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Scaricare : 1   File Size : 39 kb   Produttore : Texas Instruments  
Categoria : Stazione Meteo

Most packages will include multiple 1-Wire Weather Sensors, an intermediate cable; a mast mounted junction box and Weather View 32 Software. This documentation will assume that you have purchased the complete package. The 1-Wire Weather Station™ has several unique qualities because it utilizes the Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire Microlan™. The 1-wire system does not require external power supplies, all power is supplied by the PC RS-232 Port. All 1-Wire Weather Sensors are intelligent digital device

Scaricare : 0   File Size : 190 kb   Produttore : Texas Instruments  
Categoria : Stazione Meteo

The WRL keeps track of two different minimum and maximum values and up to 8000 lines of data (depending on memory size) in its non-volatile memory clock. The WRL-10 has 2K of memory and will retain approximately 30 lines of data. The WRL-32 has 32K of memory and will retain approxomately 2000 lines of data. The WRL-128 has 128K of memory and retains about 8000 lines of data. All functions of the WRL can be controlled through its RS232 interface. Included with the standard WRL system is a wind di

Scaricare : 3   File Size : 130 kb   Produttore : Texas Instruments  
Categoria : Stazione Meteo

Sample TA 10:33 038F TA 09:32 056 F TO 04:15 075F TI 15:03 080 F TO 10:33 038F TO 16:10 056 F RH 15:44 033% RH 01:40 060 % BP 16:11 29.57” BP 10:20 30.15" RD 04/29 00:00“ RT 01:00" RM 03.32“ WS 00:00 000 MPH 048 The system has two completely separate memory buffers (C and M commands). R- Unit responds with current conditions. The rainfall rate is present rather than the term rain. (Note: in 30.04R the “R” denotes rising pressure) Sample 5:15 07/24/90 SSE 04MPH 052F 069F 078F 099% 30.04R 00.19"D
