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Istruzioni per l'uso Roland, Modello U-110

Produttore : Roland
File Size : 2.09 mb
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And U-110 will stop watching the time interval of message data after that. of the parameter number specified by RPC.(Refer to RPC) îontroller« Reset is Second Third 79H vvH is message is recognized, all following parameters will be reseted. ilation, Holdl, Pitch Bend, Channel Pressure, Polyphonic Key Pressure And, the ■ 'aa' will be ignored. 89 19 1 0000 aaaa □ONUS RATE 0 - 15 { a 15 ) 1Л 1 0000 aaaa CHORUS DEPTH 0 - 15 { о -- 15 ) 4. DATENAUSTAUSCHÜBER SYSTEM EXCLUSiVE- IB 1 0000 aaaa TREMOLO SATE 0 - 15 ( 0 - 15 ) MELDUNGEN 1C 1 0000 aaaa TREMOLO DEPTH 0 - 15 ( 0 -- 15 ) 4.1 Allgemeine Beschreibung 11 PART number ( 0 - 5 ) There are two types of U ■■■■ 110's exclusive messages.One is individual parameter oo moo i 0000 Oaaa OUTPUT ASSIGN 0 - Bil- 6, OFF ) communication. (Refer Section 4.2) And another is Bulk Dump. (Refer Section 4.3) oomoi 1 0000 aaaa RECEIVE CHANNEL 0 - ls ( i - 16 ) Coarse address map of exclusive communications is as follows. 00 tn02 1 000a aaaa TONE MEDIA 0 - 31 ( INT. CO 1 - C3 ООШОЗ 1 Oaaa aaaa TONE NUMBER 0 - 98 ( 1 - 99 ) Address Description 001П04 1 0000 aaaa BEND RANGE 0 ■■ 12 < 0 - 12 } (7Bit - Hex) 00In05 1 Oaaa aaaa KEY RANGE L0 0 - 127{ C- 1 - GS ) 00ln06 í Oaaa aaaa KEY RANGE HI 0 -- 127( C' i G9 ) Individual Parameters 00ln07 j Oaaa aaaa PART LEVEL 0 - 127 ( 0 - 127 ) OOlnOfi Í 0000 aaaa VELOCITY SENS 0 - 15 ( 0 -15 ) 000100 ! Patch Parameters 00ln09 1 0000 aaaa LEVEL PRESS SENS 0 - 15 ( 0 ■15 ) OOlnOA 1 0000 aaaa ENV ATTACK RATE 1 -- 15 ( -7 ■ 17 ) OOlnOB 1 0000 aaaa ENV RELEASE RATE 1 - 15 ( -7 - >7 ) Bulk Dump OOInOC 1 Oaaa aaaa PITCH SHIFT COARSE 52 - 76 ( ■ 12 - +12 ) OOlnOD 1 Oaaa aaaa PITCH SHIFT FINE 14 - 114 ( -50 - -53 010000 | Setup Parameters OOlnOE 1 0000 aaaa LfO RATE 0 - 15 ( 0 - 15 ) OOlnOF i 0000 aaaa LFO AUTO DELAY TIME 0 ■ 15 ( 0 - 15 ) OOlnlO i 0000 aaaa LFO AUTO RISE TIME 0 15 ( 0 - 15 ) 010100 | Patch Parameters (Temporary) OOlnll I 0000 aaaa LFO AUTO DEPTH 0 - 15 ( 0 - 16 ) 00lnl2 1 0000 aaaa LFO MAN RISE TIME 0 15 ( 0 - 15 ) 001ШЗ ! 0000 aaaa LFO MAN DEPTH 0 ■ 15 ( 0 - 15 ) 020000 \ Patch Parameters (1 - 64 ) OOItiH ! OOOO Oaaa LFO CH PRESS SENS 0 - 7 0 - 7 ) 001 n 15 ! 0000 000a PGM CHANGEO - 1 ( OFF, ON ) 00Ш6 ! 0000 Oaaa PGM CHANGE MAP 0 ■ 5 I 6 ) 060000 | Program Change Map I - 6 001n17 ! 0000 aaaa DETUNE DEPTH 0 IS ( 0 15 ) ooinia ; oooo aaaa PITCH POLY PRESS SENS 0 - IS ( -24 ■■ "12 ) OOlnlS i OOOO Oaaa LFO POLY PRESS SENS о - 7 0 - 7 > ■ Active Sensing Ail exclusive messages of U- 110 includes check sum data. That is explained in ’Roland Exclusive Messages’. If you want to transmit these messages to U - 110 from computers or MIDI sequencers, you must calculate their check sum values. Super - MRC (a sequencer software for Roland MC-500, MC-500MKH, MC-300) can calculate them automatically. OS course, you need nol calculate when youuse the exclusive message data which you recorded from U - 110 directly. There is another way to calculate check sum data very easily. U- ¡10 displays correct check sum value if it receive a exclusive message which includes wrong check sum data. So you can know correct value by transmitting a exclusive data which includes dummy check sum. You will complete the exclusive message when you replace the dummy data with correct data. 4.2 Steuerung einzelner Parameter 4.2.1 Beschreibung These communications are available when 'SETUP r MIDI : EXCLUSIVE’ is ’ON’. A patch parameter which is displayed in current LCD page, will 1» transmitted when [ PART/JUMP j button is pressed. Transmitting ’RQl’ means requiring U- 110 to transmit a value of a parameter. If U- 110 received any ’RQl’, it will transmit the corresponding data with ’DTI'. Transmitting ’DTI' to U- 110 means changing corresponding parameters of U- 110. Each parameters have various data length. And data length of a message which includes ’RQl' command is ignored and regard as proper length. All message must include top address data of the parameter.The message which includes halfway address will be ignored. It is explained in following address maps. 4.2.2 Adressenbelegung einzelner Parameter Parameter Control Address Data Description (TBit-Hex) 000100 I Patch Parameters 0 I 0000 111 1 i TONE NAME LOWER 1 I 0000 uuuu ! TONE NAME UPPER : uuuu1111 :2Qh-FPh (In ASCI! code) 13 Access from address 000000, not 000001 - 000013 4.3 Bulk Dump 4.3,1 If U - 110 received balk dump data with ’DTl’ command, the corresponding internaj data wifj be changed. Bulk Dump data are transmitted when U — 110 received 'RQl' command or operated manually. There are some types of Bulk Dump data as follows. A. SETUP Function : Usage of RQl : Communication of SETUP parameters except ГСМ » TONI: maps. Address Data length : 010000H (7bit - hex) : 000020H (7bit - hex) Response of RQl : Transmitted as follows. (Command ID is 'DTI') Packets * Address Data length 010...

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