Istruzioni per l'uso Fostex, Modello 454
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After making the level and sound adjustments for each level (refer to page 9, "2. About the Level Adjustments With the External Equipment" and page 11, "About the Parametric Equalizer”), then make the settings for sending to the Model R8. The track plan is as follows. Model R8 Track Chart TRK 1 2 3 4 SOURCE L -+-R DRUMS Kick (bass drum) SD (snare drum) TOM (tom tom) Crash (cymbals) etc. EB electric bass EG electric guitar < Explanation 1> How to send various sources to various tracks TRK 1 & 2: Model 454’s BUSS OUT jack 1 & 2© signals (the drums sound recorded with 4 microphones then positioned by stereo mixing) are sent to TRK 1 & 2. First of ali, the B. D. and S. D. connected to the INPUT faders© of channel 1 &2 issenttothe4CHAN Buss 1 & 2 in the center position, (choose ASSIGN switch © to 1 — 2. and PA N ©Set to 'Q' for both channels). Next, the OVERTOP (TOM and cymbals) connected to INPUT faders of channels 3 & 4 is sent to 4CHAN Buss 1 & 2 in the stereo position, (choose ASSIGN switch © to 1 — 2 for both channels, for channel 3 PAN © set to •'£) , and for channel 4 PAN © set to {^ ). Furthermore, to determine the level of these stereo-positioned 4CHAN BUSS signal 1 & 2 and send to the BUSS OUT jack 1 and 2 ®, the 4CH BUSS MASTER lader 1 and2 @ must be adjusted (it can be verified with 1 and 2 of Meter©). TRK 3: This machine's BUSS OUT jack 3 ® signal (E. B Sound) is sent to the TRK 3. The E. B. connected to the channel 5 INPUT fader @ is sent to the 4CHAN Buss 3 (choose ASSIGN switch © to 3 — 4, PAN © set to '0 ). Then the 4CH BUSS MASTER fader 3 © determines the send level (can be verified with the 3 of Meter ©). TRK 4: This machine’s BUSS OUT jack 4 ® signal (E.G. Sound) is sent to the TRK 4. Follow the procedures in TRK 3 (choose ^SS/GA/ switch © to 3 — 4, PAN © set to ). As shown in this example, with the combination of the ASSIGN switch © and PAN ©, you can freely send a maximum of 8 inputs between 1 and 8 (we are using 6 inputs here) to the 4 BUSS OUT jacks. Refer to the Model R8 owner’s manual for further information concerning recording track selection and other functions. How to Monitor The monitoring method can largely be categorized into 2 methods Method 1: tolistentothesoundsenttotherecorder. Method 2: to listen to the sound returning from the recorder output. The example illustrated in figure 1 is sending to the monitor by method 2, but let’s start with the explanation for method 1. [ Method 1 ] It is performed by selecting BUSS 1,2,3, or 4 of the Monitor selector ©. The BUSS 1,3 is positioned to MONITOR OUT L and the BUSS 2, 4 is positioned to the R (For more information refer to P. 6 of the “Monitor Selector” ©). What’s more, by selecting the PFL button © or ©, the signals not passing the INPUT tader ® of various channels or the various 4CH BUSS MASTER fader © can be monitored with center positioning (but by setting the INPUT fader © and 4CH BUSS MASTER fader ©, the balance among various sources and the balance sent to the actual recording may be different). Furthermore, by selecting the STEREO of Moniter selector © the output signals of the 4CHAN Buss 1 to 4 can be monitored as a 2 channel (STEREO L/R) signal. In such case, by adjusting the BUSS OUT PAN pot @ and STEREO MASTER level knob © etc., the assumed positioning and volume can be monitored during mix down. For this example, it is advisable to adjust the positioning for the E. B. and E. G. (also in this case the various sources’ volume balance and the actual balance sent to the recorder may be different, so be careful). [Method 2] To monitor the recorder output, use the AUX 2 section ©, © and ©. With this method, desirable volume and positioning can be monitored regardless of the recording level of each track. Therefore it is extremely convenient when compared to the previously mentioned method. The signal input to the track on recording can be 15 monitored as it will always be output from R8 (= input monitor). What’s more by using the record track select function,the selected track can output asan input monitor and the others as a tape monitor (= tape sound SYNC play), regardless of recording or not. In either case, the example figure 1 illustrates TRK 1 to 4 output signal mixed with the AUX 2 section ©, ©, and © of the 4-channel 1 to 4, First of all, press the AUX 2 of the Monitor selector @ to listen to the sound of the AUX 2 Buss. Next, since Model R8's TRK 1 to 4 is connected to 1 to 4 of the TAPE IN jack ®, set the AUX 2 selector© of the connected track 1hat you want to monitor to the TAPE position. By doing this, the AUX 2 level knob © adjusts the volume and the AUX 2 PAN pot ® adjusts the left/right position, thus, allowing for monitoring. Similarly it is advisable to make settings by assuming the positioning during mix down (when monitoring the monitor speaker, turn up the MONITOR level knob® and when monitoring the headphones, turn up the PHONES level knob @). Monitor positioning ...
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