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Istruzioni per l'uso Yamaha, Modello SPX2000

Produttore : Yamaha
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At this time, the [All Libs] option determines whether or not Library data is synchronized. [PC -> SPX2000] : Transfers the settings of the current SPX2000 Editor Session to your SPX2000 unit. [SPX2000 -> PC] : Transfers the settings of your SPX2000 unit to the current SPX2000 Editor Session. 3 Click [OK]. Do not operate the SPX2000 unit while synchronization is in progress. NOTE • If you use the “Total Recall” function in Studio Manager, all selected Editors in Studio Manager are synchronized with the corresponding devices. • If the operation lock setting is enabled on the SPX2000 unit, parameters that are blocked will not change on the SPX2000 unit when you operate SPX2000 Editor; this means that the parameter settings in SPX2000 Editor and in the SPX2000 unit itself may not match. For details on the settings that are blocked, refer to the SPX2000 owner’s manual. Getting Using 3 SPX2000 Editor Owner’s Manual Offline Edit Function If you do not want to synchronize your SPX2000 unit with SPX2000 Editor, select [Offline Edit] from the [Synchronization] menu. The Offline Edit function is also activated when you click the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] button in the Effect Editor window. To apply your off-line edits to your SPX2000 unit, synchronize the SPX2000 unit with SPX2000 Editor. NOTE Some parameters in the SPX2000 unit change their displayed values depending on the sampling frequency. If you switch SPX2000 Editor from OFFLINE to ONLINE, displayed parameter values may change because SPX2000 Editor loads the sampling frequency from the SPX2000 unit and updates the display. Working with Sessions All of the settings in SPX2000 Editor, including the library data, are collectively called a “Session.” The following table describes how to handle Sessions. Creating a new Session Choose [New Session] from the [File] menu. Opening a previously saved Session Choose [Open Session] from the [File] menu. Saving the current Session Choose [Save Session] from the [File] menu. Saving the current Session with a new name Choose [Save Session As...] from the [File] menu. If you save a Session in the SPX2000 Editor window, only that Editor’s settings are saved in a file with a file extension of “.SPX”. If you save a Session in the Studio Manager, all selected Editor settings are saved in a file with a file extension of “.YSM”. Undo/Redo Function In SPX2000 Editor, you can cancel the latest operation (Undo) and also cancel the cancellation of the latest operation (Redo). If you perform an Undo operation twice in a row, you can cancel the two most-recent operations. If you perform an Undo operation three times in a row, you can cancel the three most-recent operations. In this way, you can cancel multiple recent operations. The following table describes how to use the Undo/Redo function. NOTE To cancel (i.e., Undo) the most recently-performed operation in the Library window, click the [Undo] button in the Library window. You cannot execute [Undo]/[Redo] commands from the [Edit] menu. For details, refer to page 5. Undo Choose [Undo] from the [Edit] menu. Redo Choose [Redo] from the [Edit] menu. Please note, however, that after you perform one of the following operations, you cannot successfully undo or redo any previous operation: •Closing Studio Manager •Synchronizing your console or device with Studio Manager •Creating a new Session •Opening and closing a Session •Saving a Session •Recalling a effect NOTE You cannot Undo or Redo the following operations: • Edits in the Setup window • Synchronization • Opening and closing the windows • Resizing the windows Getting Using 4 SPX2000 Editor Owner’s Manual Using SPX2000 Editor Windows Using SPX2000 Editor Windows w The Library window enables you to manage libraries (parameter settings for each effect). In addition, libraries can be saved to disk on your computer as Library files. To open the Library window, choose [Library] from the [Windows] menu. The Library window consists of two panes. The pane on the left, called the [FILE] section, displays the contents of the SPX2000 Editor library file. The pane on the right, called the [INTERNAL DATA] section, displays the Effect list of the SPX2000 unit. You can copy and sort the items (effects) in the list by dragging them between the panes. Within the same pane, you can copy an effect by dropping it on top of another effect, and you can sort effects by dropping an effect between two effects. Effects can be swapped by holding down the key while dragging. In all cases, the contents of the destination effect are overwritten. To edit a effect title, click the title, then type. To select multiple effects, click effects you want to choose while holding down key or key (< >). 254676731! ) @ # $ % ^ 89 1File name This is the file name of the currently open Library file. 2[OPEN] button This button is used to open Library files. NOTE DM2000/02R96/DM1000/01V96 library files with the “.D2E” extension can also be opened, but some files ma...

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