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Istruzioni per l'uso Ampeg, Modello Ba115

Produttore : Ampeg
File Size : 160.98 kb
File Nome : BA-115.pdf

Lingua di insegnamento: en

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Facilità d'uso

0dBINPUT:Connect your “passive” bass guitar here using a shielded instru- ment cable. This input is not padded andis best suited for basses without activeelectronics or “hot” pickups. 2. -15dBINPUT: Connect your “active” bass here using a shielded instrumentcable. This input is padded 15dB and isbest suited for basses with active elec- tronics and/or “hot” pickups. 3. GAIN: Use this control in conjunctionwith your instrument’s volume controls toadjust the level of the signal sent to thepreamp. 4. MASTER:Use this control to adjustthe overall listening level of the amplifier. This control is also used to adjust the sig- nal level at the Line Out jack (#11). 5. STYLE:This five-position switch isused to control the tone of the amplifier. Please refer to the TECHNICALSPECI- FICATIONSon the back page of thismanual for an explanation of the functionof each position. Experiment with theStyle and other eq controls (#6,7,8) forthe results which suit you best. 6. TREBLE:This control is used in con- junction with the style control to adjustthe high frequency level of the amplifier. 7. ULTRAMID:This control is used inconjunction with the style control toadjust the midrange level of the amplifier. 8. BASS:This control is used in con- junction with the style control to adjustthe low frequency level of the amplifier. 9. CDINPUT:These jacks (RCAtype) are used to connect the line level (orheadphones) output of a CD player ortape deck. The inputs to these jacks aresummed into a mono signal which is fedinto the BA115 just prior to its poweramplifier. Use the volume control on theCD or tape player to control the outputlevel. 10. HEADPHONES:The internal speak- er is disconnected when the head- phones jack is used. 11. LINEOUT:This jack supplies a post- eq, balanced line level signal for con- necting to a house sound board, record- ing unit or external amplifier. The ampli- tude of this signal is adjusted by theMaster control (#4). 12. ONLED:This LED is illuminatedwhen the amplifier is plugged in andturned on. 13. POWER:This switch is used to turnthe amplifier on or off. IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS AND PRECAUTIONS: All Ampeg products are designed for continuous safe operation. Abiding by the fol- lowing rules can help prevent damage to your amplifier, yourself and others. •The amplifier is equipped with a three-pronged AC power cord. To reducethe risk of electrical shock, NEVERremove or otherwise attempt to defeatthe ground pin of the power cord. •Connect the amplifier ONLYto a properly grounded AC outlet of the prop- er voltage for your amp. •Avoid sudden temperature extremes, rain and moisture. Also, avoid sud- den and intense impact. (If the unit has been subjected to any of the pre- ceding abuses, have it looked at by an authorized service center.) •NEVERset the amplifier on a support that will not bear its weight. •Always keep the total speaker impedance at or above the rated load. •Unplug the amplifier before cleaning it. NEVER spray liquid cleaners ontothe amplifier. Wipe it with a slightly dampened, lint-free cloth to remove dirtand film. •DONOTuse the amplifier if it has sustained damage to the chassis, con- trols, or power cord. Refer the unit to an authorized service center forinspection. •Prolonged exposure to high volume levels may cause permanent hearingloss or damage. Such damage is progressive and irreversible! THIS EQUIPMENTHAS BEEN DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED AND RELIABLE OPERATION. IN ORDER TO PROLONG THE LIFE OF THEUNITAND PREVENTACCIDENTALDAMAGES OR INJURGUIDELINES: CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOTOR REMOVE THE GROUND PIN OF THE POWERCORD; CONNECTONLYTO APROPERLYGROUNDED WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOTTHIS EQUIPMENTTO RAIN OR MOISTURE. CAUTION: NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICE PERSONNEL. CAUTION: OUR AMPLIFIERS ARE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING HIGH SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS. CONTINUED EXPOSURE TO HIGH SOUND PRESSURELEVELS CAN CAUSE PERMANENTHEARING IMPAND EAR PROTECTION IS RECOMMENDED IF UNITISOPERATED ATHIGH VOLUME. CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENCAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER. NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. "IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE USER TO REFER TO THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL" “ES NECESARIO QUE EL USUARIO SE REFIERA AL MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES.” "REFERREZ-VOUS AU MANUAL D'UTILISATION" "UNBEDINGT IN DER BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG NACHSCHLAGEN" EXPLANATION OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS: EXPLICACION DE SIMBOLOS GRAFICOS: EXPLICATIONDESSYMBOLESGRAPHIQUES:"GEFAHLICHE SPANNUNG" == ATTENTIONRISQUE D'ELECTROCUTIONNE PAS OUVRIRATTENTION: POUR REDUIRE D'ELECTROCUTION NE PASENLEVER LE COUVERCLE. AUCUNE PIECE INTERNE N'EST REPRABLEPAR L'UTILISATEUR. POUR TOUTE REPARATION, S'ADRESSER A UNTECHNICIEN QUALIFIE. VORSICHTELEKTRISCHE SCHLAGGEFAHRNICHT OFFENENVORSICHT: ZUR MINIMIERUNG ELEKTRISCHER SCHLAGGEFAHR NICHTDEN DECKEL ABENHMEN. INTERNE TEILE KONNEN NICHT VOMBENUTZER GEWARTET WERDEN. DIE WARTUNG IS QUALIFI...

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