Istruzioni per l'uso Roland, Modello SH-01
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1, 2010 1. Receive data ■ Channel Voice Messages • Note off Status 8nH 9nH 2nd byte kkH kkH n = MIDI channel number: kk = note number: vv = note off velocity: • Note on Status 9nH 2nd byte kkH 3rd byte vvH OOH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) 3rd byte vvH O Portamento Time (Controller number 5) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH O5H n = MIDI channel number: vv = Portamento Time: vvH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) * PORTAMENTO TIME parameter (Patch Parameter) will change. O Volume (Controller number 7) Status 2nd byte BnH O7H n = MIDI channel number: vv = Volume: O Panpot (Controller number 10) Status 2nd byte BnH 0AH 3rd byte vvH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) 3rd byte vvH n = MIDI channel number: kk = note number: vv = note on velocity: • Control Change OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) O1H - 7FH (1 - 127) n = MIDI channel number: vv = Panpot: O Expression (Controller number 11) Status 2nd byte BnH 0BH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 4OH - 7FH (Left - Center - Right) 3rd byte vvH O Bank Select (Controller number 0, 32) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH BnH OOH 2OH n = MIDI channel number: mm, ll = Bank number: mmH llH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OO OOH - 7F 7FH (bank.1 - bank.16384) Not received when the RX BANK SELECT parameter (System Parameter) is OFF. The Patches corresponding to each Bank Select are as follows. BANK SELECT MSB | LSB | PROGRAM | GROUP | NUMBER 087 | 000 | 001 - 128 | User Patch | A-1 - H-8 | 064 | 001 - 128 | Preset Patch | A-1 - H-8 088 | 064 | 001 - 008 | Preset PCM Patch | 1 - 8 G Modulation (Controller number 1) Status BnH 2nd byte O1H 3rd byte vvH n = MIDI channel number: vv = Expression: O Hold 1 (Controller number 64) Status 2nd byte BnH 4OH n = MIDI channel number: vv = Control value: • Program Change Status CnH 2nd byte ppH n = MIDI channel number: pp = Program number: OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) 3rd byte vvH OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) O-63 = OFF, 64-127 = ON OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (prog.1 - prog.128) Not received when the RX PROGRAM CHANGE parameter (System Parameter) is OFF. n = MIDI channel number: vv = Modulation depth: OH - FH (ch.1 - 16) OOH - 7FH (O - 127) NUMBER IPS Copyright © 2010 ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. 1 MIDI Implementation • Pitch Bend Change Status 2nd byte 3rd byte EnH llH mmH n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) mm, ll = Pitch Bend value: 00 00H - 40 00H - 7F 7FH (-8192 - 0 - +8191) ■ Channel Mode Messages • All Sounds Off (Controller number 120) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 78H 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) • When this message is received, all notes currently sounding on the corresponding channel will be turned off. • Reset All Controllers (Controller number 121) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 79H 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) • When this message is received, the following controllers will be set to their reset values. Controller Reset value Pitch Bend Change +/-0 (center) Modulation 0 (off) Expression 127 (max) Hold 1 0 (off) • All Notes Off (Controller number 123) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7BH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) • When All Notes Off is received, all notes on the corresponding channel will be turned off. However, if Hold 1 is ON, the sound will be continued until these are turned off. • OMNI OFF (Controller number 124) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7CH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) * The same processing will be carried out as when All Notes Off is received. • OMNI ON (Controller number 125) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7DH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) * The same processing will be carried out as when All Notes Off is received. OMNI ON will not be turned on. • MONO (Controller number 126) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7EH mmH n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) mm = mono number: 00H - 10H (0 - 16) * The same processing will be carried out as when All Notes Off is received. MONO will not be turned on. • POLY (Controller number 127) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7FH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) * The same processing will be carried out as when All Notes Off is received. MONO will not be turned off. ■ System Realtime Message • Timing Clock Status F8H * This is received when the CLOCK SOURCE parameter (System Parameter) is MIDI or USB. 2 MIDI Implementation • Active Sensing Status FEH * When Active Sensing is received, the unit will begin monitoring the intervals of all further messages. While monitoring, if the interval between messages exceeds 420 ms, the same processing will be carried out as when All Sounds Off, All Notes Off and Reset All Controllers are received, and message interv...
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