Istruzioni per l'uso Baldor, Modello GLC GENERATOR GLC80
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! Never use a water hose or pressure washer as this may damage electrical! components 4.Inspect and replace any control panel components that are broken or not working! properly (receptacles, circuit breakers, switches, etc.)! Troubleshooting and Maintenance 5-0 Problems and Solutions! Some of the more common problems are listed in Table 5-1. This information is intended to be a! check or verification that simple causes can be located and fixed. It is not an exhaustive .how to.! for all types of problems. Procedures that require in depth knowledge or skills (like flashing the! field) should be referred to the Baldor Generator Service Department by calling (920) 236.4200 Table 5-1 General Troubleshooting Guide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roubleshooting and Maintenance!MN2407 Table 5-2 Troubleshooting Guide (Digital Controller Only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roubleshooting and Maintenance 5-2 Note:!See Engine Controller manual for additional information Table 5-3 Troubleshooting Guide (Analog Controller Only)! #. #$ . '23. @.-. $ -. % '()$ - 3-'( $-. <3. ))<3'( $-. $ 3- <=') $)$ . 3 2 -- 2). $ - $. $ - -. . ?' &- $ . % '()- $ -2 $3 - -. -). % '()$ 3 --) &- - & . '- $ 3 -- . <&--) 2 - 3 . ) -' '. % '() E -3-+. '' . -. # $ ! - . Servicd Service for your generator can be obtained from the service department at Baldor Generators by! calling (920) 236.4200. Please have the following information available prior to contacting the! factory:! The model number and serial number of the generator setA complete and accurate description of the problemParts! Parts for your generator can be obtained from the service department at Baldor Generators by! calling (920) 236.4200. Please have the following information available prior to contacting the! factory:! The model number and serial number of the generator setA complete and accurate description of the part (part number if known) Note:!Engine parts can usually be obtained from a local distributor by using the information in! the engine manufacturer.s owner.s manual 5-4 Troubleshooting and Maintenancd MN2407 Appendix A! Series GLC Parts & Wiring Diagrams! Replacement Parts Replacement parts information is provided in this section of the manual. Engine parts are! identified in the engine manual that was provided with your generator set. 10.95030! IMPORTANT9 Fuses are installed in the control box to protect the engine controller and associated! control circuits. When replacing fuses, use the exact replacement fuse (manufacturer and! part number) &5$ $!&5$ $. #. #. #. #. #. >. >. ?. . . 5?#=4 . 7H. 7H. 7H. 70. 70. "<4<. ==. .#::. .#::. .#::. .#::. .#::. "<4<. .#::. .#::. .#::. .#::. "<4<. <=4.<<. .#::. .#::. .#::. .#::. .#::. <=<"? ="=. H. H. H. H. H. .J4 44.K4"?<5. A7. A7. A7. A7. A7. 4=J <<=4.<%.. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. * <<=4.<%.K4=. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. %% #<4 Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli : Energia elettrica - GLC GENERATOR GLC125 (2.26 mb) Energia elettrica - GLC GENERATOR GLC100 (2.26 mb) Energia elettrica - GLC GENERATOR GLC30 (2.26 mb) Energia elettrica - GLC GENERATOR GLC35 (2.26 mb)
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