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Istruzioni per l'uso Panasonic, Modello NE1054T

Produttore : Panasonic
File Size : 718.47 kb
File Nome : NE1054T.PDF

Lingua di insegnamento: en

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MICROWAVE SAFETY Installation Instructions..... and Grounding SaietvPrecautions How Does theMicrowaveWork? ...... OutlineDiagram(NE-1024T) How to Operate (NE-1024T) OutlineDiagram(NE-'l054T) How to Operate ( N E- 1 054T) Heating A.ManualSingleStage Heating.............. B.Manual2 or 3 Stage Heating ............. Heating............. Programming C.Programmed A. ProgrammingMemoryPads for Single Stage Heatin9............. B.ProgrammingMemory Pads for 2 or 3 Stage Heating........... C. Programmingthe Double Quantity Pad for Multiple Portion Heating OtherFeatures Program .................. A.To Activate Lock B.To Release Lock.................. Program ......6 .... . . ......... ............10 ... ...... .. .. . ...'......10 ................1I ..."".............'12 ... . . ..... '.......13 ..... 14 .. . ..........-.......15 ....... ., ..........-.........15 ........ Owner'sRecord Toll Free ServiceInformation Model No. Serial No. To locate a convenient service.agentcall 1-888-350-9590 The serial number ol this oroductmav be found on the side of lhe oven. Dealer'sName Chel support: Dealer's Address 201-348-7305 Dateof Purchase Your microwave ovenisa cookingdevice and youshould use as much care as youuse with a stove or any other cooking device. When using this electricappiiance,basic safety precautions should be lollowed.includrngthe following: WARNING-To reduce risk etectric tne ot burns, shock,fire,injuryto personsorexposureto excesstve microwaveenergy: 1. FleadallInslrucronsbefo,e using lheapp|ance. 2. Fead and follow the specific "PRECAUTIONSTO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY," lound at thebottomof this page. 3. This appliance must be grounded.Connect only to properly groundedoutlet. See "GROUNDINGINSTBUCTIONS" found on page4. 4. Installor locate this appliance only in accordance with the installationinstructionslound on page4. 5. Do not cover or block any openings onthisappliance. 6. Donotstoreor use this aooliance outdoors. Do notusethisproductnearwater-for example,near a kitchen sink, in a wet basement, orneara swimming pool, and the like. 7. Use this appliance onlyfor its intended use as described inthis manual.DO NOT use conosive chemicals,vapours,ornon-food produc{sin this appliance. Thistypeof oven is specifically designedto heatorcook. lt is not designed forindustrialor laboratory use. Theuse ol conosive chemicals in heating or cleaningwill damage the appliance and may resuttin radiation leaks. 8. Whencleaningsurfacesof door and oven thatcome togetheron closing the door, use only mild, non-abrasive soaps or detergents applied with a sponge or soit cloth. 9. Do not allow children to use this appliance, unless closely supervisedby an adult. '10.Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug,if it is not working properly,or if it has been damaged ordrooDed. 1 1. Do not immerse cord or plugin water. 12.Keep cord away from heated surfaces. 13. Do not let cord hang over edge of a table or counter. 14.This appliance should be serviced only by qualifiedservice personnel.Contaci the nearest authorized servicentrefor examination,repair or adjustment. '15.Someproductssuch as whole eggs, narrow neck bottles and sealed containers-for example,closedglassjars- may explode and should not be heated inthisoven. 16.To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity: (a)Donotovercookfood. Carefully attend applianceifpaper, plastic,or other combustiblematerialsareplacedinside the oven to jacilitatecooking. (b)Remove wire twist.ties frompaperor plasticbags before placingbag in oven. (c)tt materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the power cord. or shut oft power at the luse or circuit breaker panel. (d)Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Donot leave paperproducts,cooking utensjls, orfood in the cavity when not in use. TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE PRECAUTIONS TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGY (a)Do not attempt to operate this oven with ihe door (c)Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. lt is particularly open since open-door operation can result in harmful importantthatthe oven door close properlyand that there exposureto microwave energy.lt is impoftant not to is no damageto the: defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks. (1) door(bent) (2)hinges and latches(brokenorloosened) (b)Do not place any objeci between the oven tront tace (3)door seals and sealing surfaces. and lhe door, or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulateon sealinq surfaces. (d) The oven should not be adiusted or repaired by anyone exceptproperlyqualifiedservicepersonnel. -3 ExamineYourOven Unpack oven, removeallpackingmaterial,and examine the ovenforany damage such as dents, broken door latches or cracks in the door. Notifydealerimmediatelyif oven is damaged. DO NOT install if oven is damaged. Remove Protective Plastic Film ll a plasticfilm has beenwrapped around the oven to protect thepaintedfinish from scratching during shipping, please remove this plasticfilmpri...

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