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10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm Unplug the power cord before moving the Monitor to another location. Otherwise electric shock may occur. CAUTION Cable holder or or E1942C/E2042C/E2242C/E2342C E1642C ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 7 UsingtheKensingtonsecuritysystem Whenyouadjusttheangle,donotholdthebottomoftheMonitorsetframeasshownonthefollowingillustration,asmayinjureyourfingers. Donottouchorpressthescreenwhenadjustingtheangleofthemonitor. Donotholdthissetlikebelowpicture.Monitorscreencandetachfromstandbaseandinjureyourbody. wARnInGTiltfrom+20to-5degreesupordowntoadjusttheangleoftheMonitorsettosuityourview. noteFrontRear The Kensington security system connector is located at the back of the Monitor set. For more information of installation and using, refer to the manual supplied with the Kensington security system or visitConnect the Kensington security system cable between the Monitor set and a table. TheKensingtonsecuritysystemisoptional. Youcanobtainitfrommostelectronicsstores. note ENGENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 8 ENGENGLISH Mounting on a wall For proper ventilation, allow a clearance of 10 cm on each side and from the wall. Detailed instructions are available from your dealer, see the optional Tilt Wall Mounting Bracket Installation and Setup Guide. 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm If you intend to mount the Monitor set to a wall, attach Wall mounting interface (optional parts) to the back of the set. When you install the Monitor set using a wall mounting interface (optional parts), attach it carefully so it will not drop. 1 Please, Use the screw and wall mount interface in accordance with VESAStandards. 2 If you use screw longer than standard, the monitor might be damaged internally. 3 If you use improper screw, the product might be damaged and drop from mounted position. In this case, LG Electronics is not responsible for it. 4 VESAcompatible. 5 PleaseuseVESAstandardasbelow. yy784.8 mm (30.9 inch) and under * Wall Mount Pad Thickness : 2.6 mm * Screw : . 4.0 mm x Pitch 0.7 mm x Length 10 mm yy787.4 mm (31.0 inch) and above * Please use VESAstandard wall mount pad and screws. Model E1642C E1942C E2042C E2242C E2342C VesA (A x B) 75 x 75 standard screw M4 number of screws 4 yyDisconnectthepowercordfirst,andthenmoveorinstalltheMonitorset.Otherwiseelectricshockmayoccur. yyIfyouinstalltheMonitorsetonaceilingorslantedwall,itmayfallandresultinsevereinjury. yyUseonlyanauthorizedLGwallmountandcontactthelocaldealerorqualifiedpersonnel. yyDonotovertightenthescrewsasthismaycausedamagetotheMonitorsetandvoidyourwarranty. yyUseonlyscrewsandwallmountsthatmeettheVESAstandard.Anydamagesorinjuriesbymisuseorusinganimproperaccessoryarenotcoveredbythewarranty. CAUtIon note yyUse the screws that are listed on the VESA standard screw specifications. yyThe wall mount kit will include an installation manual and necessary parts. yyThe wall mount bracket is optional. You can obtain additional accessories from your local dealer. yyThe length of screws may differ depending on the wall mount. Be sure to use the proper length. yyFor more information, refer to the instructions supplied with the wall mount. USING THE MONITOR SET 9 UsInG tHe MonItoR set Connecting to a PC yyYour Monitor set supports Plug & Play*. *Plug&Play: APCrecognizesaconnected device that users connect to a PC and turn on, without device configuration or user intervention. D-sUB connection Transmits analog video from your PC to the Monitor set. Connect the PC and the Monitor set with the supplied D-sub 15 pin signal cable as shown in the following illustrations. note yyWhen using a D-Sub signal input cable connector for Macintosh yyMac adapter ForApple Macintosh use, a separate plug adapter is needed to change the 15 pin high density (3 row) D-SUB VGAconnector on the supplied cable to a 15 pin 2 row connector. ENGENGLISH 10 USING THE MONITOR SET SelfImageSettingFunction ENGENGLISHyyConnectthesignalinputcableandtightenitbyturningthescrewsclockwise. yyDonotpressthescreenwithyourfingerforalongtimeasthismayresultintemporarydistortiononthescreen. yyAvoiddisplayingafixedimageonthescreenforalongperiodoftimetopreventimageburn.Useascreensaverifpossible. CAUtIon Press the power button on the bottom panel to turn the power on. When monitor power is turned on, the "self Image setting" Function is executed automatically. (Only supported inAnalog Mode) yyWhenyouwanttousetwoPCinourMonitor, pleaseconnectthesignalcable(D-SUB) respectivelyinMonitorset. yyIfyouturntheMonitorsetonwhileitiscold, thescreenmayflicker.Thisisnormal. yySomered,green,orbluespotsmayappearonthescreen.Thisisnormal. note yy"selfImage setting"Function. Thisfunctionprovidestheuserwithoptimaldisplaysettings.Whentheuserconnectsthemonitorforthefirsttime,thisfunctionautomaticallyadjuststhedisplaytooptimalsettingsforindividualinputsignals.(OnlysupportedinAnalogMode) yy‘AUto’Function. Whenyouencounterproblemssuchasblurryscreen,blurredletters,screenflickerortiltedscreenwhileusingthedeviceorafterchangingscreenr...
Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :Monitor - E2342C-BN (2.53 mb)