Facilità d'uso
as shown in "CONNECTIONS", connect the AC adaptor to the AC Adaptor Jack. Now, the Power Indicator lights up showing that the unit is ready to be used. O0 P ©©of3 0000 ©00© 5"^" |a s> ---- 0 1 0 2 Set the control knobs as shown in "PANEL DESCRIPTION' (3I30BS BE-5 S£“»«!iï!5i'rfS!.? 0 — ■OO c oc»od Ö&QO ©Q©D J —- S IMIM 3 Set each effect unit: (T) Turn the effect unit you wish to use with the pedal switch. (When the effect is turned on, the corresponding Effect Indicator lights up.) * Make sure that the other effects are turned off. (2) Set the effect to your taste as explained in “PANEL DESCRIPTION" and "SETTING EXAMPLES". (D Repeat the above procedure (steps (T) and (2)) for the rest of effects. Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiemni wird bescheinigt, dat öer dte-aas BOSS GUITAR MULTIPLE EFFECTS BE-5 ¡r UbeternsiiiTimung mit den Bestimmungen ae< Amtsb!. Vfg 1046 19B4 funi-eristcn ist De' Dfcutscne'i fiu^despcfi ^jtde das ir>ve^ehrb':nger ü^ses Gerniet angeiergt und die Befestigung 2ui Ubefpruluna de' Serie au* i’nhaitung rie> Bestimmungen emgerau^t Roland Corporation Osaka Japan V""~ _ RADIO ANO TELEVISION INTERFERENCE 'WlfMtftg - Th»» «Qüipm«fiT ha« 9MA ro ecmplr w»r* ihc fir»U| tot t Gaal fl compiling d*v>t« (Mttuint to Su&ptfl J. o< firt IS, af rcc Op«faiiQn wnti w #quic- i< ifè«ky 10 r*tult 4fi ir«a •* Subpat J. oi fart 1£ of FCC Autta ***** ruiaa ara daa^gnod io p'ovid* ta**on*bi« fwo**«*or' agamtt me* a »nttrfafanca ** a rta