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If your AGP card has "AGP 4X notch"(s how below), please make sure y our AGP card is AGP 4X (1. 5V). Do not use AGP 2X card (3.3V) in this motherboard. It will burn and damage the mot herboard due to Intel® 845 chip set can't support AGP 2X(3.3V).. Exam ple 1: Diamon d Vippe r V770 golden finge r is co mpatible with 2X/ 4X m ode AGP slot. I t can b e switc hed between AG P 2X(3.3 V) or 4 X(1. 5V) mode b y adju sting the ju mper. The fa ctory default for this c ard is 2X (3.3V) . If you ins tall this ca rd in GA-8I RM series (o r any AGP 4X only) motherbo ards withou t switchin g the jump er to 4X m ode (1 .5V), it will burn the mo therbo ard. Example 2: ATi Rage 1 28 Pro (Powe r Color)& SiS 305 golden finger is com patible with 2X/ 4X mo de AGP slot, but it su pports 2X( 3.3V) only. If you in stall this c ard in GA-8I RM series (o r any AGP 4X only) moth erboar ds, it will burn the motherboa rd. Note : Althou gh Gigab yte's AG 32S graph ics card is base d on ATi Rage 128 Pro ch ip, the desig n of AG 32S is compliance w ith AGP 4X (1 .5V) spec ification. T herefor e, AG3 2S will work fine with Intel 845 / 850 b ased motherb oard s. • T he author assumes no responsibi l i ty for any errors or om i ssions that may appear in this docum entnor does the author m ake a com m i tm ent to up date the inform ation contained herein. • T hird-party brands and nam es are the property of their respective owners. • Please do not rem ove any labels on m otherboard, this m ay voi d the warranty of this motherboard. • Due to rapid change in technol ogy, som e ofthe specificati ons mightbe out of date before publi cation of thi s booklet. Dec laration of Conform ity W e,Manuf acturer/Import er (f ull address) G.B.T. Technology Tr a ding GMbH A usschlager Weg 41,1F, 20537 Ham bur g, Germ any declare t hat t he product ( descript ion of t he apparat us, system, inst allat ion t o which it ref ers) Mother Board GA-8IRM/GA-8IRML is in conf ormit y wit h (ref erence t o t he specif icat ion under which conf ormit yis declared) in accordance wit h 89/336 EEC-EMC Direct ive ?EN 55011 Lim it s and m et hods of m easurem ent ?EN 61000-3-2* Dist urbances in supply system s cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of ?EN 60555-2 by household appliances and sim ilar indust rial,scient ific and m edical (ISM elect rical equipm ent “ Harm onics” high f requency equipm ent ?EN 55013 Lim it s and m et hods of m easurem ent ?EN 61000-3-3* Dist urbances in supply system s cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of ?EN 60555-3 by household appliances and sim ilar broadcast receivers and associat ed elect rical equipm ent “ Volt age f luctuat ions” equipm ent ?EN 55014 Lim it s and m et hods of m easurem ent ?EN 50081-1 Generic em ission st andard Part 1: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of Residual com m ercialand light indust ry household elect rical appliances, port able t ools and sim ilar elect rical ?EN 50082-1 Genericim m unit y st andard Part 1: apparat us Residual com m ercialand light indust ry ?EN 55015 Lim it s and m et hods of m easurem ent ?EN 55081-2 Generic em ission st andard Part 2: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of Indust rialenvironm ent f luorescent lam ps and lum inaries ?EN 55020 Im m unit y f rom radio int erf erence of ?EN 55082-2 Generic em ission st andard Part 2: broadcast receivers and associat ed Indust rialenvironm ent equipm ent ?EN 55022 Lim it s and m et hods of m easurem ent ?ENV 55104 lm m unit y requirement s f or household of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of appliances t ools and sim ilar apparat us inf orm at ion t echnology equipm ent ?DIN VDE 0855 Cabled dist ribut ion syst em s; Equipm ent ?EN50091-2 EMC requirem ent s for unint errupt ible ?part 10 f or receiving and/or distribution f rom powersyst em s(UPS) ?part 12 sound and t elevision signals (EC conf orm it y m arking) ?CEmarking T hemanufacturer also declaresthe conformity of above mentioned product withthe actual requiredsafety standards in accordance with LVD 73/23EEC ?EN 60065 Saf et yrequirem ent s f or m ains operat ed ?EN 60950 elect ronic and realt ed apparat us f or household and sim ilar general use ?EN 60335 Saf et y of household and sim ilar ?EN 50091-1 elect rical appliances Manufacturer/Importer Signat ure: Ti mmy H u an g (S ta mp ) Dat e : Nov. 10, 2001 Nam e: Tim m y H uan g DECLARATION OF C ONFORMITY Pe r FCC P art 2 S ect io n 2.1 077( a) Re s pon s i bl e Par ty Name: G. B. T. IN C. (U.S .A .) Addres s : 17358 Rai l r oad S tr eet Ci t y of Indus tr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/Fax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 h ereb y d eclares t h at t h e p ro d u ct Pr oduct N ame: Mot h er boar d Mode l Nu mber : GA -8 I R M/GA -8 IR ML Co n f o rms t o t h e f o llo win g s p ecificat io n s : FCC Par t 15, Su b p art B, S ect io n 15. 107( a) an d Se ct io n 15. 109 (a), Clas s B Dig i t al De v ice Su ppl emen tar y Inf or mat i on: T h is d ev ice co mp lies wi t h p art 1 5 o f t h e FCC Ru les . Op er...