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A Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast. A Are the audio cables installed properly? A Adjust Balance in menu option. A A change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noise when the product is turned on or off and does not indicate a problem with the product. Picture OK & No sound Unusual sound from inside the product No output from one of the speakers O OOn nnl lly yy R RRG GGB BB/ //D DDV VVI II m mmo ood dde ee a aap ppp ppl lli iie eed dd NNoo iimmaaggee iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd.. A Adjust brightness and contrast again. A If the product is in power saving mode, move the mouse or press any key. A The signal from the PC (Video card) is out of the vertical or horizontal frequency range of the product. Adjust the frequency range by referring to the Specifications in this user’s guide. A The signal cable between PC and product is not connected. Check the signal cable. A Press the ‘INPUT’ button in the remote control to check the input signal. Power is on, power indic- tor is blue but the screen appears extremely dark. Does the ‘Out of range’ message appear? Does the power indica- tor look amber? Does the ‘Check signal cable’ message appear? APPENDIX UUnnkknnoowwnn PPrroodduucctt mmeessssaaggee aappppeeaarrss wwhheenn tthhee pprroodduucctt iiss ccoonnnneecctteedd.. A Install the product driver, which is provided with the product, or download it from the web site. (A See if the plug_&_play function is supported by referring to the video card user’s guide. Did you install the driver? TThhee ssccrreeeenn iimmaaggee llooookkss aabbnnoorrmmaall.. A Adjust the Position menu in OSD. A See if the video card resolution and frequency are supported by the product. If the frequency is out of range, set to the recommended resolution in the Control Panel-Display-Setting menu. A Adjust the Clock menu in OSD. A Adjust the Phase menu in OSD. Is the screen position wrong? Horizontal noise appears or the characters look blurred. Do thin lines appear on the background screen? SSccrreeeenn ccoolloorr iiss aabbnnoorrmmaall.. A Set screen color resolution to more than 24 bits (true color) Select control Panel-Display-Settings-Color Table menu in Windows. A Check the connection status of the signal cable. A Several pixels (red, green, white or black color) may appear on the screen, which can be attributable to the unique characteristics of the LCD panel. It is not a malfunction of the LCD. Screen has poor color res- oluion (16_colors). Do back spots appear on the screen? Screen color is unstable or mono color. AAfftteerr iimmaaggee aappppeeaarrss oonn tthhee pprroodduucctt.. A If you use a fixed image for a long time, the pixels may be damaged quickly. Use the screen saver function. After-image appears when the product is turned off. OOnnllyy RRGGBB mmooddee aapppplliieedd APPENDIX MAINTENANCE Early malfunctions can be prevented. Careful and regular cleaning can extend the amount of time you can enjoy your new set. Caution: Be sure to turn the power off and unplug the power cord before you begin any cleaning. Cleaning the Screen 2 1 To keep the dust off your screen for a while, wet a soft cloth in a mixture of lukewarm water and a little fabric softener or dishwashing detergent. Wring the cloth until it’s almost dry, and then use it to wipe the screen. Make sure the excess water is off the screen, and then let it air-dry before you turn on your set. Cleaning the Cabinet ATo remove dirt or dust, wipe the cabinet with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. APlease be sure not to use a wet cloth. Extended Absence CAUTION G If you expect to leave your set dormant for a long time (such as a vacation), it’s a good idea to unplug the power cord to protect against possible damage from lightning or power surges. APPENDIX PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS