da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
Your Gateway computer is packed with many powerful features.
Icons and color coding help make setting up your computer as easy as possible.
FRONT (may vary with options)
BACK (may vary with options)
1 Connect the mouse and
If you have a wireless mouse or
Memory card reader
keyboard, follow the instructions that
USB ports
came with them.
DVD/CD drive
Smart Copy button
Voltage switch
Case cover thumbscrew
DVD/CD drive
Power connector
Integrated video
Integrated video
PS/2 keyboard port
PS/2 mouse port
Add-in video
Add-in video
Connect the monitor
(using DVI-to-VGA adapter)
(depending on your model)
Power button
IEEE 1394/ FireWire™
If available, connect to Add-in
port (optional)
HDMI port (optional)
video (HDMI, DVI, or VGA),
Microphone jack
otherwise connect to integrated
IEEE 1394/ FireWire™
Integrated video (VGA)
Headphone jack
port (optional)
port (optional)
video (HDMI or VGA). The
Ethernet (network) jack
integrated video port is disabled if
USB ports (number may vary)
you have add-in video.
Center/subwoofer jack
Note: You can use the included DVI-to-VGA
S/PDIF jack (optional)
Surround left/right jack
adapter to connect a VGA monitor to a DVI
Microphone jack
Audio in/side speaker jack
video port.
Case cover thumbscrew
Headphone jack
Add-in video card (optional)
DVI port (optional)
TV tuner (optional)
HDMI port (optional)
Wireless card (optional)
Telephone jack (optional)
Modem jack (optional)
3 Connect the speakers
Follow the instructions that came with
your speakers.
Note: If you ordered an audio card with your computer,
connect your speakers to the card’s jacks. Integrated
audio jacks are disabled when an audio card is installed.
Note: If you have a speaker bar, follow the instructions
that came with it.
4 Connect the
5 Connect the network
SEE YOUR DOCUMENTATION. For detailed information about
CONTACT TECH SUPPORT. To speak with a technical support
modem (optional)
using your Gateway computer, see the User Guide or Reference Guide
representative, call toll-free 866-539-3901 (U.S.) or 800-297-5980
Connect the network (RJ45)
provided. To access the online guides, click (Start), All Programs,
Connect the telephone modem
cable to the Ethernet jack and a
cable to the modem jack and
then click Gateway Documentation.
cable modem, DSL modem, or
telephone wall jack. You can
SEE YOUR STARTER GUIDE. After setting up your computer, read the
network jack.
For help and information about common
connect your telephone to the
Starter Guide for tips on using your computer.
NOTE: For detailed network and Internet setup
issues, visit the Gateway Support Web site at support.gateway.com.
telephone jack.
instructions, see your online User Guide.
6 Connect the
7 Turn on the
power cord
power ( )
Connect the power cable to
Turn on the monitor and
the computer, then plug it
computer. Follow the Windows
into a power source. To
setup screen instructions.
protect your system from
IMPORTANT: Connect devices, such as a
power fluctuations, use a
printer or scanner, after you complete the
surge protector.
Windows setup. Follow the instructions
that came with the device.
WARNING: To protect your computer
during electrical storms, unplug the
power cord, modem, and network
Actual product may vary from image shown. Product specifications subject to change without notice.
© 2008 Gateway, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gateway, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brands and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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