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Istruzioni per l'uso Kenmore, Modello 580.53701

Produttore : Kenmore
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Water bucket 1 2 6 -5 CONTROL PANEL Your dehumidif'_r control panel contains a Bucket Full indicator, a Humidity indicator, a Power Control, Humidity Control, Fan Speed Control and Timer Control. Bucket Full indicator --This lightglowswhen thewater bucketisfull and needsto be emptied. It alsoglowswhen the bucketis notproperlypositioned. Power--Operationstartswhen thisbuttonis pressedandstopswhenthe buttonispressedagain. Humidity Control --This buttoncontrolsthe humidityinthe room. • e : To raise the humiditysetting •• : To lowerthe humiditysetting • The humiditycan be set withina range of 35%-70% RH(RelativeHumidity)by 5% increments. • if you push e buttononce again at 35% RH, on isdisplayedandUnit operateswithoutRH. Fan Speed --This controls the speedof the airflow. • When Fan Speed buttonis pressed,the fan speedmodechangesfromHigh.-) Low-_ High. Energy Timer --Press this buttonto selecttype of operation. • Select Constantfer uninterruptedoperation. • Selecteither3 or6 Hr.On/Offfor cycledoperation. The unitwilloperatefor 3 or6 hours,andthen shutoff completely for 3 or 6 hours. The cycle repeatsuntilyou change the eeiting. • When EnergyTimerbuttonispressed,the Timerindicatorlightsshiftasfollows: ContinuOus On,,,],3 Hr. On/Off_ 6 Hr. On/Off_ Continuous On Auto Restart--Once power is restoredalter a poweroutage,the unitbeginsoperaUngat itsprevious operationsettingsaftera2 minutedelay. TO OPERATE THE DEHBMIDIRER: 1. Plugthe powercord intoan electricaloutlet.Pressthe powerbutton. 2. Set the HumidityControlanywherebetween35%-70% RH(RelativeHumidity)fornormaloperation. If you need drierair,pressthe • HumidityControl button. ffyouneed moister air, pressthe • HumidityControl button. 3. Press the Powerbuttonto stopthe unitmanually. 4. Pressthe Timer buttonto setthe amountof lime youwant the unitto run. At the end of thattime,the unitwillshutoff. The Timer can be setfor: Continuous On, 6 hoursor 3 hours. 5. If you want to controlthe speedof airflow,pressFan Speed button.Each time that the Fan Speedbutton is pressed,the fan speedmodeisshifted:High"-) Low -> High Note: Be careful not to lose the water bucket. This dehumidifier doesn't run If the water bucket is not Installed properly. -6 • Install the dehumidifieron a level floor strongenough to supportthe unitwith a full bucket ol water. • For best performance,allow at least 12-18 inchesof air space on all sides of the unit for good air circulation. 12~18" • Keep all outside doom,windows, and other openingsdosed when operating the dehumidifier. Humidoutdoorair will add to the unit'swork load. • Installyour dehumidifierin an area where the temperature will not fall below 65°F (18°C). At temperatures below this, the coils can become covered with frost, which may reduce dehumidifyingperformance. DEFROST CONTROL When the defrost control senses frost build-upon the evaporator coil, it will automaticallyshut off the compressor. The fan will continueto run to draw air acrossthe coil and melt the frost. When the coil is defrosted, the compressor will automatica_y restart and dehumidifyingresume. The defrost feature in the 580.53701 model will cominuously .ycte up to temperatwe ol 4S°F (S°C). LFI(is'c) m • Use the dehumid'd"mrin a basement to help prevent moisture damage. o Use the dehumidifier in cooking, laundry, bathing, and dishwashing areas that have excessive moisture. o Use the dehumidifier to prevent moisture damage anywhere books or valuables are stored. When the bucket is full, or when the bucket is not in the proper position,the Bucket Fulllighttums on and the unit automatically shutsoff. Also, when bucket is out of position,the unit will bsep 3 times. The bucket must be replaced in the proper position for tho dehumldffier to work. The light will be on and the dehumidifier will not run if the bucket Is not in the proper po61tion. -7 t. Pullout thebucketcover. • Placethumbatposition_ and pulloutward.Race otherhandat position _) andpullup, 1. Empty the bucket manually. When the bucketisfull, pull out and emptyit intoa large sinkor tub and thenreplaceit properly. • Do not overlJghtenthe hosewhen connectingit to the bucket.Use a rubberwasher andtightenby hand firmlywithoutstrippingthe plachcthreads. • Be carefulwhile takingoutthe bucketas it can cause damage. • Please do notshake strongly when you camj the bucket.It can cause to breakage ofthe handle or bucketcover. It is advisableto can'y the bucket by suppodingit from the bottom. Ck_n Inside of bucketwith brush ordampenedcloth. • We recommendusinga mild detergentsolution. 3. Replacethe bucketcover. • Makesuretabs(_and _)are placedas shown. 2..Attach a length of garden hose to the threaded bucket drain nose conne_ion to carry water to the drain. The buckethas a threaded hose connectionwhich can be leftopen. Drilla 1/4"(6.4 ram)holeinthe centerofthe hoseconnection, Once opened,the hoseconnection willcontinually drainwater from the bucket. • The nozzlecannotbe fixed after puncture.Use an ordinal7garden hosecap to reclese...

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