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Place food on broiler pan provided with oven. Broil element will preheat in five minutes. Afterbroilelementisred,placefoodinoven. OvendoorMUSTbe left open at broil stop position. 5. Touch Cancel Off Pad to turn off oven when food is cooked. NOTE: Afancomesonduringthe BROILcycle. Ifitdoesnot,the ovenbroilelement will cycle on and off. If the fan does not operate, contact your authorized Jenn-Air Service Contractorfor repair. 26 • Tender cuts ofmeat or marinated meats are best for broiling. This includes rib and loin cuts of steak, ground beef, ham steaks, poultry pieces or fish. For best results, steaks should be at least 1" thick. Thinner steaks should be pan-broiled. • Do not cover broiler grid with foil since this prevents fat drippings from draining into bottom of pan. • Before broiling, remove excess fat from meat and score edges of fat (do not cut into meat) to prevent meat from cuding. Salt after cooking. • To prevent dry surface on fishorlean meats, brush melted butter ontop. • Foods that require turning should be turned only once during broiling. Turn meat with tongs to avoid piercing and loss of juices. [Brojfip.gCha_j Chart time is based on a preheated broil element using the "HI" setting. i_?.i.i__!i_!i_j_i _!iii_i i!!_!: _ii!i!!iii_!_i!ii_ ._ili!!i_ii! ii_!_!ii!!iii!ii,i_!_i_ii_ii_!iii_ilj_ii_!ii _,_i_ _ .._'I__/_i_!; ili i!!iiiiiii!, i!!i iiji '!i . *An "0" after the rack number implies that the offset reck should be used. Note: This chart is a suggested guide. The times may vary with food being cooked. 27 Whentheovencontrolsaresetto CLEAN,theovenheatstotemperaturesthatare higher than those used for cooking. The high temperaturescause food soil to burn off and substantiallydisappear. While this occurs,a device in the oven vent helpsto consume normalamountsefsmoke,The ovenisventedthroughanopeningunderthecontrolpanel. NoteWW30430Owners:Both ovens cannotbe self-cleanedatthe same time. • Removethebroilerpanandanyotherutensilsfromtheoven. Theseutensilscannot withstandthe hightemperaturesof thecleaningprocess. • Cleanspattersandspillsfromthoseareaswhichwillnotbecleanedduringtheselfcleaning process: -centerfrontof ovenand door nearopeningindoor , _--_.../ //_] gasket. -porcelainovendoorliner(areaoutsidethedoor gasket). -oven front frame. Note: DONOT CLEAN serial plate located onthe oven front. To clean these areas, use hot water and detergent, nonabrasivecleansers or soap filled steel wool pads.Rinsethoroughly,beingcarefulnottousean excessiveamountof waterthatwoulddampenthe doorgasket.Soilleft intheseareas will bemore difficultto removeaftertheself-cleaningprocesssincethe highheat will bakeonanysoil thatis present.DO NOTUSE COMMERCIALOVEN CLEANERS TO CLEANTHESEAREAS. • DONOTAI-rEMPTTOCLEAN,RUB,ORAPPLYWATERTOGASKETONOVEN DOOR.ThegasketisessentialforagooddoorseaL Rubbingorcleaningwilldamage the gasket and may affectthe seal. • Wipeupexcessgreaseandfoodspilloverswhichhavenetbakedonthebottomof theoven. Largeaccumulationsofsoilcancauseheavysmokeorfireintheovendudng the cleaningprocess. For easeof cleaning,the heatingelementcan be liftedslightly. • Although smokeor fire in the oven is a normal occurrenceand there is no safety problem,therewillbe ventingof excessivesmoke and odor. • The oven racks can be cleanedin the oven. However,the oven rackswill discolor, loseshininess,andbecomedifficulttoslidein andout ifleft inthe ovenduringthe cleaningprocess. REMOVERACKSFROMOVEN IFTHISDISCOLORATIONWILL BE OBJECTIONABLE.As asuggestion,donot leavethe racksinthe ovenduringthe self-cleaningprocessif theydonot needto becleanedsincetheywilldiscolortoa dull silverafteronecleaning. Moderatelysoiledrackscanbe cleanedwithasoapyS.O.S. pad or Scotch-Britescour pad. Stubborn stains need to be removed in the selfcleaningprocess. Be sureto readspecialtips on page32 ifovenracksarecleaned duringthe self-cleaningprocess. 28 Theoven rackscanbecleanedinthe oven. However,the oven rackswilldiscolor, loseshininess,andbecomedifficultto slidein and outifleftin the ovenduringthe cleaningprocess. REMOVE RACKS FROM OVEN IF THIS DISCOLORATION WILLBE OBJECTIONABLE.As a suggestion, do notleavethe racksin the oven duringthe self-cleaningprocessif they donot needto becleanedsincethey will discolortoa dullsilver afteronecleaning.Moderatelysoiledrackscanbe cleaned witha soapyS,O,S. pador Scotch-Britescour-pad. Stubbornstainsneedto be removedintheself-cleaningprocess.Be suretoreadspecialtipsonpage32 ifoven racksare cleanedduringthe self-cleaningprocess. Steps to Follow for Self-Cleaning Process *Omit steps4 you wishcleaningto beginimmediately. Toset ovento startcleaningimmediately 1. Closethe ovendoor. 2. TouchClean Pad of ovento be cleaned. IndicatorWordsClean TimewillflashandDisplaywill show" HR : __ __". NoteWW30430Owners; The appropriateletter(U-upperoven;L-loweroven) and OVEN will alsoflash. 3. Touch the appropriate number pad(s)• The first numberpad touchedwill enter "3:00"in the Displayfor an average soiled oven. Thecleaningtimecan bevaried dep...
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