Istruzioni per l'uso Gigabyte, Modello GA-8SIMLH-P
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That will format the floppyand transfer the needed system files to it. Beware: This procedure will erase all the prior data on that floppy, so please proceed accordingly. (3) After the floppy has been format tted completely, please press "Close". GA-8SIMLH-P(-C) Motherboard -62 STEP 3: Down load BIOS and BIOS utility program. (1) Please go to Gigabyte website and click "Support". (2) From Support zone, click the "Motherboards BIOS & Drivers". English -6 3 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish (3) We use GA-7VTX motherboard as example. Please select GA-7VTX by Modelor Chipset optional menu to obtain BIOS flash files. (4) Select an appropriate BIOS version (For example: F4), and click to download the file. It will pop up a file download screen, then select the "Open this file from its current location" and press "OK". GA-8SIMLH-P(-C) M otherboard -6 4 (5) At this time the screen shows the following picture, please click "Extract" button to unzip the files. (6) Please extract the download files into the clean bootable floppy disk A mentioned in STEP 2, and press "Extract". English -6 5 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish STEP 4: Make sure the system will boot from the floppy disk. (1) Insert the floppy disk (contains bootable program and unzip file) into the floppy drive A. Then, restart the system. The system will boot from the floppy disk. Please press key to enter BIOS setup main menu when system is boot up. 7 V TX F 1 Ch e c k Sys e m He a h OK AMD A h o n ( m) Pr o ce ss o r 9 0 0 MHz Ch e c k n g N VR AM 2 6 2 1 4 4 KB W a Pr e s s F 1 o e n e r D u a B OS U y Pre ss ES C o q u Pr e ss a n y ke y o co n u n e ( C ) A me r ca n Me g a r e n d s n c 6 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 9 9 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 5 9 5 V A K7 G A7 VTX1 F A me r c a n R e e a se 0 9 1 6 9 9 Me g a re n d s A M B OS ( C) 1 9 9 9 A me r c a n Me g a r e n d (2) Once you enter the BIOS setup utility, the main menu will appear on the screen. Use the arrows to highlight the item "BIOS FEATURES SETUP". AM IBIOS SIM PLE S ETUP UTILITY -VE RSIO N 1. 24b (C) 1999 Am eric an M eg atrend s, Inc . All Rights Reser ved STANDA RD C M OS SET UP BIOS FE ATU RE S S ET UP CH IP SET FE AT URE S S ET UP PO WER M A NAG EM E NT SET UP PN P / P CI CO NF IG URATION LOA D BIOS DEFAU LTS LO AD S ETUP DE FAULTS IN TEGR ATE D PE RIP HERA LS HA RDWA RE M ONITOR & M ISC SET UP SU PERV ISOR PA SSWO RD USE R PA SSWO RD IDE HDD AUTO D ETECT ION SAVE & EX IT SET UP EXIT WITHOUT SAV ING ESC : Qu it hifg : Se lect Item (Shift)F2 : Change Color F5: Old Va lues F6: Load BIOS Defa ults F7: Load Setup D efau lts F 10:S ave & Ex it Tim e, Date , H ard D isk Ty pe… GA-8SIMLH-P(-C) M otherboard -6 6 (3) Press "Enter" to enter "BIOS FEATURES SETUP" menu. Use the arrows to highlight the item "1st Boot Device", and then use the "Page Up" or "Page Down" keys to select "Floppy". AM IBIO S SE TUP -BIOS FE ATU RES SET UP ( C ) 2001 Am erican M e gatren ds, In c. All Rights Rese rved 1s t Bo ot Device : Flop py 2nd Boot De vice : ID E-0 3rd Boot De vice : CDR OM S.M .A.R .T. for Hard Dis ks : Dis abled Boo tUp N um -L ock : On Flopp y Dr ive Se ek : Dis abled P as swor d Ch ec k : Se tup ESC : Qu it hifg: S elec t Item F1 : H elp PU /PD/ +/-: M odify F5 : Old Valu es ( Shift) F2: Co lor F6 : Loa d BIOS Defau lts F7 : Load S etup Defaults (4) Press "ESC" to go back to previous screen. Use the arrows to highlight the item "SAVE & EXIT SETUP" then press "Enter". System will ask "SAVE to CMOS and EXIT (Y/N)?" Press "Y" and "Enter" keys to confirm. Now the system will reboot automatically, the new BIOS setting will be taken effect next boot-up. AM IBIOS SIM PLE S ETUP UTILITY -VE RSIO N 1. 24b (C) 2001 Am eric an M eg atrend s, Inc . All Rights Reser ved STANDA RD C M OS SET UP IN TEGR ATE D PE RIP HERA LS BIOS FE ATU RE S S ET UP HA RDWA RE M ONITOR & M ISC SET UP CH IP SET FE AT URE S S ET UP SU PERV ISOR PA SSWO RD PO WER M A NAG EM E NT SET UP USE R PA SSWO RD PN P / P CI CO NF N LOA D BIOS DEFAU LTS SAVE & EX IT SET UP LO AD S ETUP DE FAULTS EXIT WITHOUT SAV ING Save to CMOS and EXIT (Y/N)? Y ESC : Qu it hifg : Se lect Item (Shift)F2 : Change Color F5: Old Va lues F6: Load BIOS Defa ults F7: Load Setup D efau lts F 10:S ave & Ex it Sa ve Data to CM OS & E xit SET UP English -6 7 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish STEP 5 : BIOS fla shing. (1) After the system boot from floppy disk, type "A:\> dir/w" and press "Enter" to check the entire files in floppy A. Then type the "BIOS flash utility" an d "BIOS file" after A:\>. In this case you have to type "A:\> Flash841 7VTX.F4" and then press "Enter". Starting Windows 98… Microsoft(R) Windows98 © Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999 A: \> dir /w Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 16EB-353D Director y of A:\ COM MAND .COM 7VTX.F4 F LASH 841. EXE 3 file(s) 838,954 bytes 0 dir(s) 324,608 bytes free A:\> Flash841 7VTX.F4 (2) Now screen appears the following Flash Utility main menu. Press...
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