Istruzioni per l'uso Roland, Modello HP-1000
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Refer to "Roland Exclusive Message” and section 6. 3, RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA (Muiti timbre mode) S Chsnna! voic© ms mbs© • Mote off Status Second BnH kkH 9nH kkH n = MIDI Channel kk -- Note number w - Velocity • Velocity value is ignored. • Not® on Status 9nH n = MIDI Channel kk Note nu m ter vv = Velocity Second kkH Third vvH ООН : 0H,AH,BH,CH,DH <0.10,11,12,13) 0 - ch.I : ООН - 7FH (0 ■■■■ 127) : ООН - 7 F H (0 ■■■■ 127} Third vvH : ОН,ЛН,DH,CH,DH «i, 10,1 1,12,13) 0 ch, I : ООН - 7 F H (0 - 127) : 0 î H - 7FH (1 - 127) # Note numbers outside of the range 15 - 113 are transposed to the near inside this range. * The transpose function does not affect the recognized note ;iu inters ©Control chang* O Hold -■ 1 Status BnH Second 40 H n - MÏDÏ Channel vv Control Value О So ®tert uto Status BnH Second 42H n = MÎDÎ Channel vv “■ Control Value O Soft Status BnH Second 43 H n MID! Channel vv » Control Value О Chorus Status BnH Second 5DH n = MID! Channel vv = Control Value Third vvH : OH.AH.HII.CH.DH (0,10,11,12.1,':)) 0 - ch. I : 001Ï ■ 7I'M (0 127) 0 03 » OFF (M Third vvH :0H,AH,BH,CH,DH (0,10,11,12,13) 0 = ch.l : ООН - 7FH (0 127) 0 ti3 : Oí-I- 64 Third vvH :0H,AH,BH,CH,DII (0,10,11,12,13) 0 - ch.l : 0011 •••• 7PH (0 - 127) 0 63 - OFF 04 Third vvH : OH,AH,BH,CH,DH (0,10,11,12,13) 0 - ch.l : ООН 7PH (0 •••• 127) 0 .10 - OFF Chorus I 34 127 -- Chorus2 * Recognized chorus message affects all the parts. 13 ch. 1 4 est octave i 3 ch. ! 4 ! 27 ON 13 ch. 14 127 ■■■■:■ ON 13 = ch. 14 ! 27 : ON 13 - ch. 14 41 83 23 Ф Progг*m ohenge Status CnH Second ppli n = MIDI Channel ;GH,AH,BH,CH,DH (0,10,It, 12,13) 0 = ch.] 1.3 = ch.]4 pp - Program change number ; 00H - 7H (0 7) Program change number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ■ Charm»I mod* m*»**g* # Local control Status Second BnH 7AH n = MIDI Channel vv ■■■- Control Value Tone Piano 2 Piano 1 Piano 1 Harpsichord Piano î Vibraphone E. Pian о E.Piano Third vvH : 0H,AH,BH,CH,DH (0,10,11,12,13) 0 » ch.l 13 = ch.l4 : OH - 7FH (0 - 127) 0 - 63 = OFF 64 - 127 - ON * When the focal off is recognized, ail the interna! notes which have been turned on only by internal keyboard are turned off. ® All not*» off Status BnH Second 7BH n = MID) Channel Third 00H : OI I,AH,BH,CH,DH (0,10,11,12,13) 0 = ch.5 13 - ch. 14 * When the all notes off is recognized, all the notes which have been turned on only by note on messages arc turned off. However, if the hold - 1 on message has been recognized, these notes wil! not be turned off until the hold - 1 off message is received. ■ System r*»ltim* m**»*g* • Activ* Mndrtg 5tatus FEH ■ Sy«t*m exclusivo m***ag* Status F0H F7H F0H ii - ID Number dd.....ее - Data F7H Data byte iiH.ddH,......eeH System exclusive 41H (65) 00H-7FH (0-127) BOX (End of Exclusive/System common) In multi timbre mode, multi timbre mode off and partial reserve count messages can be recognized. Refer to "Roland Exclusive Message" and section 6. ¡4, TRANSMITTEP DATA (Normal mode/Multi timbre mode) MChsnnsl voice msetsäge Status 9nli Second kkii n = MIDI Channel kk = Note number # Not* on Status 9nH Second kkH n - MIDI Channel kk = Note num(»r vv = Velocity : ОН - FH (0 - 15) : 0FH - 71H (15 - 1 13) Third vvH : 0H - FH (0 - 15) : 0FH - 71H (1.5 - 113) : 01H - 7FH (1 - 127) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch.16 0 • ch.l 15 ~ ch.l6 * The range may be changed by transposition. * The transpose value can be set with in the range of - 6 to + 5. To transpose the keyboard, while holding down the TRANSPOSE/'MID! switch press the [ i> ] switch to key down or [ # ] to key up, once for each semitone. Pressing the [bj switch than 6 times ([#] switch 5 times) does not introduce further effect. To return the keyboard back to the original key, press the [ •}. When the power is first applied, the default transposition is set at 0. The following chart shows the relation between the transmitted note range and transposed value. Transitóse Value - 6 - 5 .... 4 - 3 .... ! 0 + 1 2 + 3 + 4 ■V 5 Ф Control chang* О Hold - 1 Status Bnl! Second 40! I n = MIDI Channel vv = Control Value Transmitted note range 15 - 102 16 - 103 17 - 104 18 - 105 19- 106 20 - 107 21 - 108 22 - 109 23 - 110 24 - 111 25 - 112 26 - 113 Third vvH : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 = ch. 16 OSostenuto Status BnH Second 42H n = MIDI Channel vv = Control Value : ООН, 7FH (0,127) 0 - OFF 127 = ON Third vvH : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l [5 = ch.l6 : ООН, 7FH (0, 127) 0 = OFF 127 = ON OSoft Status BnH Second 43H Third vvH n “ MIDI Channel vv = Control Value : OH ~ FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15-ch.l6 : 00H, 7FH (0,127) 0 - OFF 127 = ON 24 DIGITAL PIANO (Normal Mode) Date : Jul. 1, 1989 Modei HP-iooos/iooosl MIDI Implemsntation Chart Version : 1.00 Function * • • Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Default 1 1 Channel Changed 1 - 16 1 - 16 * 2 Default Mode 3 Mode 3 Mode Messages OMNI O...
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