- Viale De Gasperi 122 20017 Mazzo di Rho - Milano - ITALY Phone: +39 - (0)2 - Fax: +39 - (0)2 - Web: E-Mail: info@atlantis-land.com NetFly Subject to change without notice Indoor Antennas
- Viale De Gasperi 122 20017 Mazzo di Rho - Milano - ITALY Phone: +39 - (0)2 - Fax: +39 - (0)2 - Web: E-Mail: info@atlantis-land.com NetFly Subject to change without notice Indoor Antennas
For more detailed informations please refer to the web site The award of the information is facultative, but its lack will prevent ATLANTIS LAND® from starting the Guarantee process requested. Atlantis9 AND where solutions begin Register your product! Registration on the web site within 15 days from the purchase of the product dismiss the customer from showing a valid proof of purchase (Sale Receipt or Invoice) in case of the request of intervention. For further information we invite you
No further software installation or confi guration is required. NetFly Omni6 A02-ANT0601 NetFly Omni5 A02-ANT0501 High Gain: 6 dBi Ideal with Access Point Connector: Reverse SMA Male plug + cable (1 m) Magnetic metallic base Easy Installation High Gain: 5 dBi Ideal with Access Point Connector: Reverse SMA Male plug Easy Installation NetFly ISO 9001:2000 Company Certified А TLANTIS AND NetFly Omni / Dir Indoor Antennas TEcHNicAL FEATuRES Name: code: Description: Gain: connecto