Facilità d'uso
i_----J-_, _._ Panel nut _ _[/_ _'_0_/-)r"/u ,_ Regulator knob ,,-Regulating spring (not shown) Nipple (Models 919176210 & 919.176311) Nipple (Model 919.176320) Nipple (Model 919.176330) Safety valve (Model 919.176210) Safety valve ASME (Model ' 919.176311) Safety valve ASME (Models 919.176320 & 919.176330) aauge(2used)Adapter Set screw Motor Pulley (Models 919,176210 & 919.i76311) • See page13 forpartsorderingInformalion. f-Seepage 13 forpartsorderinginformat_'_ MOtOrPulley (Model 919:176320) Motor Pulley (Model 919.176330) Key 3/_,,x _e" x liA" Wing nut Motor (Model 919.176210)/_"I'_€::>-_ Motor (Model 9!9.176311 Motor (Model 919.176320) Motor (Model 919.176330) Subpanel Speed nut Hold down screw U.L Label (not available) Lc,'_._r.# PARTS LIST (Continued) KEY NO. PARTNUMBER 36 SUDL-54 37 TA-4001 TA-4003 TA-4007 TA-4043 38 LA-1693 LA-1694 LA-1695 39 LA-1689 LA-1690 LA-1691 LA-1692 40 CAC-410 40A CAC-435 41 CAC-60 42 STD541437 43 SS-2707 44 STD541025 45 CAC-104 46 STD522507 47 SUDL-6-1 48 SUDL-43 49 SSF-925 50 SSF-926 5t SSP-1413 52 265-3 "53 265-16 54 265-41 55 265-4-1 CAC-51 56 SSF-92"/ 57 265-410 58 CAC-207 59 265-15 CAC-55 "60 265-192-1 "60A CAC-57 "61 265-191-1 "61A CAC-58 "62 265-195-1 "62A CAC-56 63 265-145-2 "64 265-196 65 265-29 "66 SSF-9821 "67 265-26-1 "68 265-25 6g 265-24-! "70 265-28-1 "70A CAC-54 71 265-19 "72 265-6 DESCRIPTION Pin Air tank (Model 919,1762!0) Air tank ASME (Model 919.176311) Air tank ASME (Model 919.!763_20) Air tank ASME (Model 919.176330) Label (Models 919.176210& 919.176311) Label (Model 919.176320) Label (Model 919,176330) Label (Model 919.176210) Label (Model 919.176311) Label (Model 919,176320) Label (Model 919.176330) 8" Wheel (2 used) (Models 919.176210, 919,176311 & 919.176320) 10" Wheel (2 used) (Model 919.176330) Shoulder bolt (2 used) Locking hex nut (2 used) Drain cock valve (1/=-NPT) Hex nut 1,_"-20 (2 used) Foot extension bracket Cap screw 1/,"-20 x %" (2 used) Rubber foot strip Handle Thread forming screw 1/4"-20x 7/8"(12 used) Thread forming screw _"-18 x %" (4 used) Oil fill/drain plug (2 used) (1/=, NPT) Base Base gasket Needle bearing Crankcase and Cylinder (MOdels 919.1762!0, 919.176311 & 919.176320) Crankcase and Cylinder (Model 919.176.330) Screw 1/4%20. 11/e"(4 used) Connecting md assembly (includes (2) SSF-927 screws) (2 used) Piston pin plug (4 used) Piston (2 used) (Models 919.176210,919.176311 & 919.176320) Piston (2 used) (Model 919.176330) Oil ring expander (2 used) (Models 919.176210, 919.176311 & 919.176320) Oil ring expander (2 used) (Model 9!9.176330) Oil ring (4 used) (Models 919,176210, 919.176311 & 919.176320) Oil ring (4 used) (Model 919_176330) Compression ring (2 used) (Models 919.176210, 919.176311& 919.176320)(Install in top piston Compression ring (4 used) (Model 919.176330) groove on/y) Valve plate , _ "..... --...... Exhaust flapper valve with corner bevels (2 used on valve plate) Restdcter plate (2 used) Screw (8 used) Head gasket Intake flapper valve (2 used on head) _ Head Valve plate gasket (Models 919.176210, 919.176311, 9!9.176320) Valve plate gasket (Model 919.176330) Piston pin (2 used) Vent filter "See page 13 for parrs ordering information. T See Dage 13 for partS ordedr_ )nformatJon, PARTS LIST (Continued) KEY NO. PART NUMBER DESCRJPTION "73 265-1tl Oil seal 74 C-BT-215 Poly-V-beit 75 STD523107 Cap screw 5A="-18. %" 76 SSN-1014-ZN Belleviile washer 77 265 -2 Flywhee] 78 265-9 End plate i 79 265-23 Needle bearing "80 265-13 End plate gasket 81 _.265:.L Crankshaft 82 SSW-7367 Strain relief (2 used) 83 21181-506 Lockwasher (2 used) NOT ILLUSTRATED SSH-8 Air Chuck 9-16163 Air Hose Assembly (%" x i5') SI-30-09-1-D Owners Manual 630-01 "Power Painting With Sprayer" booklet •Parts Ordering Information Key No 9, 53, 67, 70, 72, 73, 80 available as individual parts and as part of kit KK-4268 (Models 919.176210. 919.17631.1& 919.176320). Key No. 9, 53, 67, 70A, 72, 73, 80 available as individual parts and as part of KK-4312 (Model 919.176330) Key No, 60, 61, 62 only available as part of rtng kit KK-4209 (Models 919.176210,919.17631,1& 919.176320). Key No. 60A, 61A, 62A only available as part of ring kit KK-4313 (Model 919.176330), Key No. 19 pressure release valve and nut available as part of KK-4315. Key No. 64, 66, 68 only available as part of valve kit KK-4275. 1"Internal parts can be purchased as regulator repair kit KK-4294. ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH SEARS CRAFTSMAN COMPRESSORS AVAILABLE THROt THE CURRENT GENERAL SEARS CATALOG OR AT FULL LINE SEARS STORES. 1. Spray Guns 9. Inflator Kits 2. Sandblasters 10. Quick Connector Sets: various sizes 3. P_int Tanks 11. VJscosimeter 4, Blow Guns 12. Air Line Filters 5. Air Brushes 13. Oil Fog Lubricators 6. Air Tanks 14, Tire Air Chucks 7. Air Tools: sanders, drills, impact wrenches, 15. Air Caulking Gun hammers 15. Air Powered Washer Gun 8. Air Hose: 1/4",5/1_"or =/a"inside diameter, 15', 25', " 50' lengths TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE P-RFORMING TROUBLESHOOTING OR REPAIRS MAY EXPOSE VOLTAG_ ....
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