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Istruzioni per l'uso Gigabyte, Modello 8S651MP-RZ

Produttore : Gigabyte
File Size : 1.48 mb
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Lingua di insegnamento: en
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Load Fail-Safe Defaults CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures • Inte grated Periphe rals • Powe r Man S • PnP/ PCI C • PC H ealth St atus • Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol Load Fail Sa fe DTop Perform ance Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults Load Optimiz ed Defa ults S S i P d Save & Exit S etup Exit Without S aving efau lts (Y/N )? N ESC: Quit higf: Selec t Item F8: Q-Flash F10: Save & Exit S etup Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults English Fail-Safe de faults contain the mos t approp riate v alues o f the sy stem pa rameters that a llow minimum sy ste m perform ance. -33 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish Load Optimized Defaults CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures • Inte grated Periphe rals • Powe r Man S • PnP/ PCI C • PC H ealth • Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol Load Optimiz ed DTop Perform ance Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults Load Optimiz ed Defa ults S S i P d p Exit Without S aving efau lts (Y/N )? N ESC: Quit higf: Selec t Item F8: Q-Flash F10: Save & Exit S etup Load Optimiz ed Defa ults Selecting this field loads the factory defaults for BIOS and Chipset Features w hich the sy stem automatically dete cts. Set Supervisor/User Password CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures • Inte grated Periphe rals • Powe r Man S • PnP/ PCI C • PC H ealth St atus • Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol Ente r Passw ord: Top Perform ance Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults Load Optimiz ed Defa ults S S i P d Save & Exit S etup Exit Without S aving ESC: Quit higf: Selec t Item F8: Q-Flash F10: Save & Exit S etup Chan ge/Set/Di sable Pas sword When y ou select this function, the follow ing message w ill appear at the center of the screen to assist y ou in cre ating a pas sw ord. Ty pe the p assw ord , up to eig ht c hara cter s, and pres s < Ente r>. You w ill be ask ed to c onfirm the pas sw or d. T y pe the pass w ord aga in a nd p ress . Yo u ma y also p ress to ab ort the selec tion and not ente r a pass w ord. To disa ble pass w ord, jus t pr ess w hen y ou are promp ted to e nter pass w ord . A mess age "PASS WORD DISA BLED" w ill appear to confir m the pass w ord bein g disable d. Once the passw o rd is disab led, the sy stem w ill boot and y ou c an enter Setup fr eely . The B IOS Setup program a llow s y ou to specify tw o sepa rate passw ords: SUPERV ISOR PASSWOR D and a USE R PASSWORD. When disable d, any one m ay access all BIOS Setup pr ogra m fun ction . Wh en en abled , th e Sup erv is or pa ssw o rd is requ ired for enter ing the B IOS Setup pro gram and hav ing full configuration fields, the Use r passw ord is req uired to access o nly basic ite ms. If y o u select "Sy stem" a t "Passw o rd Check" in Adv anc e BIOS Fe atures Me nu, y ou w ill be pro mpted for the passw o rd ev ery time the sy stem is rebooted or any time y ou try to enter Setup Menu. If y ou select "Se tup" at "Passw ord Check" in Adv a nce BIOS Features Menu, y ou w ill be prompted only w hen y ou try to enter S etup. 8S651MP-RZ Series Motherboard -34 Save & Exit Setup CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures • Inte grated Periphe rals • Powe r Man S • PnP/ PCI C • PC H ealth • Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol Save to CMOS an Top Perform ance Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults Load Optimiz ed Defa ults S S i P d p Exit Without S aving d EXIT (Y/ N)? Y ESC: Quit F8: Q-Flash higf: Selec t Item F10: Save & Exit S etup Save Data to CMOS Ty pe "Y" w ill quit the Setup Utility and sav e th e user se tup v alue to RTC CMOS. Ty pe "N" w ill return to Setup Utility . Exit Without Saving CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures • Inte grated Periphe rals • Powe r Manag ement S etup • PnP/ PCI C • PC H ealth • Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol Quit Without S Top Perform ance Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults Load Optimiz ed Defa ults Set Supervis or Pass word p Exit Without S aving aving (Y/ N)? N ESC: Quit F8: Q-Flash higf: Selec t Item F10: Save & Exit S etup Aban don all Data Ty pe "Y" w ill quit the Setup Utility w ith out sav in g to RTC CMOS. Ty pe "N" w ill return to Setup Utility . English -35 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish Chapter 3 Install Drivers Install Drivers Pictures below are shown in Windows XP Insert the driver CD-title that came with your motherboard into your CD-ROM drive, the driver CD-title will auto start and show the installation guide. If not, please double click the CD-ROM device icon in "My computer", and execute the setup.exe. INSTALL CHIPSET DRIVER This page shows the drivers that need to be installed for the system. Click each item to install the driver manually or switch to the to install the drivers automatically. Massage: Some device drivers will restart your system automatically. ...

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