Facilità d'uso
The line output and the headphone output are not muted during this operation, so that it is possibleto continuouslymonitor the inputsignal. I Record Level Setting This deck's LEDlevel meters are free of "overshoot"problemsand display peak levels with a high degree of accuracy. (LH)positiontape formulations, "Chrome"positiontape fotmulations: Adjust record levelsso that the + 3 dB indication lights up only occasionally signal onthe highest oeaks. *dB _-.l r_ I P€k Level I | '-" --* ;l| le I l- r--I I lr rl I r_ _r I LI IJ _!-.-! I t-. -! | I :- " -: I l!-.-! | lr -rI I tr-I lr ^^ I I lt-4-t I l! ^^ I I lr-w-r I " I l' L dBJ Forgoodrecordings,it is essential to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio. lf the record level is set too low tape hiss will impair the playbacksoundquality.On the other hand, setting the record level too high will cause distortion. Refer to the chart below as a guidelineto set recordinglevels. The Dolby C-Type NR system incorporated in this deck possessesadvanced circuitry to preventdistortion even at high saturationlevels. Therefore recording levels can be set in the same wav as without noise reduction. "Metal" position tape formulations: Adjustrecord levels so that the + 5 dB indication lightsup only occasionally on the highest signal oeaks. *dB _-l _ Peak Level I I I r_ q _t I - lr ll | !-e--l I tr rl --!_i Li l-n --l rl -!-r lr c- I I ll -rI I lr-I l!-,.-! | lr -rI I tr-I l!-^-! | l!-*-! I Ir a I L dB --l As dilferent tape tormulationshave slightly differentoverload(headroom)characteristicq the requirements may vary to a certain degree when using ditferent tapes. [Timer Recording or Playback] Thisdeck incorporatesa timer-start feature, which enables you to make unattended recordings or start playbackat a preselectedtime with the use of a timer. (1)Establishconnectionsas shown in the chart. (2)Insert the tape to be used for recording or- playbackand turn on the powerto all components. (3)Fortimer recording, set the recording level to suit the expected signal. For timer playback,set the output control to the desiredlevel. Check if all componentsare set up properly. (4)For timer recording, set this deck's timer switchto "Rec".For timer playback,set the switch to "Play". (5)Setthe timer to the desired operation time. (6)At the pre-selectedtime,the timer will supplypowerto the components,and the deck will automatically start recording or playing. . Be sure to set the deck's timer switch to "Off",whenthe timer recording or playbackfeature is notdesired. Maintenance ' d and Transport Cleaning very important to regularily cleanthe \/ surfaces of the heads as well as the capstan,pinchrollerand all other parts which come in contact with the tape. Tiny particlessheddedfromthe tape onto these oarts,as well as dust accumulations etc. become the cause of drop-outs, and severely degrade frequency response and wow-andJl utter characteristics. Gleaning Procedure Remove the cassette holder cover. Use cotton{ipped sticks or the like (availablein audiostores, etc.) to carefully and with very lightpressureclean the parts indicatedin whiteon the illustration. In cases of severe contamination,dip the cotton tip in cleaning fluid.Cleaningis facilitated if -after removing the cassette holder cover -the cover is closed again and the pauseswitch depressed, thereby raising the head ---embly. b pressureroller is very dirty, pressthe lry switch and clean the roller while it is turning. At this time, be careful that the cottontip does not get caughtbetweenthe roller and the capstan. After cleaning the roller,put the deck intothe pausemode again and clean the revolving capstan. Demagnetizing After a longer periodof use, there can be a build-upof residualmagnetism in heads and capstan, etc. Suchresidualmagnetism can induce noise and impair the high frequencies duringplayback.Topreventthis,you should demagnetizethesepartsabout once every 50 hours of use with the optional Nakamichi DM-10 Demagnetizer or another properly designed demagnetizer. For details on the demagnetizingprocedure,pleaseconsult the demagnetizer'sinstructionmanual. . Always switch off the power to the deck before starting the demagnetizing orocedure. Gleaning the Faceplate This unit should be cleaned only by wiping it with a soft, dry cloth. Never use alcohol, solvents, ammonia or abrasive cleaning agents. Lubrication All important moving partsof this deck are fittedwith long-life, oil-less bearings. Periodic lubrication is therefore not necessarv. Remedy '1.Press eiect button and then close cassette holder firmly 2. Placeadhesive tape over tab opening or use new cassette. 3. Demagnetize head. 4.Clean these oarts. 5. Reolace cassetle. 6.Clean head and oressureroller 7.Checkprogrammaterial. 8.Wide dynamic range permitssome short-term overload, but excessive recording levels will cause distortion. Adjust recording levels. 9. Cleanhead. 'lO.Select correct setting for the tape in use. 11.Checkconnections. 1 2. Clean head. 13.Check connections. 14.Clean...
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