Facilità d'uso
7. Select Chorus and adjust rate to preference using the EFX Adjust 10 & 23) control on the front panel (standard adjustment). 8. Press and hold the EFX Adjust (10 & 23) control while adjusting the Chorus wet/dry mix to preference with the RVB/DLY (9 & 22) control on the front panel (Tweak mode). 9. Select the position of Preset 3 (50). The REV/DLY LED (51) may be illuminated or dark at the discretion of the user. 10. Adjust Reverb/Delay to preference using the REV/DLY (9 & 22) control on the front panel. 11. Press Preset 3 (50) to change to the other REV/DLY position. The REV/DLY LED (51) will illuminate or go dark depending on status in step 10. 12. Adjust Reverb/Delay to preference using the REV/DLY (9 & 22) control. 13. Set the position of Preset 1 (46)‚ Preset 2 (48) and Preset 3 (50) to the settings preferred as defaults. (Default setting is the one that is active when the preset is selected.) 14. Press the Mode Select (44) switch to return to the Preset Mode. 15. Double-click Preset 1‚ 2 or 3 to store settings in that location. 11 F FFr rre eeq qq O OOu uut tt™ ™™ S SSe eet ttu uup pp The Freq Out is probably the most unique feature added to the Ecoustic amplifiers. The Freq Out automatically eliminates feedback by using a set of precise‚ digital filters and sophisticated algorithms. By taking just a minute to properly set up the Freq Out‚ you can optimize this great feature of your new Ecoustic amplifier. 1. Once you are set up and ready to play‚ set the level on the instrument channel and ensure the other channels are turned down. Then‚ turn the Ecoustic’s gain and volume up to the desired level. Turn on the Freq Out by depressing the switch (1 111 11 o oor rr 2 224 44) once. 2. Play various notes/chords on your instrument. Let the notes/chords ring out long enough to feed back. You should notice the Freq Out kick in with a corresponding reduction in feedback. Note: If you initially experience a tremendous amount of feedback‚ first‚ try reversing the phase switch‚ changing your playing position in relationship to the amp or reducing the overall volume level. The Freq Out utilizes 8 filters‚ 4 of which lock down after locating and eliminating feedback. The remaining 4 filters roam continuously searching to reduce feedback problems as they occur. It is very important that the first 4 filters lock down on actual feedback problems. If you feel they have locked down because of the position of your instrument or microphone you may have to reset the Freq Out. To do this‚ simply power down the Ecoustic amplifier and wait 10 seconds before turning the amp back on. Then‚ repeat the procedure below. 3. Now‚ repeat the procedure with the microphone channel. 12 E EEc cco oou uus sst tti iic cc™ ™™ 1 111 112 22 B BBl llo ooc cck kk D DDi iia aag ggr rra aam mm 13 E EEc cco oou uus sst tti iic cc™ ™™ 1 111 110 00 B BBl llo ooc cck kk D DDi iia aag ggr rra aam mm 14 E EEc cco oou uus sst tti iic cc 1 111 112 22 S SSP PPE EEC CCI IIF FFI IIC CCA AAT TTI IIO OON NNS SS PPoowweerr AAmmpplliiffiieerr SSeeccttiioonn RRaatteedd PPoowweerr:: (Measured @ 1 kHz‚ 120 VAC) 100 W RMS into 4 ohm woofer 25 W RMS into 4 ohm tweeter HHuumm && NNooiissee:: (Master volume @ 10‚ tweeter @ 5; 22 Hz to 22 kHz unweighted) Greater than 102 dB woofer below rated power Greater than 85 dB tweeter below rated power DDiissttoorrttiioonn:: (Measured: THD 10 Hz to 300 kHz; Power @ 100 W RMS and 20 W RMS Woofer: 0.01% THD @ 200 Hz Tweeter: 0.1% THD @ 10 kHz System: 20 Hz to 20 kHz; typical less than 0.1% PPoowweerr CCoonnssuummppttiioonn:: Domestic: 300 W @ 60 Hz; 120 VAC Export: 300 W @ 50/60 Hz; 230 VAC PPoowweerr AAmmpp IInnppuutt:: Impedance: High-Z; 50 k ohms Input Level: 0 dBV; 1 V RMS PPrree AAmmpp SSeeccttiioonn:: All EQ sliders set @ 0 All Effects Off Master Volume set @ 10 Tweeter set @ 5 Nominal volume levels set @ 5 Minimum volume levels set @ 10 SSyysstteemm HHuumm && NNooiissee:: (Master volume @ 5; Tweeter @ 5; 10 Hz to 22 kHz unweighted) Greater than 75 dB below rated power IInnssttrruummeenntt IInnppuutt:: Impedance: High Z; 2.2 k ohm‚ 106 mV RMS Nominal Input Level: -119.5 dBV‚ 15 mV RMS Minimum Input Level: -36.5 dBV‚ 15 mV RMS Maximum Input Level: 0 dBV‚ 1 V RMS MMiiccrroopphhoonnee IInnppuutt:: (Low Z; electronically balanced) Impedance: Low Z; 10 k ohm Nominal Input Level: -23.3 dBV‚ 68 mV RMS Minimum Input Level: -30 dBV‚ 31 mV RMS Maximum Input Level: -6 dBV‚ 500 mV RMS MMiiccrroopphhoonnee IInnppuutt:: (High Z; unbalanced) Impedance: High Z; 100 k ohm Nominal Input Level: -33 dBV‚ 22 mV RMS Minimum Input Level: -39.5 dBV‚ 10.6 mV RMS Maximum Input Level: 0 dBV‚ 1 V RMS AAuuxxiilliiaarryy IInnppuutt:: Impedance: Greater than 22 k ohm Nominal Input Level: -7 dBV‚ 442 mV RMS Minimum Input Level: -24 dBV‚ 63 mV RMS Maximum Input Level: 0 dBV‚ 1 V RMS EEqquuaalliizzaattiioonn:: Special active 5-band EQ (Instrument & Microphone Channels) Active 2-band shelving type (Auxiliary Channel only) PPrreeaammpp OOuuttppuutt:: Load Imp...
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