Istruzioni per l'uso Roland, Modello RCE-10
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3 . 5 . 6 . 8 10 11 [3] Operation BO Setting Samples ÜÖ Important Notes [§ Specifications .... 2 RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE "Wiwnlnfl - Thri equipment h« twen verified io comply with Ihv limits for a Class 6 compulkvg device, punuanl in Subpart J. oí Purr 16, of FCC rukft. Optfition with mtn-cartifltd or non-vai^ltd equip-mint it fikaty 10 rnull m mtvdtrtnci lo ridio tnd TV reception.* The equipment dncrlbed in thia manutri (ftnamn «nd umi ridlo-lrtQuencv «rmoy. II it not imtilM *itd tiMd property. that li, in dries tceordanca whh our InalntcUoni, it may cau«« imarfar-ence with radio and latavtaion r»caption. Thli aquipmtnl hat baw ta«t«d and found lo comply wiifi (ha Umiu for a Gaia 8 computing davkv in acoofdanc« with IM specifications in Subpart J, ol Part Ifi, of FCC Hula*. Thvaa culaa ara detonad to próvida taaianabla protection against nidi a interference in a residential installation. Howmr, there i» no Guarantee thal the Interference wtM no) occur In a particular installation. K this equipment don ceuse interference io redlo or television recap*km, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and oft, the uaer i» encoureged lo try lo corred IN interference by the foW owing measure: • Oisconrtoci other devices and iheir input/output cablea one at a time, if the interference clop«, it n caused by either the oihtr device or ils J'O cable. These device* uiuaHy require fldand designated shielded I/O cablea. For Roland devices, you can obtain the proper shielded cable from your deafer. For non Roland devices, contact the manufacture« or dealer lor assistance. II your equipment does ceuse Interference to redid or television reception. you can tty lo correct the interference by using one or more of I tie following measures: • Turn Ihe TV or radio antenna until the interferences «lope. a Move the equipment to one side or the other of the TV or radio. • Move the equipment farther ewey from tha TV or radio. a Plug the equipment into an outlet (hat is on a different circuit then the TV or radio, (Tbet is, make certain the equipment end the radio or television set ere on circuits controBed by different circuit breakers or fuaea.) a Consider insielüng a rooftop television antenna with coaxial cable lead-in between the anlenna and TV. If necessary, you should consult your dealer or an experienced radta/teteviiion technician lo« additional suggestions. You may find helpful the following booklet prepared by tha Federal Communications Comm i »ion 7 'How lo Identify end Resolve Radio-TV interference Problem«' This boofcfei is available from tha U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. O.C . 20402, Stock Na 004 000-0034S-4 Bsscheinigung des Herateliers/Importeurs Hiermtt wird bescheinigt, daß der/die/das • BOSS DIGITAL CHORUS ENSEMBLE RCE-10 iGeril, Typ BerochrrungJ in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/ 1984 lAmlitkfcmret hjgunqt funk-enstöri ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezesgt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der ß e stimm u ngen ei nge räumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Nao>e d« H«sielW#»/lmpwiewfB — - m PANEL DESCRIPTION ® input Jacks 0 Effect Indicator This lights up when the effect is turned on. So, you can easily see whetherjhe effect is on or off. See "[3j Operation". 0 Effect Switch This turns the effect on or off. 0 Pre-delay Time knob o Modulation Rate Knob 0 Modulation Depth Knob 0 Effect Equalizer Knob o Effect Level Knob 0 Power Indicator This lights up when the unit is switched on. 0 Power Switch This turns the unit on or off. * For about ten seconds after the unit is turned on, it does not work. 0 Input Jacks Connect a musical instrument or audio equipment to this jack. * These are two input jacks; standard phone and pin, but they cannot be used at the same time. If both are connected, the standard phone jack will have priority. © Level Switch See "[3] Operation". 0 Output Jacks A Through this jack, effect sound is sent out. * Two output jacks can be simultaneously used. * For monaural connection, use the standard phone jack. ® Output Jacks B Through this jack, the effect sound with the inverted modulation of the Output A is sent out. * Two output Jacks can be simultaneously used.
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