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Istruzioni per l'uso ZTE, Modello MF667 (EagleMobile)

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vi. Perdorimi i produktit nga pale te treta, ose rastet kur defekti i shkaktuar vjen si pasoje e nderveprimit dhe shfrytezimit te kombinuar me produktin e pales se trete. vii. Ndonje shkak tjeter pertej natyres se perdorimit normal te destinuar per Produktin. Perdoruesi fundor nuk ka te drejte te refuzoje ose ktheje produktin apo te marre nje rimbursim per produktin nga ZTE per arsyet dhe situatat e lartpermendura. • Kjo garanci eshte kompensimi i vetem per perdoruesit fundor dhe pergjegjesia e vetme ZTE-se per sendet e demtuara ose jo te konfirmuara, dhe zevendeson te gjitha garancite e tjera, te shprehura ose te nenkuptuara statutore, duke perfshire por pa u kufizuar ne garancite e nenkuptuara te tregtimit dhe pershtatshmerise per nje qellim te vecante, pervec se nese kerkohet ndryshe ne baze te dispozitave urdheruese te ligjit. Kufizimi i Pergjegjesise ZTE nuk do te jete pergjegjese per humbjen e te ardhurave ose demtime jo te drejteperdrejta, specifike, aksidentale apo rrjedhimore qe rezultojne, shkaktohen apo kane lidhje me perdorimin e ketij produkti, si ne rastet kur ZTE eshte keshilluar ose jo, ka patur dijeni ose duhet te kete patur dijeni per mundesine e demeve te tilla, duke perfshire, por pa u kufizuar ne humbjen e te ardhurave, nderprerjen e biznesit, koston e kapitalit, koston e produkteve apo objekteve zevendesuese, ose cdo kosto joproduktive. Si te merrni ndihme Ju mund te merrni ndihme: • Duke klikuar Ndihme (HELP) ne program. • Duke derguar e-mail ne mobile@zte.com.cn • Duke vizituar • Duke telefonuar Sherbimin Hotline: +86-755-26779999 USB Modem Manual Perdorimi MF667 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright © 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be excerpted, reproduced, translated or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation. The manual is published by ZTE Corporation. We reserve the right to make modifications on print errors or update specifications without prior notice. Quick Guide Introduction The ZTE MF667 USB modem is a multi-mode USB modem, working in HSPA+/HSUPA/HSDPA/WCDMA/EDGE/ GPRS/GSM networks. With USB interface connecting to a laptop or a desktop PC, it integrates the functionality of a modem and a mobile phone (SMS), and combines mobile communication with Internet perfectly. It supports data and SMS services through the mobile phone network, enabling you to communicate anytime and anywhere. Specification The following table shows the specification of your device. Interface type USB 2.0 HIGH SPEED Systems supported Supports most types of laptop and desktop PC. Operating systems supported Windows XP (SP3 and above), Vista, Windows 7 MAC 10.4.11 and later Functions SMS service, Data service, Applications management, support microSD card, etc. Network standa...

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