Istruzioni per l'uso Roland, Modello R-70
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The R-70 transmits £1« volume of cnnLnol change if the Volume Switch of MIDI Function U s*i at OH. ft Program change Statt» CoS pps • Timing Clock States PJfrvv ; ;; , . Transmitted in one of- the following conditions r previous tine at when Start or Continue message is recogninxi (Syne mode - MJDJ AUTO) all times (Syw: mode ~ INTERNAL cr TAPE SYNC) no limes (Sync mode “MIDI SYNC) The R-70 always transmits timing dock if possible, • Start n 'Hihi Channel wprotrsa noter :aï - Fï ft - 15) j ¡S^A. 16 :Ш- 7f1 (0- 127) When the doira Kl is changed, the R-70 transmits the program change.. Hie relation of drum set and program number- is и follow л Status FAB Transmitted in one o( th* following conditions: previous tiree at when Start or Continue message is recognized all times {Sync mode* INTERNAL or TAPE SYNC) diu» set ¡ pp 1 no times (Sync mode « MIDI SYNC) ..........—-........... -r------i SÎ0 (StHKlard sat) 1 № i Transmitted on starting pUy. £0011 (Soot se 0 i m J FÜS2S iiovcr кг) 1 ICH 1 Ф Continus ÜXîî {íjí-rlíwiic .wt) } u.a i 7îsr>6 ITS-MS £.:t) i ¡.H ¡ sjsLya JKi.l (Ли set) 1 Hit í fîîî t:: !.: « Kt) > m ¡ IrSESl (U¿f.r úr.!í tel 1) 1 <í-8 i Ttefüníítteí! i» íiä i «í the folk,-.vins cenditisns : l’SKiiî ÎÜÈûr tîr.iS tot í) i <£Я 1 [!Í^TVÍ£>113 tiii:e Bt when ñt.iri of Continue msusse Is rt-ccgnucd КШ (User dm* set 3) 1 m i (£yi*c nxxle- Miül AUTO) USat (User dm» set 4) 1 Ett i %ll times (Sync mode - INTERNAL or TAPE SYNC) ALLt Ult tnstnae&tsl) l tas i no times (Sync mode - MIDI SYNO ALL2 (Al 1 lBstruaeatsZ) t ш 1 The R-70 transmits the program change If Drum Set Change Switch of MIDI Function is m at ON. ■ System Exclusive message 2ИШ.. ПЖ F7S S/sioi Etctoslve £0X (End of Exclusive) With the R-70, the System Exclusive Message an be used io transmit Bulk Dump of sequence data end setup data. For <5cUails refer to S. Exclusive Commurocstbns find 'RnJsnd Exclusive Ms'sages", © System common ^nsssase • Song position pointer Transmuted when action of continuft start is made for starttns play. • Stop v. St»m FCH Transmitted in one of the following conditions r previous toe at when Sun or Continue message is recognized {Sync mode =■ MIDI AUTO) ail lime* (Sync mode = INTERNAL or TAPE SYNC) no times (Sync mode - MIDI SYNC) Transmitted when STOP is mid*. # Active Sensing status FIS Transmitted for checking MIDI connection beiween R-7D and external equipment Status TVS Secaral 118 IÜM ««8 ■ aUl-song position Ш.Щ ÍB - 1ШЗ) г Transmití«! in one ot the following opérations : Seng Play - nieasurerepos/lfan or measure ¿election Pattern Ray or Real - time Recording - bar reposition or bar selection • Song select Status Fas 2. RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA 2Л Instrument Section 1 -2 HI Channel Voice Message • Note off ssfl Status fnl SnS Second Ш Ш Third WS DOB SS»Mf¡e select :C0B - Ш ii - 39) TrznsmitteiJ when з song is selected in Sons Play. n MJiDi disnoel :0B - FH (0 - 15) 4*«*.) lE«ch-16 kk*ft>te taster :D08 - JF8 (0 - 127) w-Vetoclty rOSB • 7FB (0 - 127) The R-70 receives the message nn the channcl act by Rx Channel ui cach Instrument section sclup. A Note Oil message is ignored If parameter Note Off Rx of the insiruroeni «MTfttspond to received note number is zet at OFr. 9-37 Mutes the sounding notes upon receiving s Note Off message if parameter Note Off Rx " ON of the instrument correspond to received note number and parameter Off Velocity " OFF of №01 Function have been selected, disregarding velocity value. However, the R - 70 decays the sound, after note off, at a rate to the velocity value if parameter Note off Rx - ON of the instrument correspond to received note number and parameter Off Veiodty « ON of MIDI Function have been selected. The R~70 regards a Noie On with velocity 00H as a Note Off having velocity value 40H. • Note On Statns Second Mrd SnS kU WS n-VIOI channel rOfi - FB (0 - 15) fl*cfc.l i5*t*. IE It »«Sole nuaber :M - 7FB ÎÛ - 127) w»VelDeity :0IB - TFB 0 - 127) The R-70 receives the message on the channel set by Rx Channel of Instrument section setup. Sounds the instrument assigned to the received note number of drum set that is set up Instrument section. ® Control Change O Volume State Sacral lüJrjl «Ü wH n =«!D1 channel :08 - FB {H - IS) 0=dU IS-di. 16 w*Valu*e :608 - 7FH (0 - 127) The R-70 receives the message on the channel set by Fix Channel of each Instrument section setup. Changes the parameter Section Volume to the received value if Volume Switch of MIDI Function is set at ON. O Panpot Status Second Tftlrd BnH ■ fiAl WH n «MIDI diannet :D8 - FB (0 - 15) 0«th.i IS^cfi.16 w»Value :MB - 7FTH0 - 127) The R-70 receives the message on the channel set by Rx Channel of each fns(rurr>em «ctir.n setup. if P¿n Switch of MID! Function is set at ON', the R-70 converts the received value to the panpot position (LEFT 7 - RIGHT 7) assigned to the received value as shown in Table * 2 -...
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