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Facilità d'uso
Poultry and poultry pieces 600 g 1200 g 180 W, 5 mins + 90 W, 10- 15 mins 180 W, 10 mins + 90 W, 20- 25 mins Turn during defrosting. Remove any excess liquid. Duck 2000 g 180 W, 20 mins + 90 W, 30- 40 mins Turn several times. Remove any excess liquid. 30 Dish Quantity Microwave output setting in watts, Notes cooking time in minutes Goose 4500 g 180 W, 30 mins + 90 W, 60- 80 mins Turn every 20 minutes. Remove any excess liquid. Fish 400 g 180 W, 5 mins + 90 W, 10- 15 mins Separate any defrosted parts. Fillet, fish steak, slices Whole fish 300 g 180 W, 3 mins + 90 W, 10- 15 mins Turn during defrosting. 600 g 180 W, 8 mins + 90 W, 15- 25 mins Vegetables, e.g. peas 300 g 180 W, 10- 15 mins Stir carefully during defrosting. 600 g 180 W, 10 mins + 90 W, 8- 13 mins Fruit, e.g. raspberries 300 g 180 W, 7- 10 mins Stir carefully during defrosting and 500 g 180 W, 8 mins + 90 W, 5- 10 mins separate any defrosted parts. Butter, defrosting 125 g 90 W, 6- 8 mins Remove all packaging. 250 g 180 W, 2 mins + 90 W, 3- 5 mins Bread, whole loaf 500 g 180 W, 3 mins + 90 W, 10- 15 mins Turn during defrosting. 1000 g 180 W, 5 mins + 90 W, 15- 25 mins Cakes, dry, e. g. sponge cake 500 g 90 W, 10-15 mins Separate the pieces of cake. Only for 750 g 180 W, 3 mins + 90 W, 10- 15 mins cakes without icing, cream or creme patissiere. Cakes, moist, e. g. fruit flan, 500 g 180 W, 5 mins + 90 W, 15- 25 mins Only for cakes without icing, cream or cheesecake 750 g 180 W, 7 mins + 90 W, 15- 25 mins gelatine. Defrosting and heating up or cooking frozen food Take read y meals out of the pac kaging . They w ill h eat up more qu ick ly and eve nly in micr ow aveab le ovenw are. Th e d if fe ren t comp one nts of t he meal may not require the same amoun t of ti me to h eat up . Food w hic h li es f lat w il l cook more qu ick ly than food w hic h is pil ed hig h. You shou ld ther efore d ist rib ute the food so th at it is as fla t as possi ble in the con tainer. Dif fere nt foods tuf fs sh ould not be ver tic ally st acked in l ayer s. A lway s c over the food. If you d o not have a su itable c over for yo ur c ont aine r, use a p late or spe cial mi crowave foil. S tir or tu rn the food 2 - 3 t imes dur ing co oking . A fter he ating , al low t he food to st and fo r a fur the r 2 to 5 minutes so th at it can ac hieve an even tempe ratur e. T his wi ll he lp the fo od r etai n it s own d istin ct tas te , so i t w ill r equ ire less season ing. Note: P lace the ovenw are on th e c ookin g c ompar tme nt floor. Dish Quantity Microwave output setting in Notes watts, cooking time in minutes Full meal, one- course meal, ready 300- 400 g 600 W, 11- 15 mins Covered meal ( 2-3 items) Soups 400- 500 g 600 W, 8- 13 mins Ovenware with lid Stews 500 g 600 W, 1015 mins Ovenware with lid 1000 g 600 W, 20- 25 mins Slices or pieces of meat in 500 g 600 W, 12- 17 mins Ovenware with lid sauce, e. g. goulash 1000 g 600 W, 25- 30 mins Fish, e.g. fillet steaks 400 g 600 W, 10- 15 mins Covered 800 g 600 W, 20- 25 mins Side dishes, e. g. rice, pasta 250 g 600 W, 2- 5 mins Ovenware with lid; add liquid 500 g 600 W, 8- 10 mins Vegetables, e.g. peas, broccoli, car300 g 600 W, 8- 10 mins Ovenware with lid, add 1 tbsp of water rots 600 g 600 W, 14- 17 mins Creamed spinach 450 g 600 W, 11- 16 mins Cook without additional water Heatin g food a Risk of scalding! There is a possibility of delayed boiling when a liquid is heated. This means that the liquid reaches boiling temperature without the usual steam bubbles rising to the surface. Even if the container only vibrates a little, the hot liquid may suddenly boil over and spatter. When heating liquids, always place a glass rod/ spoon in the container. This will prevent delayed boiling. Caution ! Metal e. g. a spoon in a glass must be kept at least 2 cm from the oven walls and the inside of the door. Sparks could irreparably damage the glass on the inside of the door. Note s . Take ready meals out of the packaging. They will heat up more quickly and evenly in microwaveable ovenware. The different components of the meal may not require the same amount of time to heat up . . Always cover the food. If you do not have a suitable cover for your container, use a plate or special microwave foil. . Stir or turn the food several times during cooking. Check the temperature. . After heating, allow the food to stand for a further 2 to 5 minutes so that it can achieve an even temperature. . Always use an oven cloth or oven gloves when removing plates from the oven. Note : Place the ovenware on the cooking compartment floor. Heating food Weight Microwave output setting in watts, cooking time in minutes Notes Menu, plated meal, ready meal ( 2- 3 components) 350- 500 g 600 W, 4- 8 mins Covered Drinks 150 ml 300 ml 500 ml 1000 W, 1- 2 mins 1000 W, 2- 3 mins 1000 W, 4- 5 mins Always place a glass rod/spoon/ in the container. Do not overheat alcoholic drinks; check during heating. Baby food, e.g. baby bottle 50 ml 100 ml 200 ml 360 W, . -1 min ...
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