PCIE Slot2 Speed Options available: GEN1/GEN2/GEN3. Intel(R) VT-d Enable/Disable Intel VT-d Technology function. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. ATS Support Enable/Disable VT-d Engine Aggress Translation Service (ATS) support. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. 2-3-1-2 DIMM Information DIMM Information: DIMM Group: CPU Socket 0 DIMM Information CPU Socket 0: DDR3_P0_A0/DDR3_P0_A1/DDR3_P0_B0/DDR3_P0_B1/DDR3_P0_C0/DDR3_P0_C1 DDR3_P0_D0/DDR3_P0_D1 Status The size of memory installed on each of the DDR3 slots. 2-3-2 South Bridge Configuration PCH Information: Name/Stepping Information Displays the name and stepping information of the south bridge. SB Chipset Configuration PCH Compatibility RID Enable/Disable PCH Compatibility RID support. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. Restore on AC Power Loss (Note) Defines the power state to resume to after a sys-tem shutdown that is due to an interruption in AC power. When set to Last State, the system will return to the active power state prior to shutdown. When set to Stay Off, the system remains off after power shutdown. Options available: Last State/Stay Off/Power On. The default setting depends on the BMC setting. Deep Power off Mode Enable/Disable Deep Power off Mode. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. SCU devices Enable/Disable Patsburg SCU devices. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. (Note) When the power policy is controlled by BMC, please wait for 15-20 seconds for BMC to save the last power state. Onboard SAS oprom Enable/Disable onboard SAS option ROM. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled. Onboard SATA RAID oprom Enable/Disable onboard SATA RAID option ROM. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Enabled. Audio Configuration Azalia HD Audio Enable/Disable onboard Audio controller. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Enabled. Azalia internal HDMI codec Enable/Disable internal HDMI codec. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Enabled. - 61 -BIOS Setup2-3-3 ME Subsystem MESubsystemConfigurationEnable/Disable ME subsystem configuration. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Enabled. BIOS Setup2-3-3 ME Subsystem MESubsystemConfigurationEnable/Disable ME subsystem configuration. Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Enabled. 2-4 Security Menu The Security menu allows you to safeguard and protect the system from unauthorized use by setting up access passwords. There are two types of passwords that you can set: • Administrator Password Entering this password will allow the user to access and change all settings in the Setup Utility. • User Password Entering this password will restrict a user’s access to the Setup menus. To enable or disable this field, a Administrator Password must first be set. A user can only access and modify the System Time, System Date, and Set User Password fields. Administrator Password Press Enter to configure the Administrator password. User Password Press Enter to configure the user password. 2-5 Server Management Menu System Information Displays basic system ID information, as well as BIOS version. Press Enter to access the related submenu. BMC LAN Configuration BMC LAN Configuration. Press Enter to access the related submenu. Select NCSI and Dedicated LAN Switch NCSI and dedicated LAN and send KCS command. Options available: Mode2(NSCI)/ Mode1 (Dedicated). Default setting is Mode2(NSCI). 2-5-1 System Information The System Information menu is a simple display page for basic system ID information, as well as System product information. Items on this window are non-configurable. 2-5-2 BMC LAN Configuration Lan Channel 1 Configuration Source Select to configure LAN channel parameters statically or dynamically (DHCP). Do nothing option will not modify any BMC network parameters during BIOS phase. Options available: Static/Dynamic/Do Nothing. IP Address Display IP Address information. Subnet Mask Display Subnet Mask information. Please note that the IP address must be in three digitals, for example, Default Gateway Address Display Default Gateway Address information. 2-6 Boot Options Menu The Boot Options menu allows you to set the drive priority during system boot-up. BIOS setup will display an error message if the legacy drive(s) specified is not bootable. Boot Priority Order Boot Option #1/#2/#3/#4 Press Enter to configure the boot priority. By default, the server searches for boot devices in the following secquence: 1. UEFI device. 2. Hard drive. 3. Network device. Network Device BBS Priorities Press Enter to configure the boot priority. Hard Drive BBS Priorities Press Enter to configure the boot priority. Bootup Configuration Bootup NumLock State Enable or Disable Bootup NumLock function. Options available: On/Off. Default setting is On. Quiet Boot Ena...