Istruzioni per l'uso Lucent Technologies, Modello MPE-33R
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E 04/2007 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE MODEL: MPE-33R This manual will enable you to obtain a safe, efficient and dependable installation and operation of your electric fireplace. Please read and understand these instructions before beginning your installation. Do not alter or modify this fireplace or its components under any circumstances. Any modification or alteration of the fireplace system, including but not limited to the fireplace and accessories, may void the warranty, listings and approvals of this system and could result in an unsafe and potentially dangerous installation. IMPORTANT!IFOPTIONAL gLASS DOORS ARE PURCHASED,TO ASSURE PROPER ALIgNMENT, INSTALL THIS FIREPLACE IN A SqUAREANDPLUMbCONDITION,USINgSHIMSASNECESSARy AT SIDES. THIS APPLIANCE IS MOUNTED ON RUbbER FEET TO ENSURE ADEqUATE AIR CIRCULATION bENEATH FIREPLACE. DO NOT bLOCK AIRFLOW AT THE bOTTOM AIR INTAKES. INSTALLER: DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL PLEASE LEAVE FOR THE HOMEOWNER FOR yOUR SAFETy DO NOT STORE OR USE gASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMAbLE VAPORS AND LIqUIDS IN THE VICINITy OF THIS OR ANy OTHER APPLIANCE. Lennox™ electric fireplaces are designed for use as a decorative appliance and/or as a supplemental heater. They are not intended for continuous use as a primary heat source. A French manual is available upon request. Order P/N 850,032CF Ce manuel d’installation est disponible en francais, simplement en faire la demande. Numero de la piece 850,032CF. CUS ® Report # C1482763 IMPORTANT SAFETy AND WARNIINg INFORMATION READ THIS MANUAL IN ITS ENTIRETy AND UNDERSTAND THESE RULES TO FOLLOW FOR SAFETy. WARNINg If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, an elec trical shock or fire may result causing property damage, per sonal injury or loss of life. IMPORTANT before starting your fireplace installation, read this instal lation and operation manual very carefully to ensure you understand it completely and in entirety. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a pos sible electric shock, fire hazard and/orinjury or property damage and will void the warranty. CAUTION This appliance is mounted on rubberfeet.Thepurposeofthese feet is to ensure adequate air circulationbeneaththefireplace. Do not remove these feet. Do not install the fireplace directly onto a carpet, rug, furniture orsimilar surfaces, which could hinder or block the airflow. CAUTION Extreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by or near children or invalids and whenever the heater is left oper ating and unattended. IMPORTANT These fireplaces are designed as supplemental heaters.There fore, it is advisable to have an alternate heat source when installed in a dwelling. IMPORTANT Cold climate installation recom mendation: when installing this fireplaceagainstanon insulated exterior wall or chase, it is mandatory that the outer walls be insulated to conform to appli cable insulation codes. WARNINg To prevent contact with sag ging or loose insulation, the appliance must not be installed againstvaporbarriersorexposed insulation. Localized overheat ing could occur and a fire could result. Insulation and a vapor barrier should be placed a minimum of 2 inches from the appliance. TO PREVENT A POSSIbLE FIRE, DO NOT bLOCK AIR INTAKES OR EXHAUSTS IN ANy WAy. DO NOT USE NEAR SOFT SURFACES, LIKE A PILLOW, WHERE OPENINgS MAy bECOME bLOCKED. THIS APPLIANCE MAy bECOME HOT WHEN IN USE. TO AVOID bURNS, DO NOT LET bARE SKIN TOUCH HOT SURFACES. KEEP COMbUSTIbLE MATERIALS, SUCH AS FURNITURE, PILLOWS, bEDDINg, PAPERS, CLOTHES AND CURTAINS AT LEAST 3 FEET (1 METER) FROM THE FRONT OF THIS APPLIANCE. DO NOT OPERATE ANy HEATER WITH DAMAgED WIRINg OR CONNECTORS, OR AFTER THE APPLIANCE MALFUNCTIONS, OR IF IT HAS bEEN DROPPED OR DAMAgED IN ANy WAy. ANy REPAIRS TO THIS FIREPLACE SHOULD bE PERFORMED by A qUALI- FIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN. NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRATIONS NOT TO SCALE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THIS FIREPLACE bE MODIFIED. PARTS HAVINg TO bE REMOVED FOR SERVIC- INg MUST bE REPLACED PRIOR TO OPERATINg THE FIREPLACE AgAIN. DO NOT USE THIS APPLIANCE OUTDOORS. DO NOT EXPOSE FIREPLACE TO THE ELEMENTS (SUCH AS RAIN, ETC.). THIS APPLIANCE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN bATHROOMS, LAUNDRy AREAS OR SIMILAR INDOOR LOCATIONS. NEVER LOCATE THIS APPLIANCE WHERE IT COULD FALL INTO A bATHTUb OR OTHER WATER CONTAINER. DO NOT RUN ELECTRICAL WIRINg OR POWER CORD UNDER CARPETINg. OR COVER WITH THROW RUgS, RUNNERS OR SIMILAR MATERIALS. FOR 120 VAC POWER CORD AVOID THE USE OF AN EXTENSION CORD bECAUSE THE EXTENSION CORD MAy OVERHEAT AND CAUSE A RISK OF FIRE. HOWEVER, IF yOU HAVE TO USE AN EXTENSION CORD, THE CORD SHALL bE NO. 14 AWg MINIMUM SIZE AND RATED NOT LESS THAN 1800 WATTS, 15 AMPS. THE EXTENSION CORD MUST bE A THREE CONDUCTOR SHEATH CAbLE WITH gROUNDINg TyPE PLUg AND CORD CONNECTION. THIS APPLIANCE HAS HOT AND ARCINg OR SPARKINg PARTS INSIDE. DO NOT USE IT IN AREAS WHERE gASOLINE, PAINT OR FLAMMAbLE LIqUIDS ARE USED OR STORED. THIS FIREPLACE SHOULD NOT bE USED AS A DRyI...