Box 085005 Racine, WI 53408-5005 Telephone: 1-800-558-9441 Web site: Email: info@andisco.com Fabricado en EE.UU. T-EDJER® TRIMMER/RECORTADORA Form #15898 Rev.C Printed in USA
Box 085005 Racine, WI 53408-5005 Telephone: 1-800-558-9441 Web site: Email: info@andisco.com Fabricado en EE.UU. T-EDJER® TRIMMER/RECORTADORA Form #15898 Rev.C Printed in USA
Made in P.R.C./Fabricado en R.P.C./ Fabrique en P.R.C. ©2006 Andis Company, Sturtevant, WI U.S.A. 1-800-558-9441 Canada: 1-800-335-4093 info@andisco.com Item #/Articulo N../Article # 23020 Model/Modelo/Modele PM-1 RECORTADORA PARA GANADO EQUINO CON MOTOR DE PIVOTE TONDEUSE A CHEVAUX AVEC MOTEUR ALTERNATIF • Ultra quiet, high-powered, pivot-motor horse clipper • Machined stainless-steel blades will not rust • Thumb-adjustable taper control lets you change cutting lengths 30-15-10 without changing
50/60 Hz USTED UPC: 040102 24145 1 One Year Warranty Garantía de un año Garantie un an Standard Pack/Paquete estándar/ Emballage standard: 6 Shipping Weight/Peso de envío/ Poids à l’expédition: 15 Ibs. Made in P.R.C./Fabricado en R.P.C./ Fabriqué en R.P.C. ©2008 Andis Company. Sturtevant. Wl U.S.A. 1-800-558-9441 Canada: 1-800-335-4093 info@andisco.com Form #23742 Professional pivot motor clipper for all around styling and bartering New improved design with viewing channels for better
REQ'D ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. REQ'D 1 55042 Upper Housing 1 2 14311 Cord Set (UL 2-Wire) 1 3 55314 Screw - Field 2 4 01059 Lock Washer 2 5 26505 Switch Assembly 1 6 S26642 Field Assembly 1 7 26042 Armature Adjustment Screw 1 8 65842 Hanger Hook 1 9 26999 Washer 1 10 26529 Anchor Screw 1 11 55002 Lower Housing 1 12 55101 Housing Screw 4 13 26899 Blade Screw 2 14
FOR USE IN NORTH AMERICA: CHARGING UNIT - READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE CHARGING THIS TRIMMER. Remove Andis clipper/trimmer and wall transformer from carton and plug into 120V or 230V outlet as identified on the bottom of the wall transformer, or on the outside of the carton. Note that the clipper/trimmer ON/OFF switch must be in the OFF position for the battery to charge. The clipper/trimmer can be charged in the stand or by connecting directly to the wall transformer. To charge in the stand, make
60 Hz =© USTED UPC: 040102 23165 0 One Year Warranty/Garantía de un año/ Garantie de 1 an Standard Pack/Paquete estándar/ Emballage standard: 6 Shipping Weight/Peso de envío/ Poids à l'expédition: 9 Ibs. Clipper made in U.S.A./Recortadora fabricada en EE.UU./Tondeuse fabriqué aux Etats-Unis Charger made in P.R.C./Cargador fabricado en R.P.C./Chargeur fabriqué en R.P.C. ©2007 Andis Company. Sturtevant. Wl U.S.A. 1-000-550-9441 Canada:1-000-335-4093 info@andisco.com Fabriqué aux Etats
D Blade Set 31-15 #70325 General purpose for horses and cattle Usos generales para ganado vacuno y equino Lames polyvalentes pour chevaux et bétail Blade Set 18-23 #70345 Special blades for dirty cattle hair Coat length after clipping 2-4 mm Hojas especiales para el pelaje sucio del ganado vacuno. Longitud del pelaje después de recortar 2-4 mm Lames spéciales pour poils sales Longueur de poil après la tonte 2-4 mm Blade Set 21-23 #70320 Wider spaced teeth on bottom blade for “tough” clippi
d trimming • Quick release button for easy-to-use blades • Step-by-step DVD with complete dog grooming instructions • Patent pending Safeguard™ combs designed with rounded tips for safer grooming • Ideal for medium to small breeds • Comfortable design and quiet running motor Kit includes: • Powerful clipper • 3 interchangeable blades: sizes 10, 7FC, and 4FC • 4 Safeguard™ combs: 1/4', 1/2" 3/4', 1" (for use with size 10 blade) • Step-by-step DVD • Stainless steel shears • Clipper oi
23745 Model/Modelo PM-3R 120V/60 Hz ® LISTED UPC: 040102 237454 Five Year Warranty Garantia de cinco anos Standard Pack/ Paquete estándar: 2 Shipping Weight/ Peso de envión: 5 lbs. Made in P.R.C./ Fabricado en R.P.C. ©2008 Andis Company. Sturtevant. Wl U.S.A. 1-800-558-9441 info@andisco.com Form #23747 Rev. В • Four Times The Power of a comparable magnetic motor • Maximum Power for clipping wet, dry or damp hair • 20% Lighter for smooth, comfortable cutting • Includes Instructional D