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Istruzioni per l'uso Gigabyte, Modello GA-EQ45M-S2

Produttore : Gigabyte
File Size : 5.62 mb
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Lingua di insegnamento: en
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Facilità d'uso

o- HPET Support (Note) Enables or disables High Precision Event Timer (HPET) for Windows Vista operating system. (Default: Enabled) cr HPET Mode (Nole) Allows you to select the HPET mode for your Windows Vista operating system. Select 32-bit mode when you install 32-bit Windows Vista; select 64-bit mode when you install 64-bit Windows Vista. (Default: 32-bit mode) o- Power On By Mouse Allows the system to be turned on by a PS/2 mouse wake-up event. Note: To use this function, you need an ATX power supply providing at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. ►► Disabled Disables this function. (Default) ►► Double Click Double click on left button on the PS/2 mouse to turn on the system. o- Power On By Keyboard Allows the system to be turned on by a PS/2 keyboard wake-up event. Note: you need an ATX power supply providing at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. ►► Disabled Disables this function. (Default) ►► Password Set a password with 1~5 characters to turn on the system. ►► Keyboard 98 Press POWER button on the Windows 98 keyboard to turn on the system. o- KB Power ON Password Set the password when Power On by Keyboard is set to Password. Press on this item and set a password with up to 5 characters and then press to accept. To turn on the system, enter the password and press . Note: To cancel the password, press on this item. When prompted for the password, press again without entering the password to clear the password settings. o- AC Back Function Determines the state of the system after the return of power from an AC power loss. ►► Soft-Off The system stays off upon the return of the AC power. (Default) ►► Full-On The system is turned on upon the return of the AC power. ►► Memory The system returns to its last known awake state upon the return of the AC power. (Note) Supported on Windows Vista operating system only. GA-EQ45M-S2 Motherboard - 50 - 2-9 PnP/PCI Configurations PCI1 IRQ Assignment № Auto *3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 PCI2 IRQ Assignment * Auto ►► 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 BIOS auto-assigns IRQ to the first PCI slot. (Default) Assigns IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to the first PCI slot. BIOS auto-assigns IRQ to the second PCI slot. (Default) Assigns IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to the second PCI slot. - 51 - BIOS Setup 2-10 PC Health Status u CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2009 Award Software PC Health Status Chassis Opened Warning [Disabled] Item Help Chassis Opened No Menu Levels Vcore 1.156V DDR18V 1.968 V +3.3V 3.360V + 12V 12.251V Current System Temperature 36oC Current CPU Temperature 29oC Current CPU FAN Speed 2922 RPM Current SYSTEM FAN Speed 0 RPM CPU Warning Temperature [Disabled] CPU FAN Fail Warning [Disabled] SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning [Disabled] Smart FAN Control Method [Auto] — ^: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults Chassis Opened Warning Allows the system to emit warning if the chassis cover is removed. * Enabled Enables this function. * Disabled Disables this function. (Default) * Clear Clears the Chassis Opened record. Chassis Opened Displays the detection status of the chassis intrusion detection device attached to the motherboard CI header. If the system chassis cover is removed, this field will show "Yes", otherwise it will show "No". To clear the chassis intrusion status record, set Chassis Opened Warning to Clear, save the settings to CMOS, and then restart your system. Current Voltage(V) Vcore/DDR18V/+3.3V/+12V Displays the current system voltages. Current System/CPU Temperature Displays current system/CPU temperature. Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM) Displays current CPU/system fan speed. CPU Warning Temperature Sets the warning threshold for CPU temperature. When CPU temperature exceeds the threshold, BIOS will emit warning sound. Options are: Disabled (default), 60oC/140oF, 70oC/158oF, 80oC/176oF, 90oC/194oF. CPU/SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning Allows the system to emit warning sound if the CPU/system fan is not connected or fails. Check the fan condition or fan connection when this occurs. (Default: Disabled) GA-EQ45M-S2 Motherboard - 52 - о- Smart FAN Control Method (Note) Specifies how to control CPU fan speed. »Auto Lets BIOS control CPU fan speed. (Default) * Intel(R) QST Allows CPU fan speed to be controlled by the Intel Quiet System Technology (QST). This feature requires the installation of Intel Host Embedded Control Interface (HECI) driver from the motherboard driver disk. * Legacy Allows CPU fan to run at different speed according to the CPU temperature. * Disable Forces CPU fan to run at full speed. (Note) Before setting this item to Intel(R) QST, make sure at least DDR2_1 or DDR2_2 socket in Channel 0 is populated. A small portion of system memory will be shared when Intel QST is enabled. - 53 - BIOS Setup 2-11 Load Fail-Safe Defaults CMOS Set...

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