da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
specifies the absolute name of the user-created policy file.
Starting the JDBC Server Using System Properties
The following example, which specifies System Properties, shows how to start the JDBC Server and register the NonStop
SQL/MP driver:
java -Djava.security.policy=/usr/mydir/policy -Dnoa=true \
> com.tandem.jdbc.server.jdbcServer -startRegistry com.tandem.sqlmp.SQLMPDriver
Alternatively, you can declare the available drivers as a jdbc.drivers System Property. In this case, start the JDBC Server
with java using a command of the form:
java -Djdbc.drivers=driver_list ... com.tandem.jdbc.server.jdbcServer
Performance Consideration for Using the JDBC Server With the SQL/MP Driver
SQLCOMP is the component of NonStop SQL/MP that prepares SQL statements. This component is used by the Type 2 driver
JDBC for SQL/MP every time you invoke a Connection.prepareStatement(), Statement.executeQuery(), or
Statement.executeUpdate(). Normally, SQLCOMP terminates when it determines that it has been idle for five minutes. In a
long-running application such as the JDBC Server, this is not desirable. If you issue the following before starting the JDBC
Server, SQLCOMP continues to run for the duration of the JDBC Server application:
set defmode on
add_define =_SQL_CMP_TIMEOUT class=map file=\$system.system.sql
The actual values you specify for the class and file options are not important. The existence of the
=_SQL_CMP_TIMEOUT Define is sufficient to cause the SQLCOMP process to continue running.
Stopping the JDBC Server
If you must stop the JDBC Server (to temporarily prevent access to the SQL/MP database, for example), use the kill -9
command. You can also use the kill -9 command to stop the rmiregistry. If you are using an independent
rmiregistry and it has been stopped and restarted, you must also stop and restart the JDBC Server.
Creating a Policy File
The JDBC server runs with a security manager. As with any application that runs with a security manager, the JDBC server
needs a permission to use a system resource. Because the JDBC server uses sockets to communicate with clients, it needs a
SocketPermission. Such a permission can be granted in a policy file. NonStop Server for Java provides a default policy file
called /usr/tandem/java/jre/lib/security/java.policy; the SocketPermissions granted in this file are not
sufficient for the JDBC Server, however.
The default policy file is used when an application is executed. You can also specify an additional or a different policy file
when invoking execution of an application by using the -Djava.security.policy command line argument, which sets
the value of the java.security.policy property. You can create your own policy file by making a copy of the default policy file
and adding extra permissions. A description of policy file syntax is available on the Sun Microsystems web site
The following is an example of the contents of a policy file that grants all possible permissions:
grant { permission java.security.AllPermission; };
Although such a file is useful during testing of the JDBC server, you should create a policy file that is tailored to your
environment when actually using the JDBC server.
Telling the RMI Runtime To Release Resources
The RMI runtime cleans up remote objects when it has determined that no more clients are referencing the remote object. One
of the ways that the RMI runtime cleans up remote objects is to call the object's unreferenced method, which allows the object
to clean up any resources it has allocated. The JDBC Server implements an unreferenced method in its Connection object. This
unreferenced method closes any open ResultSets, Statements, and PreparedStatements associated with the Connection, thus
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