(Result: A = 16.8) 1 B AC – DC2 2 p 2 p u p 1 -pk , R 1 \ 2 T -ph -pk K A I (B?) 14 = (A?) ] (C?) 2 = (D?) 9 l 8 = [[ (A?) A I • The SOLVE function finds approximations based on Newton’s method, which means that error can occur. Certain expressions or initial values may result in error without convergence of results. • If an expression does not include an equals sign (=), the SOLVE function produces a solution for expression = 0. COMPScientific Function Calculations Use the F key to enter the C
• = 3.14159265359 k Trigonometric/Inverse Trigonometric Functions • Example 1: sin63°5241 qqq 1 >“ R ” S 63 I 52 I 41 I= . • Example 2: cos ( rad) 3 qqq 2 >“ T ” W R Ax\ 3 T = 2 . • Example 3: cos1 rad 24 qqq 2 >“ T ” W AV R L 2 \ 2 T = g \Ax = • Example 4: tan10.741 qqq 1 >“ R ” Ag 0.741 = k Hyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Functions • Example 1: sinh 3.6 MS 3.6 = • Example 2: sinh1 30 MAj 30 = 0.89785901200 R 0.500 T 0.78539816300 T 0.2500 36.5384457700 R 18.2854553600 4.09462222400 E-14 k Angl
20. • Example: Atmospheric Pressure vs. Temperature Temperature AtmosphericPressure 10°C 1003 hPa 15°C 1005 hPa 20°C 1010 hPa 25°C 1011 hPa 30°C 1014 hPa Perform linear regression to determine the regression formula terms and correlation coefficient for the data nearby. Next, use the regression formula to estimate atmospheric pressure at 18°C and temperature at 1000 hPa. Enter REG Mode (Linear Regression) qq 21 A m = (Memory Clear) 10 P1003 S 15 P1005 S 20 P1010 S 25 P 1011 S 30.00 30 P1014 S RE

To clear the contents of M fx-82MS/85MS/300MS/350MS: 0 1t(STO)l(M) 0. fx-82SX PLUS/220 PLUS: 0 1n(Min) 0. k k k k k k k To add the result of 10 . 5 to M (Continuing) 10 * 5 l 50. To subtract the result of 10 + 5 from M (Continuing) 10 + 5 1l(M–) 15. To recall the contents of M fx-82MS/85MS/300MS/350MS: (Continuing) tl(M) 35. fx-82SX PLUS/220 PLUS: (Continuing) n 35. Note: Variable M is used for independent memory. Clearing the Contents of All Memories Independent memory and variable contents are
A z Power .................................................... A w Random number ................................... A c Reciprocal ............................................. A X Rectangular-to-polar ............................. A y Root ...................................................... A s Sine ....................................................... S — 20 — Square .................................................. A K Square root ........................................... L Tangent .
•No error occurs when the result is within the range of (11099)to (11099). Instead, the display shows all zeros. kPower Supply •fx-82SOLAR/fx-260SOLAR This calculator is powered by a solar cell that converts available light into electrical power. Solar Cell Precautions •The solar cell requires at least 50 lux of light to provide power. • If available light is too low, the display may become dim, calculation functions may become impossible, or the contents of the independent memory may be lost. I

Deg Rad Gra 1 23 •Press the number key ( 1, 2, or 3) that corresponds to the angle unit you want to use. . (90° = radians = 100 grads) 2 • Example 1: sin 63 °5241 0.897859012 q ..... 1 (Deg) S 63 I 52 I 41 I = . • Example 2: cos ( rad) 0.5 3 q ..... 2 (Rad) W R A x \ 3 T = 2 . • Example 3 : cos1 0.25. (rad)( (rad)) 2 4 q ..... 2 (Rad) A V R L 2 \ 2 T = g \ A x = • Example 4: tan1 0.741 36.53844577° q ..... 1 (Deg) A g 0.741 = k Hyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Functions • Example 1: sinh 3.6 18.
660 \ 880 A v • Example 3: To add 15% onto 2500. 2500 -15 A v + 180. 75. 2875. — 10 — • Example 4: To discount 3500 by 25%. 3500 -25 A v , 2625. • Example 5: To calculate the following using a constant. 12% of 1200 = 144 18% of 1200 = 216 23% of 1200 = 276 (12%) 1200 - 12 A v K 144. (18%) 18 A v K 216. (23%) 23 A v K 276. Scientific Function Calculations •Use COMP mode for scientific function calculations. • Some calculations may take a long time to complete. •Wait for result before starting nex
3 + 2.5 = 14.5 4 . 3 – 7.1 = 4.9 4*3+2.5= A d YYYY -7.1= 9 . 6 + 3 #015 LINE = 1.425 5 . 8 9*6+3 1t(STO)e(B) 5*81t(STO)w(C) Se(B)/Sw(C)= –4– #016 LINE Deg s30)= 1s(sin–1)0.5)= #017 LINE w1(sinh)1)= w5(cosh–1)1)= #018 LINE Deg c15(.)1G(DRG') 2(r))= c1001G(DRG') 3(g))= #019 MATH Deg 1c(cos–1)y1) = Rad 1c(cos–1)y1) = MathMath –5– #020 log216 = 4 MATH &2e16= LINE l21)(,) 16)= Math #021 LINE log16 = 1.204119983 l16)= *1 LINE #022 ln 90 (= loge90) = 4.49980967 i90)= ln e = 1 iS5(e))= #023 LINE e10 = 2

Use d and e to adjust contrast. 4. After the setting is the way you want, press A. Important: If adjusting display contrast does not improve display readability, it probably means that battery power is low. Replace the battery. 9. Reading the Display The display of the calculator shows expressions you input, calculation results, and various indicators. Input expression Calculation result Indicators 10. Specifying the Calculation Mode When you want to perform this type of operation: Perform this