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Istruzioni per l'uso Bosch, Modello CN462253/36

Produttore : Bosch
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Facilità d'uso

neck) , approx. 750 g* Joint with rind Ovenware without 3 190-210 - 130-150 (e. g. shoulder) lid approx. 1.5 kg* Fillet of pork, approx. 500 g* Ovenware with lid 4 220-230 90 25-30 Joint of pork, lean, Ovenware with lid 4 210-230 90 60-80 approx. 1 kg* Smoked pork on the bone, approx. 1 kg* Ovenware without lid - - 360 45-45 Neck of pork, 2 cm thick* * s 3 - 1st side: approx. 1520 2nd side: approx. 1015 * Lower wire rack ** Higher wire rack Lamb Note: Turn the leg of lamb halfway through the cooking time. Lamb Accessories Type of heating Temperature °C Microwave power in watts Cooking time in minutes Saddle of lamb on the bone, approx. 1 kg Ovenware without lid 3 210- 230 - 40-50 Leg of lamb, boned, medium, approx. 1.5 kg Ovenware with lid 4 190- 210 - 90-95 Miscellaneous Notes ¦ Finally, allow the meat loaf to stand for approx. a further 10 minutes. ¦ Turn the sausages after Z of the cooking time. Miscellaneous Accessories Type of heating Temperature in ° C, grill setting Microwave power in watts Cooking time in minutes Meat loaf, approx. 1 kg* Ovenware without lid 4 180-200 600 W + 180 W - 4to 6 sausages for grilling approx. 150 g each* * - s 3 - each side: 10-15 * lower wire rack * * higher wire rack Poultry ¦ Turn the duck and goose breast skin-side up. Do not turn. Notes ¦ Turn goose thighs halfway through the cooking time. Prick the skin. ¦ Place whole chickens and chicken breasts breast-side down. Turn after Z of the cooking time. ¦ Place turkey breast and thighs skin-side down. Turn after Z of the cooking time. ¦ Place poulard breast-side down. Turn after 30 minutes and set the microwave power to 180 watts. ¦ Place half chickens and chicken portions skin- side up. Do not turn. Poultry Accessories Type of Temperature in Microwave power Cooking heating °C, grill setting in watts time in minutes Chicken, whole, approx. 1.2 kg Ovenware with lid 4 220-230 360 35- 45 Poulard, whole, approx. 1.6 kg Ovenware with lid 4 220-230 360 30 180 20- 30 Chicken, halves, 500 g each Ovenware without lid 4 180-200 360 30- 35 Chicken portions, approx. 800 g Ovenware without lid 3 210-230 360 20- 30 Chicken breast with skin and bones, Ovenware without lid 4 190-210 180 30- 40 2 pieces, approx. 350-450 g Duck breast with skin, 2 pieces, Ovenware without lid s 3 90 20- 30 300-400 g each Goose breast, 2 pieces, 500 g each Ovenware without lid 4 210-230 90 25- 30 Goose legs, 4 pieces, approx. 1.5 kg Ovenware without lid 3 210-230 180 30- 40 Turkey breast, approx. 1 kg Ovenware with lid 3 200-220 - 90- 100 Turkey drumsticks, approx. 1.3 kg Ovenware with lid 4 200-220 180 50- 60 Fish Notes ¦ For grilling, place the whole fish, e.g. trout, onto the middle of the higher wire rack. ¦ Grease the wire rack with oil beforehand. Fish Accessories Type of Temperature °C Cooking time in heating minutes Fish steak, e. g. salmon, 3 cm thick, grilled Higher wire rack s 3 20-25 Whole fish, 23 pieces, 300 g each, grilled Higher wire rack s 3 20-30 Tips for roasting and grilling The table does not contain information for the For small roasts, select a higher temperature and a shorter cooking time. For weight of the joint. larger roasts, select a lower temperature and a longer cooking time. How to tell when the roast is ready. Use a meat thermometer ( available from specialist shops) or carry out a “ spoon test” . Press down on the roast with a spoon. If it feels firm, it is ready. If the spoon can be pressed in, it needs to be cooked for a little longer. The roast looks good but the juices are burnt. Next time, use a smaller roasting dish or add more liquid. The roast looks good but the juices are too Next time, use a larger roasting dish and add less liquid. clear and watery. The roast is not well-done enough. Carve the roast. Prepare the gravy in the roasting dish and place the slices of roast meat in the gravy. Finish cooking the meat using the microwave only. Bakes, gratins, toast with toppings ¦ Leave bakes and gratins to cook in the oven for a further 5 minutes after switching off. Notes ¦ Cheese on toast: ¦ The values in the table apply to food placed in a cold oven. Pretoast slices of bread. ¦ For bakes, potato gratins and lasagne, use a microwaveable, heat-resistant ovenproof dish 4 to 5 cm deep. ¦ Place the bake on the lower wire rack. Bakes, gratins, toasts Accessories Type of heating Temperature in Microwave power in Cooking time ° C, grill setting watts in minutes Bake, sweet, approx. 1.5 kg Ovenware without lid 4 140-160 360 25-35 Savoury bake, made with Ovenware without lid 4 150-170 600 20-25 cooked ingredients, approx. 1 kg Lasagne, fresh Ovenware without lid 3 200-220 360 25-35 Potato gratin made from raw Ovenware without lid 4 180-200 600 25-30 ingredients, approx. 1.1 kg Toast with topping, 4 slices* s 3 - 8-10 * higher wire rack Convenience products, frozen ¦ Do not lay chips, croquettes or potato rostis on top of each other. Turn half way through the cooking time. Notes ¦ Place the food directly on the turntable. ¦ Obser...

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