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Istruzioni per l'uso Panasonic, Modello SLS220

Produttore : Panasonic
File Size : 4.24 mb
File Nome : SLS220.PDF

Lingua di insegnamento: enet

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Facilità d'uso

•During program play, random play or 1 track repeat play, search operation is limited to the current track only. For your reference: “nod/Si” indication This indication appears for about 30 seconds if the ► 11 button is pressed when no disc is loaded in the unit or if the disc is not completely seated. “SPEf!" indication This indication appears for about 10 minutes when the cover is opened. (However, the indication does not appear when the unit is powered off.) nffg Never insert foreign objects into the unit body. Removing discs After the disc has stopped rotating, press the PUSH button to release the disc. (To protect the disc, never open the cover while it is playing.) Auto power off function If the unil is left in stop or paused status for approximately 10 minutes, the unit powers itself off automatically in order to prevent the battery from running down. ISL-S221C/SL-S321C/SL-S332CI Backlight The backlight comes on to illuminate the display panel when the unit is used with a AC adaptor or car adaptor. 3 Other Play Methods The letters such as © in the various illustrations refer to the descriptions in the “Location of Controls” (see page 2) section. for your reference: • If the RESUME, NORMAL, RaNDOM (play mode selector) slider is put in (he RESUME position, the all-repeat function will be activated automatically a soon as the unit is powered Skip play Repeat function The disc plays from the specific hack through to the end, then play stops automatically. Preparation: Put unit in stop mode. ^ 'NORMAL'' RESUME I I I RANDOM 0 2 Select the desired track. •SW-StAK* Pj«s REPEAT while disc is playing or when unit is in stop status. REPEAT Random play 1 < 2 I I Release] NORMAL resume I I I RANDOM rnrmm NOftUM. RESUMEI I 4 FUftOOM ПРИ Din For your reference: • It is also possible to press the button while the unit is in stop status to change the first track to be played. (All track« arc played eventually, regardless of which is played first.) •Program play is not possible in the random mode. Resume play This /unction allows you to lister* from the beginning of the track where play stopped because the unit was powered off for switched to stop status). It is useful when listening to CDs in the car, etc. 0 [ Release I ф NORMAL RESUME I I I RANDOM ГдЩдГ) NORMAL RESUME I I I RVOOM ШГШР •If power is cut off near the end of a track- (power off status), playback may resume from the beginning of the next track in some cases. •If the unit is powered off while a disc was playing and then a new disc is inserted, play will begin from the middle of the new disc because the unit remembers the position where play stopped on the old disc. Program play Up to 24 tracks can be entered in the programmed sequence. Preparation: Put unit in stop mode. 1 2 MMMl RESUME I 11 RANDOM (ЖШЕ Select the desired track. •SW-SEMCH Register in sequence. (The indication "M" and the programmed sequence appear on the display panel.) MEMORY/ RECALl, 4 5 © Repeat steps 2 and 3 to program all the desired tracks. ■ To program the same track in the sequence more than once After step 3, press MEMORY/RECALL the desired number of time*. ■ If “f" is displayed No more tracks may be added to the sequence. ■ To confirm the contents ot the programmed sequence Press MEMORY/RECALL while the disc is playing. (The number of the programmed tracks appear on the display panel in sequence.) ■ To delete the entire programmed sequence Press ■. POWER OFF. О For your reference: If REPEAT U pressed during program play, only the tracks if the programmed sequence are repeated. (The indication "ALL“ is not displayed.) The setting is switched in the sequence indicated below each time REPEAT is pressed. 1-track repeat (1 O)'- One track is repeated. I All-track repeat (ALL Cj) All the tracks on the discare repeated, i Cancel-—--— Changing Hie sound quality feL-SÎ20SL-S225/S L-§221С SL-S320/SL-S321С___ XBS ON: Select this setting to boost the low-range response. X0S ONI IOFF О ini ГодП OFF: «- Select this setting to turn off the XBS function. XSS л ОМ »OFF ■ © щотпа XBS UVEI I «Off HamaT! UVE: Select this setting to reproduce the sound as if it would be heard in a concert hall. XBS: Select this setting to boost the low range response. O О X0S UVE» I 10FF tapTan OFF: Select this fitting to turn oti the XBS and LJ VE functions. О уве LIVE! I tQFf Hdd I 0P~l EB3 This function is available except when using the OUT lack. Anti'Shock/Extra Anti-Shock Function |SL-S220/SL-S225/SL-S221C I This function minimizes sound interruption when vibrations are encountered by utilizing audio data that has been stored ahead of time (up to approximately 3 seconds' worth). SL-S320/SL-S321C/SL-S332C This function minimizes sound interruption when vibrations are encountered by utilizing audio dala that has been stored ahead of time (up to approximately It) seconds' worth). 1 15l-S220ISl-...

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