7. A pressure r
