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Zoom in or out. Double-tap the screen with three fingers. Vary the magnification. With three fingers, tap and drag up or down. The tap-and-drag gesture is similar to a double-tap, except you don’t lift your fingers on the second tap—instead, drag your fingers on the screen. Once you start dragging, you can drag with a single finger. iPad returns to the adjusted magnification when you zoom out and in again using the three-finger double-tap. Pan around the screen. While zoomed in, drag the screen with three fingers. Once you start dragging, you can continue with just one finger. Or, hold a single finger near the edge of the screen to pan to that side. Move your finger closer to the edge to pan more quickly. When you open a new screen, Zoom goes to the top-middle of the screen. While using Zoom with an Apple Wireless Keyboard, the screen image follows the insertion point, keeping it in the center of the display. See Use an Apple Wireless Keyboard on page 25. Invert Colors Sometimes, inverting the colors on the iPad screen may make it easier to read. When Invert Colors is turned on, the screen looks like a photographic negative. Invert the screen’s colors. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Invert Colors. Speak Selection Even with VoiceOver turned off, you can have iPad read aloud any text you select. Turn on Speak Selection. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Speak Selection. There you can also: ••Adjust the speaking rate ••Choose to have individual words highlighted as they’re read Have text read to you. Select the text, then tap Speak. Speak Auto-Text Speak Auto-text speaks the text corrections and suggestions iPad makes when you type. Turn Speak Auto-text on or off. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Speak Auto-text. Speak Auto-text also works with VoiceOver and Zoom. Large, bold, and high-contrast text Display larger text in apps such as Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Messages, and Notes. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Larger Text, where you can turn on Larger Dynamic Type and adjust the font size. Display bolder text for items on iPad. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on Bold Text. Increase the contrast of text where possible. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on Increase Contrast. Reduced screen motion You can stop the motion of some screen elements, such as the parallax effect of icons and alerts. Reduce motion. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on Reduce Motion. On/off switch labels To make it easier to see whether a setting is on or off, you can have iPad show an additional label on on/off switches. Add switch-setting labels. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on On/Off Labels. Hearing aids If you have a Made for iPhone hearing aid (works with iPad 4th generation or later and all iPad minis), you can use iPad to adjust its settings to suit your listening needs. Adjust hearing aid settings and view status. Go to Settings > General > ...