Facilità d'uso
1 • Contact an authorized service technician for repair or maintenance of this unit. • Contact an authorized installer for installation of this unit. • If the power cord needs to be replaced, replacement work shall be performed by authorized service personnel only. • Installation work must be performed in accordance with the national and local electric codes and must be performed by authorized personnel only. NOTE: All the illustrations in this manual are for explanation purposes only. Your air conditioner may be slightly different. Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual SafetyPrecautions opreventinjurytotheuserorotherpeopleandpropertydamage,thefollowinginstructions T TTo prevent injury to the user and propert damage, the following instructions must be mustbefollowed.Incorrectoperationduetoignoringofinstructionsmaycauseharmor followed. Incorrect operation due to ignoring instructions may cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by the following indications. damage. Theseriousnessisclassifiedbythefollowingindications. Thissymbolindicatesthepossibilityofdeathorseriousinjury. !CAUTIONThissymbolindicatesthepossibilityofinjuryordamagetoproperty. WARNING! Meaningsofsymbolsusedinthismanualareasshownbelow. ! ! WARNING Alwaysdothis. Neverdothis. Pluginpowerplug properly. Donotmodifypowercord lengthorsharetheoutlet withotherappliances. Alwaysensureeffective earthing. Unplugtheunitifstrange sounds,smell,orsmoke comesfromit. Keepfirearmsaway. Ventilateroombeforeoperatingair conditionerifthereisagasleakagefrom anotherappliance. Otherwise,itmaycauseelectric shockorfiredueto heat generation. excess Itmaycauseelectricshockor fireduetoheatgeneration. Incorrectearthingmaycause electricshock. Itmaycausefireandelectric shock. Itmaycausefire. Itmaycauseexplosion,fireand,burns. Itmaycauseelectricshockorfire duetoheatgeneration. Itmaycauseelectricshock. Itmaycausefailureofmachine orelectricshock. Itmaycausefireandelectric shock. Itmaycausefireandelectric shock. Itmaycauseelectricshockorfire. Ifthepowercordisdamaged,it mustbereplacedbythemanufac-tureroranauthorisedservice centreorasimilarlyqualifiedper-soninordertoavoidahazard. Thiscoulddamageyourhealth. Incorrectinstallationmaycause fireandelectricshock. Itmaycauseelectricshock. Itmaycauseanexplosionorfire. Itmaycausefailureandelectricshock. Donotoperateorstopthe unitbyinsertingorpulling outthepowerplug. Donotoperatewithwet handsorindamp environment. Donotallowwatertorun intoelectricparts. Donotusethesocketifitis looseordamaged. Donotusethepowercord closetoheatingappliances. Donotdamageorusean unspecifiedpowercord. Donotdirectairflowat roomoccupantsonly. Alwaysinstallcircuit breakerandadedicated powercircuit. Donotopentheunit duringoperation. Donotusethepowercordnear flammablegasorcombustibles,such asgasoline,benzene,thinner,etc. Donotdisassembleormodifyunit. ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! • Otherwise, it may cause electric shock or fire due to excess heat generation !Plug in power cordplug properly • It may cause electric shock or fire due to heat generation !Do not modify power cord length or share the outlet with other appliances. Always ensure effective grounding ! • Incorrect grounding may cause electric shock Unplug the unit if strange sounds, odors or smoke comes from it. ! • It may cause fire and electric shock • It may cause electric shock or fire due to heat generation Do not operate or stop the unit by inserting or pulling out the power plug • It may cause electric shock Do not operate with wet hands or in a damp environment Do not allow water to run in to electric parts • It may cause failure of machine or electric shock Do not use the socket if it is loose or damaged • It may cause fire and electric shock...
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