Produttore : Roland
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Some setting examples are shown in this manual to make it easier for you to master how to operate the Juno-60, but you are the one who creates the sounds. Please find out your own setting and new ways of playing. < Important > • Please do not turn the Power switch on immediately after turning it off; wait for a few seconds. Contents • Basic Connections............ . 5 IV. Effects............... ... 22 Chorus ............... ... 22 • Functions................. . 6 Other Effects (Optional). . . . ... 22 I. Memory Functions......... . 6 Memory................. . 6 • Arpeggio Sample........... ... 23 Tape interface............ . 9 II. Functions for Sound Creating . . . 12 • Sample Sounds............ ... 24 DCO................... . 12 HPF................... . 14 • Sound Synthesis Memo....... . . , 29 VCF................... . 14 VCA................... . 16 • Specifications............. ... 32 ENV................... . 16 LFO................... . 17 • Options................. ... 33 III. Functions for Playing........ . 18 Keyboard................ . 18 Controllers............... . 18 Arpeggio................ . 19 Hold................... . 20 Key Transpose............ . 20 Remote Controls........... . 21 r •Functions lot Fl;i\m»r} KEY TRANSPOSE button l-loltl lilt's button down and press the key to which you want to transpose. «ajMiro Oifmq* the pitch rantHS, ■Bi A Low Frequency Oicillstor th*t generate! vibrato »nd growl effects. Otgll »Tly Controlled ¡Oscillator that determines the pitch. ■■■■ ll aim ge EKokI ■Memory Functions- 1 IMHMW cHuinm? The Minnrl remains even alter Ihn Icy is released. (This applies to Atpegcilo as well.) №JUTSIS> Turns DM rind tiff the Arpeggio Umetion. Diannas Ihe mm» merit nl Hirr palterns. 03HH35 iho rata of Arprrnjio. generates three waveform« ifiit »re the sound source of (he *ynthe»im. csi»Ksa The filter th«t cut* or emphasizes harmonics and consequently determines the ton« color.. E33 The amplifier thst control* the amplitude. I.«, changes tha volume, K!W I* ffeneretes the control voltage which It applied to the VCA and VCF. *■*"* CDntrolting the harmonics and the volume. sn» This chanqrs the depth ot the Chorus effect. MAmiWHffi Press (his tuition when saving thr whole patch programs Into a tape. quaacmro Pr CmIoK I reqnency ol (he VCF. This emphnsi/es the Cutoff Point !creating unusual sounds.) This selects thn signal which controls the VCA. (It dedries whether to change the volume by using ENV signal or Gate signal.) m (AUTO) In this •trfjrli' it iIrt.iys Ihe vibrato Igrowi) ellwts hy the set »mount. (MANUAL) While the LFO TRIGGER button is being pressed, the DELAY TIME determines the lime required tor the LFO signal to become maximum. ffii W ll-HTA) You tan select I he output wavelorm of Ihe. 0C0. (Each of them can Im switched on and oil individually.) wmfliswiannima finininr.imrt This determines the polarity of the Envelope. (Nnptivepnlarlty 1» for specN effect.) ENV Modulation knob NOISE li»*l knob This arttusts Ihn level of the E NV signal which control* the Cutoff Point of the VCF. The t.FOnpemtns either manually or autamalically depending on which position this switch Is set to. (MANUAL. AUTOI LFO Modulation knob It .KljnM*. ilw. rti-oth ot the vihr.itn ellerl. This is Ihe VT til I me knob for another snund source, NOISE. Ar, ynu r.ii'J' Mm tnnh, low (rc quency harmonics are cut of I. (The sound is gelling hrighier.) Uf 0 Modulsiion Hr,ob This Adjusts live depth of the grnwlAvnh effects. KEY follow knob mmmrnm This controls the time needed lor the voltage to reach its maximum level alter the key is pressed. DECAY Tim# knob This determines the lime needed (or the voltage to much the Sustain level. Program Number Duplay window This is where the BANK/PATCH number, Mftrniet mode (—) or error fErl w° indicated. PATCH NUMBER button) These hul Inns am to select the patch number where a patch program Is to be written. QanaEsnsro These buttons are to select the bank where a patch program is to be written. MANUAL button SUSTAIN L*tei knob This determines the Sustain level to which the voltage falls at the end of the Decay time. Press litis Initinn when synlhesl/lng without using a Patch ftogram at all. (^mvr.iEisgwmmTTO (MANUAL) n*fMmfcr witlMi kndjmlrd. IL^O. ENVJ Thr t...